INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

The pronunciation is in his post. (ah-dag-lar-roos-oh or-oos)

@rav could you pm me, I got a few questions about a few incantations you posted. Thanks :sunflower:

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How long will the spirit be able to stay materialized?

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Acala’um Terrenetay

Here’s one I’m going to test soon. I channeled this one a while ago, Idk why I never got around to testing this.

The way this one is supposed to work is you chant as you run and it helps you go extremely fast while maintaining your being. Speedster shit.

I’m planning on going up to the local field and testing it later.


incredible the incantations you channel, do you know any incantation to help in astral travel? ultimamente I am having a lot of difficulty doing astral travel,could you channel an incantation to force the astral body out of the physical body?



Cortesy of @Robert


Hey Rayne. I just tried this, and the lines of the sigil appeared to get bigger and smaller, and it looked like the arrow moved. I stated my desire in my mind (without speaking out loud) and will give my thanks later. thank you for sharing.

How properly can this incantation be pronounced
Or any YouTube

I just got bitch slapped by my human nature. Lol. During which Santa Muerte came to me for the very first time.

Incantation to banish negative feelings & emotions that don’t serve you. Which as a empath, I do struggle with immensely.

Incantation for banishment of negative energy and feelings:

Kamma AhLa Alabanndo

Kam-ah - ah-la - ala-bando

This is the first incantation I have channeled during a very intense…day. lmao. Don’t ask :grimacing::rofl:

Hail the Infernal Empire and hail thy self :raised_hands:


So wait when you say this do you chant this in an evocation and the spirit you have forth will just take you over I’m confused cause I see you don’t include there name in that chant so how do you know who you’re asking to possess you, unless this chant just makes you more susceptible to possession


It’s quite beautiful and cleanly drawn, love that!


Glad you like it ~


How can we use it. Thanks anyway

I am a student, seeker and learner here and nothing else i have

You use it the same way you’d use any sigil in ritual or daily workings. As is the case with the accompaned verbal mantra. You have a Sigil as your profile pic so I assume you are a bit familiar with sigil magick. So just treat it like you would any other sigil when working with a deity or energy. Ofc it also helps to tailor your rituals around sigils to enhance them before you charge, open and magnify. For obvious reasons. Not every ritual calls for the same magick ingredients as we know.

As for what you can use it for regarding Santa Muerte and rituals with her, the sky’s the limit. She gave it to me as a gateway to open communication and spiritual/magick workings through here.



Thank you!

Can I also invoke certain spirits like Asmodeus or some demonic tongue or chants just to empower the spell ?

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Which chant that you used?

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Channeled by me, from dantalion

Itz makal kath’a

Can induce trance states, enhance TGS, and is most useful in combination with evocation.

Ive been playing around with this, by itself it quiets the mind & can put you in a light TGS. In combination with other incantations it boosts its efficacy (as youre put into the “magick” state of mind required) and with evocations it can improve your sensitivity for claircaudience & clairvoyance.