Immigration to the infernal kingdom

The Infernal nation isn’t really carved out, it’s a nation within the etheric, it’s not a dimension or a world on it’s own, it’s just as how Germany is a nation within this world, it isn’t a separate dimension of this world. But no the infernal nation isn’t to serve the Gods it’s a place where various entities and demons live.

No, the astral simply requires you to imagine it and it makes it so, manifestation in the etheric actually takes practice, any use of abilities in the etheric takes practice there. While the astral does not require practice simply you imagining it into the astral plane. There’s no difference in “powerful” rather the difference lies in the astral fast density vibrating to a point the imagination is what defines that place,


One thing you can do when you learn to project is gain etheric money. You could project and get a job now and save so that when you get there you will already have a ton of money. Then you won’t need to work much while still being able to purchase things

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Quoting Etheric_Vagabond:

“Yes to make a living you may need to work there in the Etheric. However, if you don’t care about purchasing items then you don’t need to work.”

“One thing you can do when you learn to project is gain etheric money. You could project and get a job now and save so that when you get there you will already have a ton of money. Then you won’t need to work much while still being able to purchase things.”

Thanks for good advice! Well, provided it’s the place for me and I’m even welcome in the Infernal Empire, please let me explain my desire, and feel free to laugh at me all you want, lol. It won’t change a thing, for as far as I’m aware I’m actually sincere, thinking about it and longing for it day and night.

As soon as I arrive in the afterlife I intend to transform into female form as a stunning young woman. I’m ready to work towards this goal and would be doing it now if it was socially and practically achievable, but I want a 100 percent actual transformation into total femininity, not some cosmetic alteration, so I guess I need to die first. Which is totally fine by me.

As such I wish to be owned and my most intense desire - like with so many transexuals - is to be a prostitute, technically a sex slave constantly deluged in a sensual buzz of varying intensity. I want to please men and bring bad, wicked, perverse, tender love to males, who were starving for it on the material plane. As a feminine woman I will be able to provide it, and as I’m not into power - I’m after pleasure - I don’t mind being somebody’s possession. What I need is security and protection, and thus a Master, and since everything I bring in I will offer my owner, I’m sure he will provide for me and take care of me.

So I guess I wouldn’t need a afterlife “job” in any case. :wink:

On the other hand, if the Infernal is not about “lifestyles” as the one described, I promise I won’t pester the forum with any more speculation or extrapolation in that direction. Then I belong somewhere else, and to repeat, it’s okay to think I’m being totally hilarious and pathetic, because I guess I am, being a 50-year old, hardworking guy with dreams and yearnings such as these. :rofl:

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If you think you’re going to die and become a sex slave to some demon on this strange empire full of strange beautiful things… Please don’t die.
It ain’t gonna happen.

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Wow, that was highly informative and to the point! Very interesting. Well, if it’s like a country within a world rather than a world on its own, I guess I couldn’t blame The Infernal Nation for needing a military, whatever the shape or form of it.

Hm, if manifestation is a lot easier on the Astral plane while on the Etheric it requires great skill, practice and effort, wouldn’t that mean that life on the Astral have some important advantages over the Etheric? Maybe the Etheric has some advantageous and valuable sides to make up for it, or perhaps there are certain things that are “forbidden” on the Astral and only possible in the Etheric?

Alright, then. Handed to me straight. So, in other words, I’ve misunderstood everything?

Lookup an experiment called “Mouse Utopia” - I think you’ll find it interesting (and I am highly opposed to running experiments on animals where there’s even the slightest risk to their wellbeing, but these mice are already martyred, and the information they gave us is invaluable).


I know about it. But I thought it was mainly applicable to our material, Darwinian, entropic world. How else would the Astral be able to maintain itself if the conditions of Mouse Utopia were the basis also of it?

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My thinking is that this experiment may explain why parts of the astral world take on conditions which you don’t find very pleasing. I’ve seen more demons in armour than I can count, and swords and shields are routine archetypal power objects even in the more peaceful & healing-oriented core shamanic paradigm. :thinking:

This is what some humans currently consider to be ideal:

The turning point in this mouse utopia, Calhoun observed, occurred on Day 315 when the first signs appeared of a breakdown in social norms and structure. Aberrations included the following: females abandoning their young; males no longer defending their territory; and both sexes becoming more violent and aggressive. Deviant behavior, sexual and social, mounted with each passing day. The last thousand mice to be born tended to avoid stressful activity and focused their attention increasingly on themselves.

