Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hello, everyone.
Name: Jason
Favorite magick: The works in Rituals of Pleasure by Asenath Mason are my favorite at the moment.
Current ambitions: astral projection and get better at lucid dreaming.
Current struggles: Im deathly afraid of sleep paralysis and cant become lucid on command even though my dreams are vivid.

Short story: I was 12 and had an encounter with what I think was a succubus. Full visual manifestation as if it were a living human. I had been dreaming that particular woman for some time, so it was a shock to wake up and see her just standing there smiling. Didnt get to interact with her though because I was in shock and couldnā€™t think about what to do next. After researching what it could have been, Iā€™ve become fascinated with the existence of spirits and other beings.

I hope that I can learn some new things here and look up some of yā€™allā€™s experiences.

Welcome @Morepecsmoresex

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing magick?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

Iā€™m from Texas and Iā€™ve been practicing for about 11 years. I have some experience in succubus oriented and goetic magic. I experimented with some stuff by Carl Nagel when I was starting out and had no success in having my goals fulfilled, save for one incantation(which was meant to call succubi). But even that one was a hit and miss.

Also, Iā€™m currently Catholic so thatā€™s where most of my beliefs in spirits and the supernatural come from. Itā€™s a bit of an oxymoron, but I think itā€™s a good way to ground myself and stay humble.

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Greetings people, Iā€™m Julia, age 24 and Iā€™m from Brazil.
I started to feel interested on Magick since 14 or 15, firstly approaching Wicca themes, but in the past few years I was introduced to Demonology, Goetia, Luciferianism, and consequently the Draconian Current.
Well, I always wanted to leave behind all the christian teachings I knew from childhood, since it never suited me. Iā€™ve been reading a lot of books on the themes since 2019 to realize that THIS is what is right for me in theory, and feel finally ready to jump out of theory to practice. Itā€™s very rewarding to find a path where you feel it fits you in, and now Iā€™m here to learn a more practical approach from people who already have the experience and advices for me or anyone else who aims to walk it.
I started doing (kundalini) meditations, Iā€™m studying tarot and runes, and have been trying to connect myself with the Current and its entities. Iā€™m certainly a beginner when it comes to - real - ritual practices, since firstly Iā€™m all alone and trying to improve my habilities by myself. Already felt some presences, ā€œstrangeā€ events but nothing major until now.
My current struggles: 1.I live in a small apartment 2. thereā€™s very few people in my country (and 1 or 2 in my city as I know) who has the interest and experience focused on the LHP in general to socialize with. :sweat_smile:

I think thatā€™s all for now! :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you all

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How much was successful?

Also welcome to the forum!

Spells were mostly always successful I had rare unsuccessful experiences and I asked demons for help couple of times (Seere) and I got my wishes granted the next dayā€¦so far from what Ive done it was successful 90% of the time

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How long ago was that? Weā€™d like to know roughly how long you have been practicing.

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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Hi there, Iā€™m Dynamic_Neutrality ( not sure what a magick name is) . Iā€™m kind of a greenie, heard spirits before but not much else, sparse dreams, and a few weird sightings and or visions of spirits with some on and off again spiritual work. I struggle with consistency in many aspects of my life, and would like to change that. Personally donā€™t care much for the LHP/RHP sorta stuff, but Iā€™m willing to work with pretty much anything out there.

Thatā€™s my intro :slightly_smiling_face::wave:t6::wave:t6:

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Welcome @Dynamic_Neutrality

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

Hello @DarkestKnight

Hereditary wise, Iā€™m Jamaican, but I was born and raised in the states. Also grew up as S.D.A Christian, but now Iā€™m just a pantheist.

I wouldnā€™t say I have any practical experience in magic, but I may have vamped someone before unsuccessfully( I say that because I may have done it in reverse).

Couldnā€™t say Iā€™ve actually practiced anything, I sometimes used some of the chants kr meditations from V.K Jehannums site, and I do bust out a sigil every now and then for meditation, or other purposes ( mainly Nyarlathotep and Cthulhu, I like Lovecrafts work), but that pretty much sums up what Iā€™ve done.

I also have no experience within any tradition, I have thought about learning Obeah though.

I have been lurkin on this site for a few years though, just thought Iā€™d mention that.

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No way, I grew up an SDA too! Anyways, welcome to the forum! Look forward to interacting here. :smile:

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Thatā€™s pretty cool, canā€™t say I saw that coming. Thanks, I think I will look forward to just that. :blush:

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

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My name is Toang Chuol Tong

Am a lhp enthusiast and practitioner, started out with Lucifer Azazel and I do love all that is happening on this forum, my quest is to know more about the potential I can have when working with these beings. Am still pushing through just need to be part of group rituals to experience more

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Toang_Chuol

What, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditons?

My magical name is Umbrapax (mundane Szymon). I am 23 years old, living in Cracow in Poland. My first encounter with occult was when I was 19. It started with La Vey Satanic Bible, then I came across Spiritual Satanism. I donā€™t want to criticize this quasi-ā€œpathā€ right now. Reading their entries did me more harm than good. It gave me a wrong idea of what magic is, I had a lot of confusion about the awakening process, initiation, spirits etc. Iā€™m glad that I got rid of this bigotry. At the end of 2019 I came across the Draconian Ritual Book. This book was like a redemption back then. I have started practicing kundalini meditation. The cleansing process was really traumatic however I enjoyed that. Asenath Masonā€™s books appeal to me the most. Now I am working with ā€œThe book of Mephistoā€ and in the nearest future I want to make a pact with Mephistopheles himself. My daily routine is kundalini meditation and shadow meditation. As for the goals for the coming years, I want to integrate the Shadow parts and develop the predator mind. This year I will start my studies in philosophy at the Jagiellonian University. From a magical perspective, I am interested in the Draconian Tradition. My intellectual interests are philosophy, classic literature and analytical psychology which are my mundane mask.
Currently I am struggling with really annoying guest which I have described here Calming down the Goddess [Namaah]. Also, I am struggling with myself, integrating Shadow is a really hard task however itā€™s a beautiful journey into Self.


Iā€™m Fayna ā€” mundane name Augusto/Guto ā€”, and I have been a Luciferian for quite a while. Iā€™ve been going through an everyday work with Lilith, who have been my initiator for more than a year ā€” for 374 days, more precisely, as of 24 February, 2022 ā€”, and have made strong connections with her, whoā€™s been part of my everyday life since February 15 last year; nevertheless, Iā€™m not ā€” at least yet ā€” authorized to speak of the things she is teaching me, until she says otherwise. I expect to exchange knowledge and experience (as far and as much as Lilith allowed me to say) with my fellow LHP roaders down here in BALG forum.

Welcome @BlaccFlame

Where are you from?

And how long is ā€œquite awhileā€ exactly?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of Luciferianism?

Hi, I am Pharakuneth, and I have been practicing magick in one form or another since my early teens.

Nowadays, my practice is based a lot on the PGM, the angels of the Shemhamphorash and the odd ā€œmodern grimoireā€ like the works of Geoff Gray-Cobb and other obscure authors. As someone who has been into Chaos Magic since his teens, I still think in terms of ā€œwhatever worksā€, experimenting with whatever I find. Despite being into magic, my motivations have always been pragmatic.

Only recently discovered the works of Koetting, and I like what Iā€™m reading so far. I look forward to interacting on the forums.

Welcome @Pharakuneth

Where are you from?

And roughly how long is that?