Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hey, Im lookin for more experienced spiritual friends, to share our knowledges, so if you’re interested I would be really glad🥰 Oh, I almost forgot it, Im hungarian!

The person you are replying to was banned from this forum.


Hello everyone, my name is sabrina I’m 26 and I’m very glad to be here.

I’ve been practicing for almost 3 years and haven’t quite found the best path for myself until now. I absolutely love the draconian current and study nearly daily. I’ve finally been able to afford the ocraculum leviathan tarot cards and I’m extremely excited to start using them. I’ve been reading about the draconian current for about 8 months now and hope to collect every book I can.

I am a very intuitive clairesentient but I’m always working to improve all my senses as I’ve been working on kundalini awakening (the symptoms are really kicking in lately) and I hope to start my initiation ritual when I can make sure I can keep the same time free consecutively and successfully.

I look forward to talking with everyone and learning more and sharing experiences.

:black_heart: -sabrina


Hi everyone, I’m QuintiliusVarus (not my magick name or anything…it’s just a common username that I’ve been utilizing for years). I’m currently a law student on the East Coast (ah, what the hell…it’s beautiful New Jersey), and I’ve been researching the academic/historical/philosophical side of magick for decades…starting way back when I first picked up the Crowley/Mathers Goetia when I was a freshman in high school. That led me to Crowley’s Liber ABA, more medieval/Renaissance grimoires, and the “high magick” side of the LHP. My focus has almost always been on the ceremonial side of things, more so than witchcraft or natural magic.

That said, my library is excessive, but my practical experience is sorely lacking. I’ve never joined a lodge or anything like that, and of course, being as busy as I am with school, it’s not really practical right now anyway.

I’ll be honest, I only found out about E.A. after his unjust removal from YouTube/social media, and one of the first things I did was pick up Works of Darkness and Evoking Eternity. I was impressed, and now I’m disappointed I never heard of him sooner.

Anyway, I’m happy to be here. And I’d upload a selfie if I actually had a good one (I never take selfies).

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Hello, I’m Apollyon666, also known as “Apollyon, King of the Locusts” in the Youtube community, in case we have met in the comment section.

Not much of interest to say here. I have the, oh so, common Christian background, like so many others seem to have. Nowadays, being a renegade atheist with much more theoretical knowledge that actual faith in anything. I have a fascination with spirituality and the occult still, though.

Also, I’m an old metal head. Already on my 40’s and still head banging to the old 80’s and 90’s metal bands. Being from Finland, this is to be expected, of course.

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Heyya… You can call me “Dude” or whatever else you like. I’m just a guy who has been a practicing occultist for over 40 years. It’s possible you’ve heard me play drums, or even seen me play if you’re into hard rock/metal music. Please don’t ask as I probably won’t answer. Here I’m just a student as are all of you.

I started my occult journey basically from when I was brought home from the hospital as a baby… My parents were into the things they were into as well as my nanny who was a black hoodoo root worker way back in the early 70’s in Chicago where I was born.

I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve had access to incredible teachers my entire life. I had incredible “Internal” martial arts teachers (one who was into magick as well) from a very young age, as well as various other magick teachers until my teens when I moved to Hollywood, CA in the mid 80’s. That scene was incredible and if you weren’t there then I can’t even begin to describe it… It’s sort of like walking out onto a stage in front of 10,000 people to play… You can imagine… But you can never know… Unless you know. Know what I mean? LOL.

There in Cali in the 80’s I studied witchcraft with Babetta at “The Sorcerers Shop” in West Hollywood, as well as hanging out with alllll kinds of occultists in the LA area back then including Thelemites, Satanists, New Ager’s, Crazy mother fuckers who were insane, and all other kinds of fringe characters… Truly it was a mind boggling time. I also learned Chaos magick back then from Lola Babylon, the woman who brought the system to America!!!

Since then I’ve had many other teachers… Some well known and somewhat famous… Others you’ve never heard of and never will… Where I’ve studied GD and Luciferianism systems. I’m still, and always will be learning. I’m also pretty private and only made this intro because it’s required and I don’t want to be scolded should I choose to participate sometime. Until then I will go back to lurking and hope that this small introduction was satisfactory to the powers that be. Cheers.


Such a tease.

Welcome :slight_smile:


Thanks man… Appreciate it. :slight_smile:


Welcome @Apollyon666

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You haven’t actually told us anything at all.

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

If you don’t, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

I was in a bit of hurry while writing my intro message…

I have read actually quite extensively on various occult and religious topics in addition to watching various authors’ channels in Youtube.

