Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hello! My name is Devin Xad, I’ve been intrigued by the powers of the quimbanda spirits given that my family come from Bahia in Brazil I have felt a strong connection to it but it’s been surprisingly difficult to find real quimbandeiros in the area that I’m in. I’m hoping to meet some or get directed to where I can find some on here



I’m Iván though I’d rather be called by the name “blackblood”,
a name that came to my mind when I was little.

I found the ebook “Become A Living God” when I was looking for love spells and such.
After reading the book I was really amazed by what I had just read so I decided to learn more about E.A Koetting and found this forum aswell.

I found an overwhelming amount of material and as I’m a complete beginner, I don’t know how to start.
I’d sincerely appreciate any tips or opinions about what’s the best thing to start with.
What I like the most so far is Soul Travel, but again, I’m not sure what to do yet.

Some of my questions are:

  • “How do you get rid of fear of hell and that fear of punishment that has been drilled into the heads of most of us while we were little?”
  • “Most people say that you need to get rid of doubt to get things to work properly, however I do not know how to get rid of my doubts regarding magick, altho I do believe, but I still have doubts about whether my spells will work or not, do you have any tips for this?”

Hey, welcome.

I am Hungarian, I was wondering if you are too?

You can work with any deity or pantheon you feel comfortable with, it doesn’t have to be infernal.

I always felt drawn to the Mesopotamian pantheon and have stuck to it mostly, although there is a lot of cross-culturation.

My main go-to deity is the Queen of Heaven, but her older sister, Ereshkigal is actually Queen of the Underworld, which is pretty close to the Christian concept of Hell, though not quite as dire.

My personal preference is not to work with infernal beings, though I made an exception with Pazuzu and Azazel a couple of times. There is nothing wrong with any of these deities as such, they will help you if you approach them in the right way.

I’m not a fan of Yahweh it has to be said, the way he hogs all the attention for himself and jealously excludes all the other children of El is just not cool. Once you understand that there are many different gods, deities, demons, spirits, jinns, etc … and all can be worked with, your fear of the one narcissist in the group, who isn’t even all that powerful will evaporate.

Personally, I think the Queen of Heaven, the Sun God (Utu) or the creator of mankind, Enki are way more powerful.


Hey! Thank you for your answer
I’m from Spain, Madrid

I will read more about deities and pantheons, though I was concerned because I have read that some spirits do not want to help you manipulate another person for her to love you. But I guess there will be many other spirits that will be willing to help you.

Also, what do you recommend me to start with on Magick? Soul Travel? Candle spells?
And what about the doubt? Do you think it matters to have some doubts about what you do will work or not?


Ah sorry, this is also how you spell your name in Hungarian, so, I thought, maybe.

Don’t worry about your doubts, it’s normal, just keep an open mind and don’t pre judge.

It is cool to rebel against the Christian god nowadays, especially on Balg, but I would just ignore him. If he exists at all, which I highly doubt, he is an irrelevance and a waste of your time and energy. There are real gods out there with real power to help you, in every sense of the word.

This may sound Ironic, since I channel the Elohim too, but the Elohim and Yahweh are not the same thing, it is important to understand the distinction.

It doesn’t matter what method you use to contact the gods, it is the intention and energy that counts. They will meet you halfway, if you put in the effort.


My name is Max.

I like all kinds of magick, but mostly for studying. And of peoples experience of them.

My current ambitions are being enlightened…Altough I see it as not very realistic rn.

Current struggles are a lot.
From mental to physical health.
To the people around me, all over…

Thanks for reading


Thank you for doing an introduction as request @Max_Gun

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You haven’t really told us if you do or not.

If you do, what do you practice and how long have you practiced it?

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My apologies,

I have some experience with it.

In the sense, I’ve practiced yet failed at summoning and attempting sigils aswell.

As well as, quite a bit of studying for myself on the topic.


So, if I’m understanding you correctly, you are a beginner, and haven’t been practicing very long?

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Yes, I am


Thank you for elucidating more, and welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

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I call myself the Dark Angel , not comfortable yet posting pictures but just know I’m GORGEOUS lol … but I’m a female … since I started practicing magic I’ve been searching for a group/family that is into what I’m into and not so judgmental… as I read all of your spells and questions I realized that y’all are just as fxcked up as me :joy:lol I’m definitely never leaving this group… I have so many questions and so many things to learn from a lot of you. You will definitely see me around, and hopefully one day soon when I’m not so paranoid I’ll post myself so that you can see the person behind the name. Bye bye.for now xoxoxo


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Dark_Angel, but you haven’t actually told us anything at all about yourself or your experience in magick, which is an important part of a proper introduction.

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced it?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

What areas of magick are you interested in?


I saw Ariana and Mephisto reintroduced themselves so I want too.

My Name is Eryk and I am 34, come form and currently live in Poland.
I am a massage therapist, reiki healer (master, teacher), holistic health and spiritual coach.
At present moment I practice regulary a luxumbrian, double-faith magic for half year and feri witchcraft for 24 years. But my cup of tea includes many flavours (Hawaian spirituality, ceremonial magic (angelic, goldendawnish and thelemic), folkmagic (european and afroamerican), general modern witchcraft, theurgy, philosophy and religious science, queermagic, and to some point I am familiar with new agey stuff.

I am here to know more about LHP (especially demonolatry, draconian sorcery and primal witchcraft), to learn from experience of other people. In last month I noticed progress in winning with recurrent depressive disorder, and learn a lot on my own about relations between practicing occult and dealing with depression and I am willing to share. I also wuld like to improve my english writing, as I found my style as dull. I am impressed by the BALG community (organisation and esprit) in comparison to some other web communities I was belonging in the past. I am glad to be here.

Oh and I am quite a lame toward new technologies (and using this forum) so please, be patient with me ;D


I’m Very inexperienced , I’m interested in dark/black magic …voodoo too…in the past when I was about 20 I did a voodoo ritual not knowing what I was doing but I did it with my mens blood … it obviously worked because 8 years later I’m still with the person & we are married … I can’t get rid of him either because I’ve tried this year to break up… lol when i realized I couldn’t get rid of him it made me instantly think of the ritual I did…I was like wowwww that ritual actually worked & that drew me back in instantly… because when I did it 8 years ago … I literally did it & forgot about it until now…I’ve done a few small spells over the years to get jobs and things… nothing major … but now I’m here trying to learn everything their is to know about many other powerful spells out there!


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:


Hi my name is Jonathan and I have been researching magic from a young age and had an attraction to meditation and spells although I was raised christian, a couple of years ago my life was falling apart and I stumbled upon become a living god, it was my first time working with demons and I learned about the many different magical paths, I fell in love with working with the spirits of the goetia, santaria and the necronomicon, I am currently nurturing my ability to work with spirit and looking for a way to get rid of a mob that’s been stalking me for a while now and trying to distract me from practicing magic.


Welcome @Darkvictory

What, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions of magick?


Hi and thank you. I perform rites of invocation with different kinds of spirits from the goetia and I’ve been practicing for plus minus one year considering that I stopped and practiced the rhp until I came back and practice both paths. I hope that answers your questions.


Hey there, I’m Can.

I’m a senior year student in Turkey. I have always know/feel the universal energy that surrounds us, however I’ve started to interest in witchcraft in last year. I have noticed that we can re-arrenge our energy and make them focusing on our desires. I have never experience something we can call paranormal or I didn’t try any magickal attempt, yet, this BALG is a family and I can learn many acknowledges from you. The current situation of mine, I think I’m despirately love someone who do not interested in me- brought me here.

My current interest are achieving the success, and love spells -I’m in love- for achieving my future goals and wishlist. I’m also interested in manipulation of one’s decision making if is that even possible. My current struggle is that I’m trying to graduate from my yniversity and move to the Rome for master’s degree programme.