Increasing intelligence, precisely IQ

Thanks other spirits and Deities are ok. I have tried Thoth and Hermes and had success with them, I have never tried Odin though

It’s important to remember when you specify Goetia spirits, if you mean spirits from grimoires, they were described with their offices at a time when the front for all magick was that these were evil beings contrained to serve mankind as the unique creation of God, so attributing anything incredibly positive was less likely, that could also be areason there’s no immediate demon of brainpower (afaik).

If you’re hellbent ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) on a demon though, search within this doc for related terms:

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Its cool, spirits and deities was fine, thanks for the link

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Okay can we just cool it on this thread please folks - the OP clearly stated he wanted one thing, not another, I am unlcear why it was even necessary to then tell him how wrong that was, but getting this back on track and on topic would be great please.

Mimir could likely help with this.


Thank you I appreciate that, this is what I was wondering about