Introduce of me :)

Yeah but like Lop_Pollo said that he cant hear spirits yet, I think I cant hear them too… How can I like upgrade it hahaha :smiley:


in my opinion, the beings who can get you what you want(worldly desires) with some of the fastest manifestations are jinns and voodoo spirits. But they also can be extremely dangerous and may require deep dedication for voodoo


Welcome @ogisha023 to the forums


I don’t like dangerous things actually :smiley: I am pretty scared of things that aren’t actually dangerous :smiley:

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Thank you so much @Bordicum
Can you help me with evoking Lucifer?

What do you mean I didn’t really understood you haha :smiley:

Thank you!

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No never done that and though I have had and have Luciferain friends I only worked with eye of destruction and seteach stuff with in that area ! My area is so far mostly in to ceremonial and diety magic. but their are a links here that you can read up in it though.


Thanks, I am interested in every single entity but like mostly about getting rich,famous,love and that :smiley:


I don’t know who to choose haha cause I am scared of everyone except Lucifer, I am scared of him a little bit

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Can you suggest me anyone except Lucifer cause I have been trying to connect but no success

Like any good angel or demon?

I would like to become rich,be famous and get girl back but I still wanna like be full of knowledge and that you know :smiley:

Haha, I’ve never heard of this


So I should try Sitri first for love?

Hahahahaahah, does he require any enn or sigil?

By the way I wouldn’t like to get like some weird gf or any other

And why do you tell me?

I tried to evoke Sitri but no success I don’t really know how to evoke… Can you help me?