And yet it was the stage which directly preceded the collapse of the colony, and the death of all the mice:

young mice growing into adulthood exhibited an even different type of behavior. Dr. Calhoun called these individuals “the beautiful ones.” Their time was devoted solely to grooming, eating and sleeping. They never involved themselves with others, engaged in sex, nor would they fight. All appeared [outwardly] as a beautiful exhibit of the species with keen, alert eyes and a healthy, well-kept body. These mice, however, could not cope with unusual stimuli. Though they looked inquisitive, they were in fact, very stupid.

This seems to be about where some people are now, from “incels” to those bamboozled by Instagram “influencers,” and people living in social media echo-chambers, etc., created by algorhythms that deliver more of what you once show an interest in (amplifying its seeming importance).

Maybe a degree of strife, of competition and confict (and the militaristric trappings that go downstream from that) are essential to sentient life, spiritual and physical alike?

With nothing to push against, narcissistic self-involvement and loss of interest in anything else which is challenging (like mating, and giving birth - life-critical behaviours) falls away, and entropy, then utter nullification of that lifeform, is the result.

Utopia (when one has everything, at any moment, for no expenditure) prompts declines in responsibility, effectiveness and awareness of social dependence and finally, as Dr. Calhoun’s study showed, leads to self-extinction.

Source for all quoted sections:



Dr. Calhoun noticed that because most of the space was socially defined already, the newer generations of young were inhibited. At this time some unusual behavior became noticeable. Excess males strived for acceptance but were rejected and withdrew. Moreover, violence became prevalent and the effects of it became increasingly visible. Certain individuals were targeted repeatedly for attacks. These mice would have badly chewed and scarred tails.


Looks awfuully familiar to me, especially if you include self-harming behaviours by us bigger, smarter, “mice,” attacked by own own internal “bullies,” in that latter sentence.

In the shift from equilibrium to the die phase, each animal became less aware of the associates despite all animals being pushed closer together. Dr. Calhoun concluded that the mice could not effectively deal with the repeated contact of so many individuals… Eventually, the entire mice population perished.


Fantastic post and certainly a mindblowing perspective…

Demons in armour roaming wrecked worlds…

Incels and asexual entitled snowflakes as the “beautiful ones”, yes. I sure was never alone in considering it…

If so, it gets me thinking. Maybe it’s somewhere around here that reincarnation comes into play? To many who have caught the rumours of the afterlife, reincarnation presents a conundrum if there ever was one - who in their right mind would ever abandon such a shangri-la and choose to go down here?!

But maybe it’s not a “choice”. Maybe it’s a natural process, and it’s required from time to time to somehow clear out a social degeneration on the Astral plane? I’m nowhere finished with this thought yet… :neutral_face:


Thanks for showing that experiment Lady Eva, I really enjoyed reading about it and found it extremely interesting. It’s so familiar like you say.

I was thinking of something similar some time ago, because in ‘Arbatel: Of the Magick of the Ancients’ it refers to Phaleg as the “Prince of Peace”, but he is associated with Mars, so he is associated with war, and other things that Mars was associated with in the Renessaince (“Quarrels, Strifes, Contentions.”), so it was strange that he called the Prince of Peace. I thought about that and realized that even though in modern times we live in what would have been called a Golden Age with the lack of war between nations, it only builds up tension in people, now people hate each other and really can be very prone to conflict, sometimes through physical means but most of the time through social means. People desperately need a release.

But now perhaps I realize better what it meant. It’s this society with a lack of anything meaningful at large. People really can’t handle the way our society functions, and the tension will keep on rising if we can’t find a release.


No you haven’t misunderstood anything. Because you are yet to understand and you can only understand certain things on these matters, once you actually experience and practice these things.

It’s really up to the individual, the astral’s inhabitants are mostly thoughtforms, the etheric is mostly living beings, it’s not exactly a matter of which is more important but rather a matter of the nature of the plane itself.

I find it’s mostly humans here who want to go to the astral to live out their fantasies, but people in the etheric either want to reincarnate here for the experience or stay in the etheric where it’s all they know.

I personally would never want to live in the astral simply because I rather experience “reality” over my own concocted fantasy.

Anything is possible in the astral it’s the plane of thought/imagination, there’s no such thing as forbidden in the astral, however not everything is possible in the etheric, your imagination has no world shaking possibilities like astral, you can’t imagine anything up it’s just the nature of the two.

In the astral you can imagine up your own universe and fill it with thoughtforms who view you as their God, in the etheric you cannot because it’s not dependent on your imagination.


