Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

So far, not really. General LHP. I am waiting to be initiated in a terrerio before I progress further into Umbanda/Quimbanda.
I am interested in learning as much as I can, but right now, I am currently interested in learning about how I can improve my Craft despite mental illnesses hindering me, and Demonology. Love magick also interests me, even though that area is something that’s a hit or miss for me.

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I’m completely new to any of this. I’m really desperate for help. I’ve tried everything, therapy, medication, psychiatrist, psych wards, and I still feel hopeless and helpless. I really need help and answers.

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• NO!

• Im very much interested in all kinds of magic, at the moment Im trying to figure out what would be best for me, cuz I’m having these episodes where I can feel things happening without getting news about it, also I get to dream about someone, just to learn next day that something big happened in their life, like passing of a close family member or similar things, was also visited by someone or something in my dream and had my fortune foreseen with exact dates/numbers(culdnt see the face, he/it was turned away from me)
I want to learn a way to control and understand it as it happens…
For now, I only “played” a bit with crystals

• To make a world known brand

• Im having too much of a bad luck for the past 2 years, whatever I did and tried was interrupted by some uninfluential event.
I’ve been told that I was cursed by a witch who happens to be my ex, she wanted me to have bad luck so she could control me easier, she told me that she wants to revoke the spell a few month ago, but Im not having any luck yet …

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Welcome @dnslav

Where are you from?

So, if I’m understanding you correctly, you do not have any practical experience in magick, but you experience premonitions that turn out to be true?

What areas of magick are you interested in learning more about?

Im originally from Bosnia, lived in Istanbul and Amsterdam (had to leave it cuz of corona).
The problem with premonitions is when they come in my dreams, I spend time with someone there but I dont see the exact situation, or I dont know how to interpret it…

No practical experience in magick, only manifestations, not magick but all of them came in a very short period of time, some in small doses, but they came.

I want to learn how to make them more powerful, but at the same time I want to visit other dimensions and meet the souls that inhabit them, I want to see who I really am to be exact


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience and, again, welcome to the BALG forum.


I’m Yang,I come from china,The reason why I am interested in occult is that I want to save my children. Although it is very slim, I still want to try. Maybe there will be miracles.

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Hi, I’m from the USA. I don’t know anything about Magick, that’s why I’m kind of here/calling of sorts.

I’m not sure if I’m leaning towards Left Hand Path or Dark Paganism. I’m just a beginner of Magick. Not sure what else to put.

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Yang_Xiang

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You haven’t told us if you do or not.

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Mod note: This thread is for introductions only. It is fine to welcome new members, but please do not start full off-topic conversation. They will be removed.

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I started magic when I was 12 years old
With “Islamic magic”…

I got to know Aleister Crowley at the 16 and started reading his books and his magical system, but I didn’t continue more than a neophyte.
I gave up magic for two years and started again with King Belial from Nine Gatekeepers…

Now I work with the magical system of Asmoday “Al Goul” And serve my mother and queen Lilith

i more love Daeva but also working with great old ones…

Life is not easy but you have to take it easy…
good luck

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Where are you from?

So roughly how long have you been practicing?

I have no experience in magic

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Thank you for answering, and again, welcome to the BALG forum.

HELL ,I living in Iran…

I’m 21 and I gave up magic for two years, so it can be said 7 years practicing Magick
but wasn’t all of it in high level…

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

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Hi everyone. I’m Zania, an early 30s female living in the Southwestern US. I’ve been lurking for a while and decided to finally make an account. I have some limited experience with magick, and a bit more with manifesting/LOA. I’ve gotten into meditation as of this year.

Though my interest in the occult started about a decade ago, I hadn’t really delved in until relatively recently. Then again, I’m just getting started. My knowledge in theory surpasses my practice. I have an interest in folk magick and chaos magick. Magick makes me feel like I’m really in control of my destiny. My main goal is to grow in my practice. I want to make changes in my love life and to find my purpose/ideal career. I’m confident magick can help.

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I’m shirley. I wanna know about ‘Time’ things.
need help,i hope can save me.

Welcome @Zania

So what have you practiced, and roughly how long have you been practicing?

Are you following any specific system or tradition?

Welcome @Shirley

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what have you practiced, and how long have you been practicing?