Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hi everyone! As I probably know very little in comparison to a great many of you, I will go with the name Humiliity. I’m here to learn.

I’m in my late 50s and I live in the UK. I’ve been using Sigil Magick for at least the last ten or fifteen years now with, on balance, some good results. Some of the bigger things I have asked for have not materialised, so perhaps I have reached the limit of Sigil Magick.

I’ve recently invested in the Divination video course: slowly working my way through it, though I don’t have an inclination to try an Ouija Board or Possession just yet. When I’ve mastered this course, it’s on to Soul Travel next then Evocation last.

Outwardly, I look nothing like an Adept of Magick. I have a decent full-time job, a good home and a family. I dress like a regular guy. Aside from my musical tastes (I play the electric guitar) I move freely through life and the world and manage to keep my Magick completely secret. Ain’t no-one’s business but mine.

I was raised by a Christian single parent, though I never really got into that stuff myself. Every time I tried to look deeper, I found more questions than answers. Example: as a teenager, I wanted to seek my fortune (don’t most teenagers?) and was told this was sinful by millionaire businessmen and wealthy farmers at the church (apparently it’s a sin to seek wealth, but not to be wealthy! Yeah, I know…). Now as a mature adult I’m respectful of other people’s beliefs as long as they don’t try and force them on me.

As I stand on the threshold of greater Magickal discoveries beyond Sigil Magick, my ambitions lean towards good health, a huge stack of cash so I can retire early and attack that bucket list, and wonderful things for my kids and grandkids. I’m sure that as I grow into Magick, that list will evolve.

Looking forward to conversing with anyone with the time to do so - always happy to learn!


Hi everyone,

I am here to introduce myself. Despite the fact that I am a new member of the forum, I am actually a silent reader for a couple of years by now. I am into the occult for roughly 13 Years now but kept my studies mostly to the theoretical research. Concerning the practical part I always kind of stuck to the nordic credo to only use magic when there is no opportunity left to change things by yourself without using it. I guess its time to start becoming more engaged in the practical part and therefore
here I am. Lets rock this! Cheers to a long and good time together!


Thanks for the warm welcome @sanaRo :smiley:
I am a german living in Sweden. What about you? :blush:

@Forum_Germanicum sanaRo is trying to be friendly and prompt you to answer the same intro questions everybody else does. If you look at their profile and scroll all the way to their intro you’ll see they already answered this also in their intro.

So for example, I’m reading this as you have occasional experience with Norse Seidr?
Are you interested in branching out into other traditions then?

Sorry everyone,

first time ever for me to be on a forum :sweat_smile:.
I researched the occult theoretically for 13 year now but not continuously.
In between I did practice sigil and servitor magic and tried myself in astral travel and lucid dreaming. I dont follow a tradition or a specific system. I would consider myself a chaos magician. I partially worked with the nordic pantheon but more with the Goetic spirits. My ambitions are to become more practical now and getting into astrology especially in relation to economical cycles, as well as spiritual warfare, reconnaissance and "Cheating the Ferryman" (as Anthony Peake called his book). On top I would be really interested in getting into using plants in magic and improving my invocation skills. And to answer @Mulberry s questions: I got a bit into icelandic magic (which could be considered based on Seidr) but only on the surface and yes I am always interested in learning to know new traditions and practices but without current preferences. (There cant be enough knowledge) :grin: . Current struggles: lack of energy (fighting parasites over here big time).

I hope this was a proper introduction this time :joy:
Greetings everyone.


Thank you for expanding on your background!
If you’re interested, we have some favorite threads on getting rid of parasites here: Forum Tutorials: Parasite Collection

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Hi there! You all can call me Reet, it’s a pleasure to meet everyone and join this community. I use she/her pronouns, live in Canada, and am 20 years old. I’m new to forums as a whole (unless vaguely perusing Reddit counts? lmao) so forgive me as i try to figure this whole thing out.

I’m relatively new to practicing magic, having actively been practicing for about a year now. I’ve been taking it slow, starting with meditations and ritual baths, though my favourite forms of practice have been simmer pots. They seem to be quite effective, in my experience. I don’t stick to one particular system or tradition, deity work has fascinated me for a while and I do work with Lady Hestia, though i have not felt the draw to work with another deity quite yet. I’m looking to ramp up my experiences with magic and start casting spells beyond what i’ve been doing with my simmer pots. I’ve felt a draw to magic for a long time (one of my early memories regarding the internet was in fact seeing an ad for a witches spellbook that explained the meaning of the colour of taper candles and begging my mom to buy it for me) and would like to truly deepen my connection with it. I’m joining the community to meet some more experienced people who might be able to help me along my journey, and to answer some questions i’ve had. i’m going to spend some time looking over posts and familiarizing myself with the community and expectations within before i make a post of my own, but i’m looking forward to meeting and interacting with people!!

Thank you for having me, much love to you all!!


Hello, My name is Christian Michel I am 24 years old I’m from D.R.Congo :congo_kinshasa: for 14 years I have been practicing solitary wicca At 18 I started practicing hermetic Kabbalah and high black witchcraft I am proud to be part of the circle :smiling_imp:


Welcome to the forum @reet_reet and @Warlock666 :smiley:
Thanks for the perfect intros!


Thanks :smiling_face::pray::pray::pray:

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Hello, I’m Numinous. I have had natural abilities my whole life. I was raised christian (baptist). I dabbled with tarot cards, candle and petition magick as a young adult. As I grew I discovered mind magick, sometimes called “self hacking”. The forms I first encountered and practiced were self hypnosis and binaural soundwave meditations. Ive continued to practice those techniques for over 20 years now. As I shed my previous skin of “washed in the blood” christian beliefs I began studying taoism and gnosticism. For many years I considered myself a taoist gnostic but only for lack of any better term to sum up my evolving gnosis. In 2016 I became deathlynill with an autoimmune disease that put me in the hospital where the medical professionals were uncertain how I survived in my condition. I spent years after that in daily pain trying to make it through another day of work as a newly graduated nurse. I finally rebelled and went on a hunger strike against my own body in defiance of my misery. The fasting actually reset my system and all but healed me completely. I still have my rough days, but I have learned to control the process through fasting. As I realized that fasting is a very spirtual process it began my reinvigorated interest in esoteric studies. I learned about Shingon esoteric Buddhist practices, Heathen rune work and rediscovered some of my inherent abilities. As I studied more I found different forms of practice that intrigued me. At this point though I had improved a great deal, my illness had really set me back in my life in numerous ways. I still struggled and suffered a great deal. Even though things had improved I had not really accepted it. I was not satisfied with life and the way I was treated despite how hard I was trying to get by, it never seemed good enough for those around me, even strangers seemed to treat me poorly for no aparent reason over and over repeatedly. It became so bad that I expected to be treated poorly by others. I couldn’t explain it and it was making me mean. I walked around with a chip on my shoulder for not only the circumstances of my life but for the way I seemed to be mistreated by almost everyone from lifelong friends to lerfect strangers. I had enough. For one I could not ignore the fact that if it seemed literally EVERYONE had a problem with me that there must be something wrong with me. So, my decision was to keep to myself and dive into my interests of studying energy work and spirtual practices. As a part of my healing I turned towards the opposite of my upbringing which naturally led me to demonology. My rationale was that my suffering and mistreatment could be from a dark spirtual source. Initially I set out to defiantly confront my unseen aggressors, much like how I defiantly went on a hunger strike against my own body, the results were far more surprising than I could have ever expected. I spent years studying and when I decided to go on the offensive I dedicated myself to learning all that I could to prepare myself. I spent another year singularly devoted to my mission to stand up to what I thought were my spiritual bullies. During the course of that diligent year I negan to learn things and gain perspectives on the entities I proposed to encounter. For instance most if not all of the entities in question did not originate as judeochristian figures of evil but were in fact only demonized as the religions took over the world and became mainatream. I had long since abandoned christian dogma, but couldn’t bolster enough faith to ever say that there is not higher spiritual forces at play in reality. So I began to form a much different opinion of my supposed agressors. Perhaps it wasn’t them that were the source of the problems I was facing. Perhaps maybe the whole world was under a spell of a dark force taking the image of the light. The thoughts that maybe there was a demiurge vying for the worship of a fallen world could not be ignored or rejected carelessly. My ventures became that of further gnosis. Focused on understanding what I thought was darkness rather than trying to confront it. So at the end of the year of study my first ritual evocation after months of preparations became one of introduction and peace. Since then, those that wrong me befall tragedy without me ever lifting a finger and I seem to be able to seemlessly avoid the traps and snares of those that would wish to harm me. Those I care for have also recieved blessings and protection. It has gotten to the point that claiming coincidence would be arrogantly naïve. Since then I have become ordained as an interfaith minister, initiated into the munay kai shaman tribe, gotten a number of accredited certifications: sound aroma therapy, professional psychic training, Neurolinguistic programming, and mastery in 3 forms of reiki. I have expanded my library and magical tools to a moderately advanced level. Over the course of the last several years I have done a lot of self work and discovery. Then the path to Qliphothic self initiation unveiled itself to me. So, I have spent the last year and a half studying and preparing myself for initiation. Many of the entities of the tunnels of Set are familiar to me and I have worked with already or at least had an introductory evocation ceromony. That brings us to today when I discovered this forum. So, thank you for allowing me to share this very long story of my path towards the nightside. I look forward to learning and sharing with anyone and everyone that I can.


Welcome @Numinous I gotta say you story feels so strongly similar to mine. From persecution to thinking somethings wrong with you and withdrawing into study’s. The coming to the consensus of the demiurge to and now working with qliphothic forces. I feel like you’ve had a long and cumbersome journey and I hope you’ll find solace in this community :black_heart:

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Hi I’m C! I’m a midwesterner in her late 20s & I’m somewhere between a beginner and intermediate as I’ve been reading/studying ATRs but have never actually done a ritual outside of a 7 day candle / jars. I’m currently about to set up an ancestral altar as well as a working altar.

I’m currently reading about kabbalah and very interested in the god names (and their uses), angels & 44 seals. I’m also reading Angels of Alchemy and Words of Power by Damon Brand.

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Hi I’m Donja from Indonesia, 49 years old beginner who is interested in magic.

I hope I will learn and know about magic in this forum.

Thank you for warmth welcome

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Welcome @Donja

Have you tried anything practical yet? Do you have any particular interest in an style of magick?

Here’s a getting started guide in our all-thing-forum megathread: GETTING STARTED GUIDE, Rules, Notables, Tutorials and References - #4 by Mulberry

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Justin. actually never practiced magic before just trying to find out about it b/c im trapped in a certain situation in which the only way and rly best way to fix it is to find some way to find or summon something like a genie, unlimited wish granting powers, and wish to either just be a different age or somehow make the/my current present a different point in time. Other than that i really dont know what to do.


Good time everyone, Friends :upside_down_face: Happy to be on your forum, been reading it for a few days now. I am new to magic in general, I work with sigils, tarot cards. Thank you for the opportunity to be here! :heart:

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

So where are you from, and how long have you been reading the Tarot?
Anything on your mind in particular for the next leg of your journey?

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For almost 2 years I have been studying and practicing tarot cards and oracles, actively studying available practices to increase my energy, experimenting with sigils. :upside_down_face: I want to learn to see entities of the subtle plane, to interact with them effectively and to expand the possibilities of my practice. I hide my magic practice from my relatives, so I have no support and no opportunity to discuss and consult with anyone. I am very glad that there is this place. :upside_down_face:

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That’s great!

You might be interested in the tutorials we have here for astral development then - try the search or see some good ones here - we perceive entitles with the 6th sense, which we call astral or psychic senses around here, and this is a skill you can develop.

So where were you going to say you were from? Country is good enough, though I feel sure you’re genuine already :slight_smile:

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