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Hi so I’m new and I don’t have a magick name
I’m Megan I’m 24 and I’m from Singapore
I am a very casual practicer
I have amulets in Thai Buddhism and I was born a catholic but I guess I’m more eclectic cause I also read some tarot and practise a little bit but nothing more than cord breaking and whispering my anger into sour and hex jars.
I’m here to both learn and hire because I’ve got some complicated situations and I need stronger magic than I’ve got and/or know about. Situations to do w my criminal court case, my ex etc.
So if anyone knows how to go back in time etc or can help me fix my life and mental health hmu sorry I hope I’m not being ridiculous

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Welcome @honeyrosebby97

How long have you practiced?

Hello everyone!
I’m Iga. I started with some magician area more than 1 year ago, when I wanted find a receipe for my ex back. I was trying work with Goetia spirits and few other things like jar or candles with wishes :wink: I was working with some woman, but I don’t know, maybe she is fraud or she hasn’t any relationship with any demon. I can’t do good course for his (my ex) new relationship and to get our contact again… I still looking for some spells to make my dream come true, but while doing that I really like magic and it is interesting for me. I tried make some friendship with Bune and I think that Bune helped me few times with money etc. What a pity, that Bune doesn’t help with love :smile:
I’m not fluent in English, so sorry for that.

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Hi I’m Hematite, an asian chaotic witch who’s interested in the occult, pop culture magick and energy work. English is not my first language so sorry if my grammar sucks sometimes. I’m currently studying chaos magick and I really want to know more about energy work (for some reason I can’t find any book or good information source online about this topic). I’m mainly following the hellenic pantheon but recently I’ve also started to do Egregore worship. Anyways I’m looking forward to talking to people and learning new stuff!


Welcome @AnalyticHematite

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of chaos magick?

Hello. I’m 20 years old man. I have made some progress in magic. I work with spirits and use astral projection. I have made great progress in kundalini. I don’t like talking too much about myself. I wish you all success in self-development.

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @C.Gren

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced? This post doesn’t tell much of anything about your experience.

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?

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10 months i’m in witchcraft.

Remove all traditions and systems and see how the universe works. Any system is part of the big picture. Everything just exists and everything is exactly the way it is. So I only follow my own system which is My desires.

  1. I’ve been into chaos magick for more than a year i think (i mostly study and rarely practice it tho cause im a newbie who’s too scared to try new things :/)
  2. Not really, i don’t really follow systems and kinda just use whatever suits me best.

hi, i’m “dissociation”, it comes from the psychosis symptom of my disorder called dissociative identity disorder. i’d rather stay anonymous while surfing on the internet, so i’m not gonna share any pics.

i’m quite new at this kind of things. i experienced astral travel and communicated various entities from different dimensions at age 13. i raised in a muslim family that is connected to charlatans so ignorantly obsessed. they find magic spells at home sometimes. our life at home was really horrible. i’m not a muslim anymore (i never been actually), i’m now a pantheist. i’m using practical gallery of magic books for kabbalah magic. it can also be said that I am good at thoth tarot. i’m really into esoterism and occultism, i’m reading dion fortune’s books. me and my partner are friends with one of my alters who is fond of parapsychology and bioenergy, so she often teaches us something about them.

i’m so depressed sometimes due to the disorder issues, but i’m mostly here for searching for help for my partner who is also suffering from did.

have a great day/night/afternoon.


Welcome @dissociation

How long have you been practicing magick?

Do you have experience in any systems or traditions other than Gallery of Magick books?

I am peacemaker
I practice many forms of occult and magic…pen and paper magic (seals and spells)
I practice angelic magic and demonic magic …magic of mind and soul
( energy workings )
I practice that since childhood

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Welcome @peacemaker1

Where are you from?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traidtions?

Roughly, how long is that?

both traditions that you know them and more
I preserve to speak more

I didn’t remember

You’re talking in circles. Part of a proper introduction is an rough timeline of practice, so please answer the questions.

I have been here before as HiddenGod. Been practicing for almost 4 years now. Pretty eclectic but mostly Kabbalistic in nature. Mostly Angels and Archangels but also some of high Nobility of the Goetia. Occasionally some other spirits. A couple Celtic deities, a Orisha or two… A couple mantras in the morning… as one does.
Still trying to improve my servitors. I guess i’ve been missing the dedication that magick requires. My daily practice is between 15 to 30 minutes a day. Protection, blessings, prosperity rites, and as i said, trying to get some of my servitors to to get better at their function without feeding them blood or semen. And trying getting them working (successfully) for way longer without me having to feed them at all. Trying to help my servitor i created to influence the weather to not havoc the cities (and even states) around mine just to get my favorite weather pattern over my city. Having moral dilemmas… Trying not to get stuck in the duality/polarization of the world. Wish i liked reading more. You know…


No magickal name, been practising for 3 years. Interested in all types of magick but currently struggling manifesting anything at the moment

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Nextchapter

Where are you from?

Practicing what, exactly?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?


Opened sigils
Worked with DOM/AOW
Basic candle magic
Currently following your trancework tutorial actually to silence my mind just before entering into ritual so tha KS for your detailed guide.

Having trouble getting a desired result though with the impact thoughts technique

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience.