Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

basically this same name with a space i believe.
me and you actually interacted in resolving a dumb conflict in that accounts first post involving a question about when ea’s coming back.
honestly i forget the email as well so recovering that account is prolly a lost cause.
which sucks cause i know i gotta try to re earn the trust levels now lol.

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hello , im mikael , i like chaos magic and blacl magic , im from brazil

Hi, I’m Sebastian, mid-twenties.

I first became interested in practicing magick over 10 years ago when I was around 15 after immigrating from the UK to Australia.
Has been a pretty much constant interest since then but not something I’ve consistently practiced.
I’m very interested in astral projection, oobe’s, shadow work, lucid dreaming and altered states of consciousness.
This past year I have mainly focused on manifestation and tarot reading.

I am recent convert to Luciferanism after years of contemplation (I didn’t grow up in any religion), and during my research I became more interested in the Goetic spirits (it was something that finally felt right for me).
I am very much a beginner in this area though, and I am someone who does a ridiculous amount of research before jumping into something. (I often joke that I’m just collecting information in this life so I can use it in another :sweat_smile:)
I have a lot of knowledge on magick, but little actual physical practice.
I don’t want this to be the case with my journey into demonolatry though, I want both the knowledge and the practice!

I found this forum through my searching of info on Dantalion, as from the very first delve into my demonolatry research it seems they have jumped right into the front of my brain and stuck there. (Have literally woken up with ‘Dantalion, Dantalion, Dantalion’ chanting in my head, amongst other things.)

My current aim is to invoke Dantalion and build a relationship with him and go from there.
Currently I struggle a lot with ADHD and the troubles that brings with it, such as keeping my interest in a topic and actually just doing the damn thing! This has 100% impacted my magick journey, sadly.

Let me know if I need to add anything else! :blush:


Hey everyone,
My name is Fahad.
I’m currently 19 but I was into magic and everything related to occult since i was 18. I had a friend who introduced me to tarot cards and i was hooked. Although i have no prior experience , im hoping i could learn something new.
And that’s all about me I’m really sorry if this is too small of an intro but i dont really know what to talk about.

Welcome @wolfiii

Where are you from?

So, if I am understanding you correctly, you have no practical experience in magick?

What areas of magick are you interested in learning?

Im open to everything, But my main area would be around love and casting spells of any sort.

Im from Canada :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m Bre, Mexico.

In the past I have only known the morphic and sigil fields of very well known authors.

I don’t know about magic. But I would like to know about chaos magic, sigil, and whatever else I can learn.

One area of ​​my life where I want to be successful is: ATTRACTING WOMEN. Always alone, sad…

Thank you.

Hi Everyone!
13 years ago I got confirmed Catholic then baptized and confirmation 0* in the OTO. The last 6 1/2 years I would akin my experience to Osiris. I completely fragmented my conciousness and blew up my physical reality the whole time knowing that the reality and all it’s conditioning is a lie… It’s been a long/ fast journey to this point now, and it was all worth it. In the last few months I’ve made my connection to my root race, Hyperborean/Titan along with Norse and the Chaldeans. Knowing my lineage helped and is helping me come into my gifts… My journey into the underworld started with Bael/Bezelzibub and went through all the masculine frequencies of the 9 Gates, very interesting. I’m more into learning the arts and sciences of occult philosophy then summoning. I’ve found a lot of questions answered through the works of Rudolph Stiener, Blavatski, Andrew Chumley, Levi, Robert Anton Wilson (8 circuit system) just a few.
Currently I am working on a path of Initiation through the tree of life after correcting the inversions. I’m seeing how everything fits in the 7. Colors. Days. God/ess. Planets. Crowley switched the Emporer and the Star and we(guidance) continued with the moon and the Chariot swap…it completely makes sense if you understand the Chariot. I’m dedicated in closing this Universal cycle and shifting back into our true north Draco. Saturn is coming out of Capricorn energy and into Aquarius which is happening during these Holy Days of Thelma, the Christ light and Ramadan. Now.Massive!!.Hail Ahriman! Babylon is Rising…
We are Immortal, the Gods don’t make junk DNA. And the controllers can go fuc themselves and their ingnorant science! Some of us have frequency spectrums that can vibrate up to 44 strands.The higher the frequency the more the DNA activates that’s why mastering the Sword of intellect is all that matters to achieve immortality… Everything is Thought…


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Where are you from?

Have you any experience in magick?

If you have magickal experience how long have you done magick and what kind do you practice?

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Welcome to the forum AbellaBrinn

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Welcome @AbellaBrinn

Please be aware that it is against the rules here to link to other social media platforms so I have edited out your TikTok address from your introduction. You may put that information in your profile, but not on the public forum.

How long have you practiced?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions of magick outside of demonolatry?