For anyone with trouble regarding all this.
From a research on the Internet I came up with several writings and this is the best descriptions.
" According to occult teachings the astral plane can be visited consciously through astral projection, meditation and mantra, near death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means."
The idea of an astral plane is as old as humans can think of. It’s the spirit world.
Etheric world, is our world.

" The etheric plane is a term introduced into Theosophy by Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant to represent the subtle part of the lower plane of existence. It represents the fourth [higher] subplane of the physical plane (a hyperplane), the lower three being the states of solid, liquid, and gaseous matter"

“The astral plane , also called the astral Realm or the astral world , is a [plane of existence postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions. It is the world of the celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and affter death, and is generally believed to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings.”

Easier would be to say, imagine your soul.
You have a soul. You cannot see it. That soul of yours resides on the ether. Etheric plane, Aether… Whatever you want to call it. A shadow of our physical world.
Once you can see your soul and control it you can travel with it do things with it.
Your soul is always connected to your body.
But when you die or before you are born, your soul is not attached to a body, it is not attached to the physical plane, or the etheric.
It can only reside on the astral plane.
To get to the astral plane is a bit harder.
But that’s where the spirits reside. Some can come onto the etheric place, sometimes even onto the physical plane, but that is where they reside. It is not like our world. But it is also not a fantasy world. Souls exist, we are born and we die and again and again and again… Every time that happens we go to the astral plane. What happens in there usually stays in there, to have the power and control to travel to the astral plane, means that basically you’re cheating on life and death.


Astral projection is actually what you start with before getting to the etheric due to being the collective unconscious/plane of imagination it’s easier to traverse the astral than it is the etheric. Astral is often used to train the senses and movement of the energy body before you travel to the etheric where you are at the mercy of whatever finds you before you’re ready.

In my own near death experience you don’t go to the astral you go to the energetic layer of the physical or as some have noted that they are in a state where theyre reviewing their life to some degree.


Each one is entitled to their own way to perceive things.
Although following history, following methodology and research. It all leads to the same. Astral = stars / universe / the unknown
Aether = liquids / solids / gases / physical

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I’ve been to both, mentored people to get to both, and taken people to both.

One may perceive it one way or another but it doesn’t really change that the imagination/collective unconscious is the basis of the astral which is why thoughtforms are very much tangible “entities” there as well as the fact the imagination can easily mold aspects of the plane.

While in the etheric the imagination can do no such thing. However, my earlier comment on astral being the start is still a valid point because one’s imagination is what allows them to practice their senses without being interrupted by an entity or thoughtform while in the etheric your imagination does not help you utilize anything but rather your actual practice of defending yourself.


I want Seph and Velenos to know that sitting at their feet, I am intently following this exchange, being very pleased with the wealth of information offered in these comments that are well worth reading again and again. It’s a great subject to try to wrap your mind around.

Velenos, following your description of the Etheric and the Astral respectively, my preliminary conclusion is that I should not attempt to immigrate into and bang on the doors of the Infernal Kingdom, but rather make the Astral my afterlife abode. Guess I’m like most ordinary people and want to fulfill my fantasies where the manifestatory means to it are more readily available, including in the company of others whose minds are of a similar ilk. As for reality, if that’s what I’m living right now, I sure think I need and deserve a prolonged vacation from it, notwithstanding the detrimental effects it may have on my spiritual constitution and fitness in the long run.

Seph, so what you are suggesting if I’m reading you correctly, is that the Infernal Kingdom is actually located in the Astral as well, and not as Velenos proposes, in the Etheric?

“But when you die or before you are born, your soul is not attached to a body, it is not attached to the physical plane, or the etheric.
It can only reside on the astral plane.
To get to the astral plane is a bit harder.
But that’s where the spirits reside. Some can come onto the etheric place, sometimes even onto the physical plane, but that is where they reside. It is not like our world. But it is also not a fantasy world.”

Right! From all that I have read and learned about the Astral and its many levels and environments, it all points to it not being a fantasy world. It’s a real place, but one that allows a lot of fantasy to be imagined, projected, manifested and lived as “reality”. As Velenos would have it, due to the vibratory “nature of the plane itself”.

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Nothing wrong with wanting to have an afterlife that is of your own making but yes in my explanation the astral is a real place, things created in that place are real within the confines of that plane, it’s their home. I call it the plane of imagination simply because of the vibratory state it’s in where it is very malleable by the imagination of any who go there.

However, when a person “carves out” their own space they are very capable of altering the vibration of that space which I did with my astral temple, but I have a side project I want to create soon that I plan to share on the forum at some point lol.