Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Welcome @Sevenup7

Where are you from?

What makes you believe this?

So no practical experience in magick?

Los Angeles and i see the numbers I see re occurring things that can’t be mere coincidence after a while the fact that I met a black eyed children/demon and had a hold on my mind that I had to get off to get my own peace and awakenings that I never asked for.

That’s still scratching the surface to be honest I can feel the energies I’ve gotten even more sensitive to them

My “third eye” opened im sure

Hello, here is Arkadiusz, Arkadisz or as my spirit likes to call me Arthur (it is my spiritual name according to her).

I am from Poland, country like any other in central/easter Europe.

I was trying few things since I was 16, now I am closer to 26 years. I tried clairvoyance, chaos magic, summoning (spirits and demons). I didn’t get prefered outcomes many times. It is worth to say that I got some kind of spiritual guide? She is the one pushing me to do what is right, when I am to lazy or exhausted.

What is my goal? I would like to change my body in many aspects and create better place arround me and my friends.


Welcome @Arkadisz

So, what do you currently practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

hello, I am Aven. I dont have a magick name since I’m very new to all of this.

I’ve been interested in spritual things since I was 16 (I’m 20 now), but becuase I grew up in a very religious household these things were considered a sin and I couldnt practice a lot. However now I just don’t care about their stupid beliefs.

The things I did the most were manifestations, I’ve also read a lot about crystals and herbs we could say I’m more interested in the nature side of this but I just want to take another step and summon spirits I do wanna do this in the most safe way possible.

The main reason as to why I wanted to take a bigger step is beacuse of my mental health struggles, I think that a spritual guide could help me overcome the things that have been bothering me and I think this place will help me a lot with the things I don’t know.

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Hello my name is Ethan and I am very new to this in general. I am looking to find purpose in my life and exploring this path. I decided to search this path because I have had many experiences in my life with an entity I don’t quite understand yet and I wish to know more about it. I have a deep passion for helping people with loss and striving for power. Happy to be here!

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Currently? Mainly clairvoyance (5 years) and summoning (3 years), mostly clairvoyance. And when you ask about tradition or system I was trying to learn from local “Guru’s”, but after a while I decided to work with my intuition. It was really helpful when my guide showed up.

Welcome @Ethan_Pilat

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience?

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

Such as?

Im a son of a follower of wicca, im not interested in money or any physical things i can earn threw darkness, ive been on a quest to accend and become enlightened thats all i truly want in life, i also like communicating with the forbidden entitys that dont have alot of information on them. im very intrested in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. i believe beings came down to earth, gave the Egyptian’s building techniques and mantras.all i truly want is just to ascend, zin uru

Welcome @poof

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience yourself?

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions??

Hi I am of Asian descent in the city of lion. I am 43. I was in a coma for a month before and was technically dead for a short while due to pnuemonia. My beliefs in magick is anything goes. All schools of magick should be respected . Currently into demonology and other energy channeling

There is duality in everything. Nothing is quite as str forward as what it seems . To see the light , first see the darkness.

Welcome @Phil_Jay

So what, exactly, do you practice? Demonology is the study of demons and their lore, not a magical practice. Did you perhaps mean demonolatry?

How long have you been practicing “energy channelling?”

Do you have any experience in specific systems or traditions of magick?

Hello! My name is Yuca’Sani-Bagua’Kari’Ori. I’m an Arowak Indian of Barbadian and Jamaican ancestry

I practice Black Magick , Arowak Cemiism and Sea Magick. My current ambitions are to make my Tribal Business successful and I’m currently struggling with customers and engagement atm

Welcome @ArowakMagi

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Do you follow any particular system or tradition of black magick and sea magick?

I do demonic black magick with a heavy emphasis on mind control , glamour , and moneybut also capable of love , fertility , psychic work and much more. My grand team is Satan , Adramelech and Suhn’Tal’Ock.

I’m currently working on creating an Arowak Sea Magick system but my sea magick currently involves the use of (Caribbean) Sea energy , Cemi spirits and sea animal/magick spirits

…and how long have you been practicing?

Greetings,I’m prince from Ghana and wants to be a now I’m a beginner trying to work with demons and get more insight about magic.I’m now in my cleansing process so as to meet them(demons).Thanks