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Hi My Name Is Xinclair preferred to call by : Angel Of Xin and I was born in June 30 2002 I’m 19 years old I live a very simple yet slight straggling life Philippines is my home country ever since I was a little child going on school or any place where i might been I’ve always been been in chaos and also have to deal with endless humiliation due to so much bullies at those moments I started to question myself what’s the missing part of my life why would such an extent they treat me embarrassingly my childhood is filled with lack of charisma and very weak I’m easy to get fall down and gave up whenever tensions of the bullies arise upon me and also I started to notice I gotta a lot of failure to handle something efficiently I’m always weak at something you know I always felt that no such thing as superiority to me people I love always betrayed me and I gotta lot of negativity and I’m always afraid and agitated pursuing something I can’t move or ascend to such a higher level that I can prove to myself that this is who I am I am the one who can conquer obstacles I’ve always had any sort failure in my own background more particularly in my love life so this is one of my weaknesses if I ever want to describe my whole life people would look several of flaws my failures so this is why I discovered magick

Little Background When Did I Discover Magick:

I was living in the place whereas rural areas that there’s also has major city I got a stepdad who is also an educated person graduated back in the days of multiple degree’s he seems pretty intelligent enough especially when we are talking about Bible,spirituality,history something like that on the course of living around the times that we use to rent a pretty simple house with a greater number of rooms reasonable for us I started to discover something beyond deeper of his true nature I kindly see the glimpse a little bit of his background where he is a black magician and I can assume that he really is because I heard something about black Magick came to his mouth that his decease mother have a blood of a black magician and some of those powers by his mother later transferred to him before it passed away now straightforward I heard him saying that he can perform various means of black magic ranging from lust,wealth,cursing which is I found his cursing technique quiet fascinated me a lot haha :laughing: cause you know I’m just new to this one in general I’m astounded by the way he said that he can cause troublesome to a greater degree and much more destructive and I heard him saying he can twist a five fingers of his target using rooster and he can impart a very attractive aura on his own where he could draw much much more women in his life so this is why I am now very convinced to learn about Magick especially to him also I wanted to use Magick to bring chaos to those who rally against me and make me feel attractive whenever I walk around plethora of eyes fixed upon me it’s one of my dreams as a kid but unfortunately I received no interest at all he rejected and told me he is now in a new transformation beyond his true self unfortunately he is already been baptized in Christian sect so kinda disappointed for me because I felt something incompatible to be with in this religion I didn’t mean to brought suspicion to my parents at this point if I will try to seek something much better that is accounted to my desired path but ever since I was a child I got a sense of feeling that I have to dig deeper because I am always questionable about the power of God and also the mercy of God anything good related to him I always been questioning that but I always wanted to see a true power shifted in the fabric of my whole being that it will transform me as far as what am I truly am I began to question regarding to his power because my whole family is absolutely a devoted Christian but the missing pieces of this circumstances is that it seems like the power of God is obsolete I can’t feel it manifesting itself around me that I mean it would being a powerful solutions to any of my aspirations in life So it’s pretty questionable and I am now trying to compare other forces and what’s the possibilities they got and what it can bring to a devotee so at my teenage years I mean last year I was 18 I discovered demonolatry ive been conducting a study around this area of Magick on how awesome is this I read countless books on demonolatry I discover this is my true passion in life I want to fully transform myself using my willpower I want to push myself to empowerment now that the itch has already been scratch now I want to fully accept this practices and bring these powerful forces to my life to kickstart something better to achieve ascension beyond my limits I have so many ambition in my life I told myself one day I will become a very successful entrepreneur I will become a billionaire listed in the Forbes magazine using the power of Magick I will achieve my goals now the hindrances started to unfold I’ve got a some sort of shackle in my perception or beliefs due to religious dogma my former religion wants the masses to believe until now 1 year ago since I discover demonolatry I’m always had an issue an issue that for me hard to tackle due to religious dogma that I am always hearing at especially in my whole family that demons causes trouble when dealing with thats why this is one of my problems I always got an issue of having fear to evoke certain demons but I always got a big motivation that will dispelled my fear but I think fear always hold a dominating position beyond my path it hinders me a lot so that is one of my biggest issues I hope someone might be a good companion here to help me I would gladly accept you as my mentor or trainer

Types of magick I would love :

Lust attraction Magick,wealth magick,cursing or hexing

I hope anyone here would notice my issues and help my alongside my path :yellow_heart:


Welcome to the forum,thanks for answering :


Hello, my magick name is Veritas magicum from Beaumont, Texas.

I have been Rosicrucian for 5 years now. I practice regular invocations of the Shem 72.

I practice also regular evocation of the watchers as described by the book of Enoch.

I’m just here to observe and to listen to other points of view.

I don’t use any sigils most of the time. I’ve learned mostly through private practice and following intuitively the guidance of other occultists. I would consider myself to be prophetically inclined rather than administratively gifted.

As I stated in my reply, I edited your post.

And how long have you practiced?

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

Welcome to the forum

Hiii my name is Shadow I’m fairly new to the occult world, however I’m interested in all kinds of magic im currently researching and gathering info so I can pick and decide what demon to work with.

Welcome @ShadowQ

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience, or are you completely starting from scratch?

If you have some experience, what have you tried, and how long have you been practicing?