Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

I didn’t have many resources (spells and materials) so I had to work with what I could find for a long time and that caused me to switch often. I had done deity work, candle magick, spells and many that I cannot even remember right now. I have also been into loa and subliminals since 2019 but I guess that doesn’t particularly fall into practicing category. I have been the most comfortable with candle magick so if I had to choose it would be the one.

I’m from the United States. I have experience with Jinn/Arabic sorcery, hoodoo/conjure/rootwork. I’ve been studying the paranormal/supernatural/occult since childhood.

My main interest right now is astral projection!

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Hi I hope I’m doing this right I’m completely new to all this my demonic name is specz I have no problem giving my government if ask but I’m 43 and all this came to me at one time while power and abilities come to me naturally meaning no effort I don’t understand anything I’m like a new born child I’m asking for a mintor I’m in Columbus Ohio if anyone close but long distance is fine the power of three is with in me I believe that everything is everything was everything as it will always be if anyone could reach out to me

Hello! My name is bella ive practiced magic revolving love, premonitions and vampristic magic tester of many sorts. Im 24 tf and have practiced for over 10 years. Im struggling from mental issues but recently turned it around this july the 4th with a certain ode to selene

Hi. I lurker here for a few months. I don’t have much experience, just a couple of sigils and some energy work. With goal to start evocations. I studied a lot over the last months so now that’s my goal to learn evocation. I made my account here so I can ask noob questions.

Welcome @demon.exe

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Hello everyone, I have registered due to an emergency situation, although I have been a long-time “silent observer.” As a long-standing (15+ years) “nice and gentle” witch, I managed to navigate without evocations, invocations, or the use of spirits outside of guardian angels. However, life has led me to finally accept myself and start removing implanted beliefs. I feel the strongest connection and similarity with the left-hand path and I am ready to take a deeper step into it. By the way, I’m a cat lady and someone who doesn’t believe in karma, living for freedom!
Blood magick is my practice, and I don’t follow any guidelines except for my own intuition. I don’t adhere to the rules of specific religious norms or anything like that. Lucifer is always with me, and recently I’ve started working with Lilith. I’ve also occasionally worked with Hecate.
Let’s begin my journey…once again :wink:

Thank you.

Some years for energy work in form of yoga, chi gong and prana related breathing practices but I’ve only applied ‘practical use’ to it within the last year or two. For using sigils I only started that this year though I’ve been studying magick for a long time before that, to me it’s fascinating.

Area of interest for me this year is ritual and it’s too my desire to go astral eventually. I’ve already spent much time and practice on energy work for the purpose of developing faculties for ritual and spellcraft, so this year more practice and to immerse myself into practical application of what I’ve learned.

Specifically or? I’m from the UK originally but I’ve been doing the nomad thing in Asia for a long time.

I hope the information here for an introduction is satisfactory.

Thank you for elucidating more.

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My pleasure.

Hello my name is Nick!
Im new to magic i came here in hopes of learning.

Welcome @Garpp Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience at all or are you starting completely from scratch?

If you do have some experience, what have you practiced and how long have you practiced?

If you are starting from scratch, what are your areas of magical interest?


My gran was a witch and she taught me a lot, my mother a medium from a young age I astral travelled which opened my eyes to a whole new world.

I have been involved with many different types of paths and ritual magic however I have always worked alone I wanted to join this forum to speak with like minded people.

Welcome @souixe

Where are you from?

So what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow a specific sytem or tradition?

What are your areas of magical practice?

Hello all!

I have been practicing for six years now. I am from Texas. I am a reiki master, spirit worker/spirit companion, diviner (mostly tarot and oracle readings), and an eclectic witch. I am also a crystal collector and use crystals in all different parts of my practice and daily life.

Working with spirits and non-physical living entities is a big part of my practice. I work with angels, fae, demons, deities, dragons, and yokai. (There’s probably some beings I’m forgetting here.)

I also enjoy creating servitors and working with them for different purposes.

I am looking to advance my abilities when it comes to astral projection and channeling. I feel I already have a pretty good grasp on this, but I feel there’s always room to grow. Healing is also a huge part of my practice and something I am consistently working at.

I wanted a simple name to go by on here and chose “Corgi” because of their happy energy and connection to fairies and magic.

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Unconventional, female, 22 years old.

I’ve been working on witchcraft on and off for a little over a year. I don’t know if I had much success for most of my spells. However, I have successfully contacted spirits.

I work with demons.

I don’t think I have any practical experience.

I’m from the USA.

I’m interested in mainly demon related magick and magick that causes me to be more fortunate in life (even if that means baneful magick because I am vengeful.)

I want to get a driver’s license, get a job, move away from my parents and live on my own. I’m interested in bartending.

I’m also interested in giving myself high self-esteem. Feeling beautiful. Having some control over how others view me. (That sounds bad - to be controlling. To be honest, it would probably be better to just not care what others think. Fck people. The world doesn’t like me I feel. However, the world is mainly made up of people that are uninteresting and unspecial. I know that sounds awful to say. I mean, I like to think everyone is special in their own way. However, most people are boring as hell. I guess not everyone can be a 1970’s rock star from non-US country.)

  • since childhood
  • Solomonic Theurgy
  • short range telepathic capability/NLP/Solomonic magic/Abramelin Squares
  • America
  • prefer not to show my face
  • iron out proof of the soul so I can finish my book, conduct experiments with dycanine dye to capture photographic evidence of astral projectors and the dying, feel free to message me to learn more

Welcome @Robert_The_Loud

Approximately, how long have you practiced? Claiming “since childhood” doesn’t really tell us much since we don’t know how old you are.

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about 10 years, I am 24 years old