Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0


I’ll go by Zozabyte here, from the Caribbean. Always have been into the mystical side of our reality, but it hasn’t been until this past year that I feel equipped to pursue it more deeply. So far, I have practiced meditation, astral projection and a few instances of ritual magick, but never felt like I had the space (mental and physical) to go deeper. Until now

I lean towards general Gnosticism but am interested in Goetia, spirit keeping, astral projection and…well, quite frankly, pretty much everything. One thing at a time, though :wink:

Hello all, I go by krow. I have seen auras and entities my entire life for as long as I can remember, many have called me a medium, many have called me a mirror, a gateway etc. The truth is I do not identify as any such, as my understanding of what I truly am is not full yet. I try to pull from every path of belief, draw them together, and examine their commonalities. I have extensive experience in the art of what most call the craft, I describe it as vibrational frequency manipulation. I have grown up my entire life in Oklahoma, on native lands. I’ve seen many of what most call our stories firsthand. I seek to understand what I can only describe as the truth of all existence. Thank you for having me, and I hope you have a blessed day.

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Welcome @The_Krow

So what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

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I’ve studied and practiced demonology, theology, high magick, chaos magick. Truly there are many derivatives, but no I wouldn’t say that I have a specific set of beliefs or practices. Such as the universe, my understanding constantly changes. My areas of interest definitely stem somewhere between divine comprehension, and the illusion of separation. Hence why I find this forum phenomenal, as the name states, become a living God.

As for time, I am 32 and cannot remember a time before this journey of knowledge.

@DarkestKnight Sorry, I didn’t mean to break the rules. I’m a beginner and haven’t practiced anything except Qigong. I’ve been practicing that a few years to help with my health, etc. My main area of interest is energy work as it relates to health. But there is a lot of cool stuff here that I never considered, so maybe I can expand my interests a bit.

Where are you from?

Do you practice any specific system or tradition of qi gong? And how long exactly is a “few years?”

I’m from Iowa. I stand like a tree or standing like a post is another name I’ve read for it. Like I am holding an imaginary beach ball. I’d say about two years.

I am quite familiar with Zhan Zhuang practice. I myself practice it along with the Precious Eight.

Thank you for elucidating more.

Hello @DarkestKnight , Finnaly ! I’ve been looking for the answer everywhere I almost created a new topic just for this !

Can i ask you what’s the minimum threshold of activity required to send PM please ?

And sorry if this is not the good place to ask.
Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi there, My name’s Erik,i’m a theistic satanist from Romania,i been practicing for 3 years,i follow my own system,and i’m looking forward to learning and sharing my bits of knowledge!

Hello everyone,
I’m San

I have been studying and practicing manifestation and it made great changes in my life. I also meditate. It’s been a year already.

Since I started getting into spiritual things great things happened, but some things were weird too.
So I have been researching about witchcraft, tarot, etc. and learning about it. I’m willing to work with deities (i used to be an atheist but as I told earlier that weird things happened to me that were unexplainable.) While doing manifestation I felt the divine energy and I used to refer it as the universe. But i also felt some other energies that were guiding me and I want to educate myself before making any interaction or contact.

It’s like, I’m exploring a side of me I never knew existed!!

Hello all, my name is Van. I’m from Nevada, I’m 21, and I go by any pronouns. I’m a long time lurker but I’ve now decided to make an account seeing as I’ve been using this website extensively as of recent, hehe.

I’ve been interested in the occult for five years now— I use the term occult as an umbrella term— I’ve been doing my research on demons for a few weeks now. I have a lot of appreciation for the Ars Goetia, specifically Duke Sallos and Duke Dantalion. They’ve done a lot, I mean a LOT for me in the last week, I can’t wait to share.
I’m mostly new to this, but I’ve been in contact with both these Dukes as of very recent. I don’t really know what else to say other than I’m happy to finally actually make myself a part of this community and not browse for hours on end, not being able to chime in or give praise to these Two who have helped me. So. Much.

Lots of love, lots of happiness to spread around. The Ars Goetia have changed my life in a way that nothing else I’ve ever encountered has. I cannot wait to connect with others here! <3

My name is Matthew.
I have been browsing these forums for two years. There are many interesting things here. Thank you.

Fire and Pain.

Welcome @Satanalash Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what exactly do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Yes, I have some connections with Satan, Belial and Asmoday.
I traced probably all religions and the systems and I was mostly disappointed. That’s why I chose Magic and Demonic Ascend and some white magic. I only have 2 years in practical Magic.
Practical Empowerment, Empowerment of energy system in human Body.

Hello my name is Alena. I have been practicing for nearly 3 years now. I’m not following anything particular and even tho I have experience I still consider myself a beginner. I’m from Turkey so I might have problems with English sometimes. I’m not comfortable sharing pictures at this time but maybe in the future. My ambitions would probably be feeling comfortable in myself and my magick and to gain more experience.

Welcome @missdaytona

Practicing what, exactly?

Hello, I practice all sorts of magick, from Middle Eastern, Hoodoo/Conjure/Rootwork, and left hand path generally speaking! I’ve been fascinated and dabbling with the occult in various ways for years now. Nice to meet you all, hope to learn from you!

Welcome @daughteroflilith

Where are you from?

Roughly how long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?