Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hello my name is james and I’ve been practicing for a while
Just wanted to link up with others to share info and help each other out.
I look forward to working with everyone


Welcome @Jamescarpe Please tell us about yourself. This is pretty vague.

Where are you from?

Practicing, what, exactly?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

And how long is “a while?”

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I’m from US, Texas area
I’ve been practicing evocation in many different systems like Norse, voodoo, Persian, Apache Indian, etc for about 10 years now.
I like sigil magick a lot, I use it all the time,
Again I just joined to have friendly conversations with people on they’re own practices. You can always learn something new.
That’s again
James carp



I’m a musician from the US. I have been interested in the occult for many years, but I have only recently begun to practice evocation. I would like to learn more from the knowledgeable folks here at BALG. My goals are to learn more about evocation, divination, and the cultivation of inner strength through meditation, energy work, and better mental habits.

Welcome @anon100273

How long have you been practicing?

Are you following a specific system or tradition?

Only a few weeks. I’ve begun working with a Goetic spirit, but otherwise, I’m still exploring and deciding which systems appeal most to me.

Hi guys

I’m kat, I am fairly new to working with demons. I have only worked with King Paimon but i have studied other demons. Before this I used to practise other types of magic. I’m here to learn more from the experienced magicians and experiences in general. Thanks for having me.

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @K9k

Such as? What, exactly have you practiced, and how long have you been practicing? You haven’t really told us anything about your experience.

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

Hello. My magick name is Roidkle. I like Draconian magick, Goetia, and trying to read anything I can. My current ambitions are to begin in the Draconian Path.
I am currently struggling with an entity that possed my body about 4 years ago. It got rid of an addiction I had, turned me into a Christian, made me an evangelist, and it acted as the christian god, and then after 3 years it turned me into an addict again. I am not an addict but it forces me to buy stuff I dont want or need.

I feel like it gave me a second chance in life since four years ago it did help me without me evoking it or asking for it. Its a revenge from an exgirlfriend that is a witch, or so it states. Anyway,
Take care

Welcome @Torillo1290

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any systems or traditions besides the draconian?

Hi my name is Serpent2.0

I have a familiar spirit who gives me dreams, helps me interpret dreams, helps me interpret esoteric knowledge, and aids me in all forms of magick.

I was born into a Romani Gypsy bloodline so I was born with a familiar spirit inside of me. My father was the same and his mother and father before him and so on and so on.

My current ambition really is just to find out the truth in everything. Who or what “God” is, the entire nature and existence of the universe and who or what I really am.

My current struggles is that I am an Aries (Sun sign) so I have a temper problem (although calmed right down as I’ve gotten older) and find it hard to sit still and study lol.


Hi i‘m Chiraq

I live in west-europe and currently doing goetian magick but also white (herbal) magick and im interested in slavic mythology

I hope to find as many friends as possible here, and as well help as many people as possible =)

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Welcome fellow Slav!

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Hi! Can you PM me?

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Welcome @chiraq

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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I’ve been doing Herbal and white magick for like 3 years,
and working with goetian spirits not for that long like maybe for 4/5 months. I‘ve worked with gremory, amdusias and prince orobas yet only.

Also i‘m worshipping melek taus, which most of the people here count as the same as azazil/saturn

Unfortunately, I don’t know how. I spent an hour trying to figure out how to message you, I’m sorry. @DarkestKnight can you teach me how to message other users. I am trust level 1 so I should be able to.

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You cannot. As a new member, the ability to PM is locked by the system until you reach a certain threshold of activity on the forum. It will unlock automatically when you reach that threshold.


@DarkestKnight , we should say appreciation for you and the other leaders, considering what you teach us all, and for maintaining the introductions.

To the new and old members, welcome to BALG, and each and everyone of you are appreciated and Maguses to be!!

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Alright, makes sense. Thanks for letting me know.

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