Immigration to the infernal kingdom

how does the norse realm look like ?


I’m surprised the infernal realm would have need of a military. Had somebody asked me, I would have guessed it be protected from intrusion by other dimensions by strong spiritual forcefields or something.

Which would imply the Infernal Kingdom is fundamentally run by the threat of violence, not (or at least not solely) by the passions of its inhabitants; and that in the service of maintaining order and justice, violence, pain and killing can be metered out, just like with any political entity on Earth.

Military power sounds highly virtuous and “good” to me, not at all sinful, lusty, lecherous and pleasurable. It sounds like Mars, not Venus. I wonder what wars the Infernal Kingdom feels itself motivated to fight and against which enemies.

Moreover, if people have jobs - and by your description of the character of the Infernal, it sounds like they work because they need to in order to create a material surplus, just like on Earth - wouldn’t that imply a similar class/estate structure, like at least 80 percent of the inhabitants toiling away all their lives in soul crushing servitude, so that some 20 percent can enjoy a relative comfort and ease, not that this upper middle class and aristocracy usually would be entirely free from hardship and the fulfillment of duty themselves?

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There are lots of beings in the spiritual planes. It is defense against these other powerful kingdoms in the spiritual plane.


kingdoms, nations and such exist in the spiritual but a lot of it is also not really based on spiritual energy and such in terms of daily life


An example of the infernal realms I wanna give is the scenario of nordic “Naströnd”, the beach of corpses. In old beliefs and sagas every honorless murderer had to find the corpses of his victims to leave there.

I conclude the positive and negative fronts cooperate more or less but so the Qliphoth have “food” without strifes and the sephirothic states win justice after human lifes.

Not everybody is simply reborn when he in the realms of the deads sees the senses. I’ve read Bardonists finding people of unsure history being kidnapped into demonic realms and the Angels did not call to arms but only showed this to propably practitioners of dangerous “Karma”, what’s more an empiric value “downloadable” out of your energetic signature for everybody.

Naströnd is real unimportant what abrahamitic lores let us know. Fuck the Fathers and Prophets.


“That which is above, is like that which is below


Thanks Valenos, and much respect as I understand you occupy a revered and honoured position within the Infernal Empire. So in other words, the basic conditions of existence over there is pretty much like over here (although perhaps more beautiful and fantastic?). To think of it as, for instance, a mental projection of our wicked lusts and desires becoming manifest reality, perhaps in exchange for a happy slavery in the worship of its powers, is wrong.

Which means I’d rather have to admit the Infernal Empire is likely not for me. I don’t want to be forced to work a tough and alienating physical job all my life just to do the same thing in the afterlife. And even if I was free and happy and able to fulfill my dreams I want everyone else to be as well. I don’t want to exist on the unwilling labour of others.

So maybe an afterlife in the astral would be better? As the astral is not based on objective matter but on an endlessly pliable spiritual substance, you could in principle create any fantasy you want and go and live in it, even your favourite paradise version of Hell.

I see. But they still need armies, legions and divisions? Military bootcamp and spartan drill to make their young overcome themselves and achieve a higher martial glory? To toil in the mud and the trenches, blow apart body limbs and spill blood. US Marine Corps or the Waffen-SS, it’s all the same. A certain form of rough, manly, moral and admirable higher spirituality adheres to it. Also, the god of the Hebrews loved this shit.

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You don’t have to stay in one place. You can be a vagabond like I will be


Also I don’t think a job is necessary for survival there. Sure if you want a house and other items you need one. If you develop your spiritual body here you may not need to eat there.
So you don’t need work to survive in spiritual plane.
You can be a self sustaining being, but you won’t be able to purchase things.

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Well, that guy is a god of war, isn’t him?

In any event, I would suggest you (yes, you, @SlickMonique) to remember that Unverified Personal Gnosis do exist and is mostly what people will answer here. Nobody can answer this sort of questions about the afterlife, not beyond any shade of doubt. As far as I know, total oblivion is still an option.


someone do us a drawing of a typical town :smiley:


Yes, travellers to the astral realms all seem to report that you don’t need to eat or work etc to stay alive over there, but you may indulge in it as well as any other bodily activity for the sheer pleasure of it. This includes the near Earth astral levels that are more or less relatively unglamourous copies of Earth.

I’ve also been told that manifestation is not an ability that everybody master, especially not in regards to more advanced stuff, so there is still sort of an economy where spiritually more powerful souls are able to provide things to us more lowly creatures, either as a favour or in exchange for something else, including money (I could imagine money being gold and silver in many places) or perhaps services rendered.

I thought this basic pattern would probably apply also to the Infernal Empire, but what do I know? Valenos has earlier pointed out that the abode of Lucifer et al. is located in “the Etheric”, not the Astral (whatever that means) and perhaps the need to work physical matter, like digging mines, working in factories and tending fields in order to make a living, is a requirement of that dimension, much like in our physical universe?

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In the astral anyone can manifest with simply their imagination. The astral being the collective unconscious/mental.

It means the astral is one plane and the etheric is another, the astral is the collective unconscious, a plane that is ever changing, however people and thoughtform inhabitants have “stabilized” their own areas within the astral to call their own.

The etheric is the “spiritual” plane in the sense we consider it spiritual simply because it has no physical presence here however to beings like Lucifer, Paimon, Ishtar, etc it’s their home and they are aligned to it so it’s a bit more physical to them.


You’ve lived there so who is Oberon?
You should know
 You have lived there. Yes?

I think they’re gonna close borders now because of the covid so forget about immigration.



Thank you for one of the best descriptions of the Astral I’ve ever read rolled up in a single sentence. Having “stabilized” their own areas, yes!

So, hypothetically speaking, if I went to the Astral and created by own world, my kind of paradise, I would be very cautious about what souls I let in. They would have be entities very closely aligned to my sensibilities, aesthetics, temperament and desires, in other words, souls very akin to my own. Or else, even without malintent, they’d be sure to stumble around with their muddy boots and coarse alien ideas and pollute the place.

Am I correct then in thinking that The Infernal Empire, being located in The Etheric, and sort of “carved out” of this higher spiritual, non-human collective consciousness plane, to serve the nature of the gods who created it, would be very specific in who they’d let in as well? Wouldn’t you essentially already have to be of the soul substance of their world to be truly called to it?

I wonder what kind of human being they want, and how to know if you belong in the service of these great beings and their paradise or not. To take a superficial example, it seems the majority of people drawn to the Occult are of a kind of heavy metal, piercings, “Vikings”, tattoos, pink colour hair, Vegan and wooden X-crosses persuasation, elements that certainly reveal something about the souls underneath. But are these also the people who fit into the aesthetics and values of the Infernal Kingdom?

P.S: Even though the Etheric is different than the Astral plane, would you say the power of manifestation in the Infernal Empire work in similar ways to the Astral? Maybe even more powerfully?

From what I have heard from different sources.
The “dimension” you’re speaking of
 Does exist yes, but apparently it appears to be different to each one. As you perceive it or as you’re made to perceive it. So in theory, it does not exist. It is made in you. Complicated.

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From what I have heard from different sources.
The “dimension” you’re speaking of
 Does exist yes, but apparently it appears to be different to each one. As you perceive it or as you’re made to perceive it. So in theory, it does not exist. It is made in you. Complicated.

Fascinating idea!

Well, I certainly can feel a luscious hell of bizarre beauty and sublime perversion brood inside me. If that’s the truth, please kill me now so I can go and live there forever! :wink: :heart_eyes:

“Made to percieve it.”

Yes, lately I’ve been thinking if I made all of this imagining myself or if I was “inspired” by some being more powerful than me, perhaps beginning as far back as adolesence or even childhood. Are there powerful beings out there who look for suitable psychological dispositions of desire to “groom” into their own?

If so, my only wish right now is to go there so I can serve and please my Master. :kiss: