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No I don’t have any practical experience as already told I’m absolutely new to this

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Thank you for elucidating more, and again, welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello all, I’m Kharah. a young man who dabbled on and off with mainly goetic and egyptian spirits for a good portion of my youth, after a while i felt like i hit a wall spiritually and this and was eventually attacked by one of my family members who practiced vodou. Those close to me said they felt those spirits calling me, and i practiced in said path for 2-3 years at home, making offerings at the crossroads and cemetery. as i was advised this was the path i would be strongest on.
my ambitions are getting back into being a practitioner, after feeling i had lost touch with my spirits, or they weren’t as present as they were after a few trips to institutions as well as the veve i put a large amount of my energy in being discarded in the process. and learning more about vodou as my family involved with it is rather secretive with the practice.
My struggles are learning to control my own evil, and all encompassing anger, so it does not overwhelm or consume me (as this has happened previously). and learning how to cope with personal trauma and my own past.
My apologies if this was written like an essay, as i have a habit of doing that, Cheers.

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I met a teacher that got me into magick. He was a false one, as I figured later, so I started to follow my own way soon.
I haven’t got any formal initiations, but I work with gods and spirits of different traditions sometimes.

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Hi I am Thilly! I’m 32 from the Netherlands and very new to this. I don’t have a special name or a direction of magic. So I can’t really answer that question. Since my grandfather died I have been seeing shadow figures. What I first thought was my imagination and I me going crazy. Later on I learned to open myself up. With a little guidance I am no longer scared. Currently I am struggling with what to do. There is a bad presences interfering with the summoning of an incubus. So I hope I can find some answers here.


Welcome to the forums. It sounds like the magickal direction you’re going in is trying to summon an incubis. If you use the :mag: search function you’ll find a ton of posts relating to such… you’ll find more if you search succubus though.

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Thank you! I did actually find what I was looking for. Hopefully others can help me figure out the solution to my problem. :blush:

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Hello to all! I am BullRage, 31 years old.

There are many types of Magick that I am interested in; Luciferian, Goetia, the Drauga, and Rosicrucianism, the Occult in general. I have been working with King Paimon for about a year, now. It has been going well but now I feel it is time for a Blood Pact with King Paimon. I am an artistic person; screenwriting, artwork, music, so working with King Paimon is best for me.

My current ambitions are to gain recognition/clout in the Film Festival circuit as well as having my clothing brand gain more attention, so that I can make money and support the family that I want to start.

I guess these are the ambitions and struggles.

If anyone has a strong Pact that I could perform with King Paimon, that would be very helpful.



Im Dan.
New to majic, interested in learning more.

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Welcome @Orangu Please tell us about yourself. This post doesn’t meet our intro requirement.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick, or are you completely starting from scratch?

What areas of magick are you interested in learning more about?

My name is 2021
The kind of magick I use is evocations of demons of the Goetia, I’m also interested in voodoo/hoodoo.
My current goal is to use magick to win my ex back, however I know that it’s not reasonable to expect demons to do all the work for you, so I’m taking strides in getting my life together (going to the gym, getting my new job, finishing my degree, improving my self appearance, improving my traits). Lucifer is guiding me down the path to win her back

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @2021

Where are you from?

How long have you been praciticng?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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Thanks @2021 and please do reply to the above, helps us get to know you better! :smiley:

I’ve been reading this forum for about a month now, I’ve not had any experience with magic before that though, and I didn’t really believe in it before either. But after watching a few documentaries (especially about Rasputin) and doing some research (like the double slit experiment- which proves that reality changes depending on the viewer), I’ve decided that there is definitely more to life. I used to be religious, my family is Christian and my grandfathers dad was Jewish. So I’ve always been brought up to believe that there is a God, or some sort of creator. I’m not sure if I believe that or not, and I’m not really sure if I’m RHP or LHP, but I know for sure that humans have the ability to alter reality. I’ve basically done it all my life without even knowing. For example, throughout my whole degree I haven’t worked hard once, I’ve written assignments the night before, I’ve handed in work late, I genuinely just don’t even try at all, but I always just knew that I would get my degree and now I basically have it. I think I’m what they refer to as a ‘natural’.

I’ve been heartbroken a couple of times now, and tbh I think it’s about time I get someone that I truly want. I’m a good looking guy and I’m quite popular where I live, and I have a lot of girls that chase me (not trying to sound like a dickhead🤣), but it was my fault that this relationship in particular ended. We broke up and I just wanted to fuck other girls, I did still love her but I wanted to explore more, and she begged for me back for a couple of months and then after a month of no contact I decided that I wanted her back but she told me she had moved on. I tried every trick in the book, I wrote her a letter, sent her flowers, brought flowers to her in person and even bought her expensive shoes but none of it worked. So now I’m turning to magick, I’ve already initiated contact with Lucifer, who I believe really likes me. I wrote a petition to him, and I told him that if he helps me then I’ll invite him to share my experiences with me in my body. And I told him that we can do a lot of shit together, on top of that I offered him my blood and yearly blood offerings. In return he let me know that he was going to help me, but not by giving me what I want, but by showing me the path to what I want. And it’s my choice if I follow that path or not. I asked him if it would make it easier if I evoked some other demons from the Goetia and he told me that it was. So I summoned King Paimon, King Beleth, Belial, Dantalion, Sallos, Sitri and Gremory. I also summoned Satanachia but he’s not from the Goetia. I offered them all yearly blood offerings aswell as blood on their sigils and then burned my petitions. Lucifer has told me that he’s gonna make sure that all of the demons carry out their part of the deal. But he also told me that if I don’t do my part then nothing will materialise.

Tonight I’m also going to carry out a graveyard dirt spell for love that I found on this forum, involving graveyard dirt of a married couple and vandal root wrapped in green paper, I also have one of her pieces of clothing, I’ve chopped some of the fabric off and will also use that in the spell. Tonight is a full pink moon, so I’m going to collect it tonight at midnight. As this is a voodoo spell, I’m going to speak to Papa Legba to ask him permission to speak to Baron Samedi, I’ve already got spiced rum and cigarettes for both of them. When I speak to Baron Samedi I’m going to ask him permission to use the graveyard dirt of the dead to use in my spell. And then when I choose the grave I’m also going to ask permission from the spirit and give them an offering (some copper coins). So the last 2 nights have been busy for me😂 since the first time I evoked Lucifer though I’ve been attracting way more girls that usual, I made a tinder account and I’ve got over 75 matches in the past 4 days, and all of them are at least 8/10 lol. I know I’m a good looking guy but that’s crazy for me. So I think Lucifer is definitely making me more attractive and appealing to all women in general which is a good thing. My ex also works for my mum (as I got her a job with her) and last week after I evoked lucifer I was also offered a job at the same place, and Lucifer strongly advised me to take the job so I have. Maybe this is my way of getting back in there🤷🏼‍♂️ I know results aren’t going to appear tomorrow, but I definitely believe that I’m on her mind right, and I 100% know that Lucifer is working with me. I’ve felt his presence many times, it’s crazy because I never used to believe in this stuff, but Lucifer is 100% real and he’s an absolute powerhouse. Aslong as he likes you and the relationship can be mutually beneficial.

I am from Alabama USA.
Basically starting from scratch. I have “messed around” with sigils and the tarot. Tried to conjure a demon a few weeks ago after reading some posts.
I think it worked. Just interested in Magick in general, dont guess I know enough to have a particular or specific interest.

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I guess now that i think about it, my interests are more along the lines of chaos or “diy” magick, but i woyld like to know more about high/ceremonial magick as well.

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Greetings everyone, and sorry for my following bad English, I’m Gentomatrix I deal with esotericism but on a digital and number level this is my approach with magic I love spells very much and I hope to gain a lot of experience here and meet new friends, I love Finding cures for animals but also for humans are a generator of alphanumeric sequences to generate the energy you need thanks to all

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Welcome @GentoMatrix

Where are you from?

So what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced it? This doesn’t really tell us anything about your experience in magick.

Do you have any experience in specific systems or tradtions?

I am not practical to call the spirits it is difficult for me, however it is easy for me to translate a desire into codes and launch them for example if someone annoys you you can write on a photo the name and surname + 828-80 upload the photo with your energy put All in a glass jar with something hard and sharp inside, and shake the jar with a lot of energy this code will immediately lower the person’s energy

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