Naturaliy, I was first more into lighter, Right-Hand Path stuff, the sorts of Teal Swan or Infinite Waters, before going into darker, Left-Hand Path stuff, like E.A. Koetting or Behemoth-X. These are, of course, just examples of the more modern or more trendy influences.

As a matter of fact, I was very much into the occult already in my teenage, studying the life of characters like Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley and H.P. Blavatsky. Finding books was much more difficult back then, so it became more of a fad for me.

I eventually moved on to Christianity in my twenties, but it never gave me any meaningful answers to anything despite reading piles of books, it just left me with absolute disdain to the lies and depravity that I witnessed within the so called “Body of Christ”. I studied briefly Islam too, so I have also some versatility with the Quran.

I have been interested in astral traveling too, having read several books by Robert Monroe. In fact, I’m an avid lucid dreamer by now and even weird, out-of-body experiences are not uncommon for me. I use also binaural beats regularly. Monroe’s books sparked my initial interest in that technology too.

I have read also about the so called kundalini force and chakras, before it was popular in Youtube. I had read most of reverend C.W. Leadbeater’s books in my early twenties. It was back then that I was reading Monroe too, in fact. We didn’t even have Youtube back then, of course. At this time, I also used be a devout Christian, so my perspective was purely of Right-Hand Path back then.

Coming back to this day, I have, of course, read most of E.A’s stuff and various grimoires, like the Necronomicon, for example. I have re-enacted some of the rituals too and I’m no stranger to even drawing my own blood (with a clean lancet), if asked by the directions.

As for my current practice… I mostly meditate daily or have lucid dreams 3-4 times per week. I’m also beginning to get the hang of skrying through a black mirror, a technique developed by Dr. John Dee, of course. I have also experimented with psychedelic substances and I have experienced the so call ego-death as a result of this.

Regarding my current beliefs and opinions, the more I read of various paths and try the various methods described in these, the more it has begun to feel like nothing is real anymore. That the reality is merely perceived in the mind. Maybe all paths will eventually lead to the same end result. Maybe all information comes from the same source and the names are only labels. I have indeed called for various names, but the entities that I’ve personally encountered, have no real names, just pure darkness or light, but they both feel equally welcoming to me. Somehow, everything seems to be connected to everything else. I have seen glimpses of these connections, but then everything is taken away from me again.

I would like to gain more insight to the nature of reality. I guess, this would be my only goal, in pursuing these various occult and spiritual topics. I don’t mind manifesting things, but I have had some success. I’m not so sure what to make of it though or if correlation can be equated to causality even.

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Welcome everyone - new or old.


magick name - I don’t really have a magick name. Never thought about it. But online, I usually go by Theta Languish.
• Kinds of magick you like – Vibroturgy, Astral Travel, Music, Incantations, divination
• Current ambitions – To have some friends, Have my house completely in order, Grow a huge garden, lose some weight, and that no one on Earth is treated like vermin (imprisoned, enslaved, tortured, dehumanized, oppressed) unless they really are vermin (most politicians & bureaucrats)
• Current struggles – laziness, procrastination, lack of focus, depression
Biggest Fear – Watching others suffer

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @ThetaLanguish

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience? This doesn’t really tell us if you do or not.

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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I don’t really follow any traditions. I have not identified any deities… I just go with my instincts. Yes I occasionally try to cast spells (mainly this just involves being in a very quiet space away from technology so that I can concentrate on the desired outcome. I let my instincts guide me on what tools to use. I have used candles, acrylic paint, colored pencils, and musical incantations. I don’t really think of myself as a practitioner as much as I am a sentient being on a spiritual journey. I have been inspired by EA because I think his journey is a genuine one and I hate to see people be persecuted for daring to be brave and bold.
I once had the experience of transcending time and space (mainly because the two do not really exist) but I have never been able to accomplish it again. Just the once.

EDIT: I have also used twine and yarn


And how long have you practiced?

about 6 years.

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.


My name is Alicia Basir, To talk a little bit about myself I worked for ten years in the spiritual center “Casa do Pai Pedro” (from 2010 to 2020), in Sao Paulo, Brasil, At first, I used my background with the Hermetic arts, and later, I learned about the Yoruba practices in the center.

(The Yoruba religion is the basis for a number of religions in the New World, notably Santería, Umbanda, Trinidad Orisha, Haitian Vodou, and Candomblé.)


Please tell us about your experience in magick. Saying you worked in a spiritual centre doesn’t really tell us anything.

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any systems or traditions outside of Hermetics and Yoruba?

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