Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hi all! I’m a 40 years old lady from Turkey. I’ve been fascinated with the occult, especially the left hand path since my early teenage days but I’ve always been a spectator so I don’t have any experience in practical magic apart from candle and sigil work aimed at establishing a connection with King Paimon and Asmodeus which I’ve been practicing for approximately one and a half year and surprisingly, some intended results have already manifested even though I’m a newbie. My goal is to develop my senses to be able to communicate with the spirits. I am struggling with hearing them despite feeling their presence and the only communication we have is through dreams. I’m mostly interested in Goetic magick. Infernal blessings to all of you.

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Hello All,

I am Scott, currently in New Orleans.
I’ve been involved with the occult/esoteric matters for several decades.
I have a background in Southern US folk magic traditions, classical Gnosticism, and some formal training in Tibetan tantra.
My daily work currently involves Sigils for practical matters, pathworking, spagyrics, and assorted conjurings - mostly ‘infernal’.
I’m here to check out what other folks are doing and learning.


@DarkestKnight I have returned and wondered if it would be possible to reactivate my previous account Dustofdiamond.

I’m sorry, @OLEANDER333, but our records show that you requested your previous account be deleted, so it was closed and anonymized. It cannot be reactivated. You will have to start over with this new account.

That’s absolutely fine @Oleander333 it is, I will do a short introduction.

I guess it’s hello again. I’m from England and I was a previous member on the forum known as Dustofdiamond.
I’m born and raised in magic and follow my own unique path.

I don’t follow any specific/generic paths or system, you could say the LHP is the closest to my current practise.

I would say I have accumulated a good amount of magickal knowledge on different paths/philosophies/systems and have a wide and very developed practical skill set.

My current goal is just to continue learning and evolving.


Welcome to the forum Scott :wave:
From a fellow Southerner :slight_smile:

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I’m from the UK.

I have been practicing magick for around four years. I don’t follow any particular current but I am drawn to the more socially experimental currents. I am proficient in psychosomatic sorcery (and its causal counterpart) and traditional Welsh witchcraft.

I would say that my current objective is to accumulate my knowledge of phenomena witnessed by people from various different backgrounds and cultures to further assist me in personal development.

Long time lurker, sporadic conversationalist.

Hello, I am Triana Leah Kaine and I am a 20-year-old in Dallas, Texas. I grew up as a Christian but after being abused by the church, I looked into Paganism at age 16 looking into witchcraft but didn’t practice it. It was until I was 19 (a year ago) that I finally decided to practice witchcraft and walk the Left-Hand Path.

I currently work with Lady Lilith and Lady Hecate. I may choose to add others to work with, but since I am still learning, I will only work with these 2 extraordinary Goddesses!

My current ambition is to heal from past abuse. One of the reasons why I choose to work with Lady Lilith and Lady Hecate is to gain my power back and become my own Goddess.

My current struggle is communicating with Lady Lilith and Lady Hecate, as my psychic abilities suck. I am hoping I can learn to strengthen my ability so I can communicate better with them. Below is a picture of me.


I’m in Missouri, 33 years old. I grew up in a heavily Christian home (my father was a preacher). I had doubts all my life, but only 3 years ago began delving into paganism.

Hii @TrianaLeahKaine welcome aboard :wave:

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @FunkyMashedPotato

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

If you have no practical experience, what areas of magick are you most interested in learning?

Thank you!

Hi I’m Uranos

I’ve had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening, when I was around 5 years old and have ever since been exploring the energy and it has been guiding me in return. I would like to hear about other peoples paths and their Kundalini experiences and discuss possible ways of further cultivation.
I also have some experience with physical channeling and mediumship in general.
Looking forward to exchanging ideas.

My name is Romy I am on almost 33 years of age I signed up for the forum because I am looking for some information and wish to know how to accomplish a few things that I believe I am able to find on the forum here

Welcome welcome :wave:

Do you have experience in Magick, if so what have you done so far?

What do you want to learn?

What are your obstacles, or area’s you have diffeculty with?

Where are you from?

I have some experience in ordering rituals done for me or pacts actually but on some other site but I still did not get all I truly wish to have and noticed some things I like to accomplish can be ordered here at the site as a ritual for hire

One time i promised my soul in exchange for the pact with the devil i created and had it done by some site that mentioned they did pacts and I woke up at night not long after the pact was created for me
laying in bed feeling heavy-headed with the devil himself next to my bed sort of sucking my soul out of me but a white light appeared in the bedroom and an angel chased the devil away from me

Due to this experience I started believing more in the supernatural both the angels and devils even demons being very real

I did not get the things I wanted from that certain pact but the experience I had was very realistic and

There are a few things I wish to learn about some mythical creatures and maybe see if somehow I can become one through a ritual for hire in the ( near ) future sounds very cool to me

I am from The Netherlands

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Hi, I am Prerna and I am from India. I started my magick journey last year in April after a break-up. I was able to reconcile with the help of a tantra practitioner. He introduced me to LHP.
My current ambition is to improve my financial status and turn my boyfriend into my husband. Currently, I am working with Duke Sallos, Duke Dantalion, and Duke Bune. I am taking help from Demons of magick book by Gordon Winterfield.

I am Melle and I too am new. I would like to say I am experienced but nothing has ever worked for me so I guess that means I have more knowledge than experience–I live in my head. I read a lot and research a lot to learn more about the different arts, to learn my strengths (I hope I have more than one) and my weaknesses. I am determined to find my path and actually have something come to fruition.

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