What is daily life like in the Infernal Empire?

F that, I’m not coming back here, I certainly don’t want to, I will do everything I can in this life to escape reincarnation, my entire life so far has been a never-ending loop.


As far as I know, it is an industrialized-militarized gothic cyberpunk looking empire.

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This is just not true at all and there’s so many things to factor in .

You should be an alchemist In this life and gain a shit ton of knowledge here before thinking about what’s to come After

Yes, we should all be working towards our ascension, but ultimately, we all want to know where we will go when we die and if we will have any control over our soul and spirit once we die?

In fact, the way a lot of people act in their lives, is with the thought of where they will end up when they die, especially when we factor religion and spirituality into the mix.

Not everyone wants to be trapped in the never-ending loop of reincarnation.

Some of us want control over what happens to our soul and spirit when we die and more choice, do you not?

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If you evolve enough in this lifetime , you should end up in a better place than before

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My theory on why conflict may be a part of it in this thread: Immigration to the infernal kingdom - #110 by Lady_Eva


I chose to come here purely for curiosity I’m glad I did but I don’t plan on returning lol not for a while I rather become a guide for my descendants even if they’re not my kids or my kids kids+ I got 6 siblings who can have kids lol.


Yeah this is mostly a shitty experience and it sucks I’d agree. In the words of Morrissey on the Smith’s cd " there are brighter sides to life and I should know because I’ve seen them, but not often".

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My interest is in their culture. What do they value? Are they more individualistic or collectivist in ways of cultural beliefs.


exactly, so not back on this earth lol

I feel like many people don’t appreciate the good that life offers them

You can work magick while living your daily life, and there are people who are doing far better than me in magick currently

“As far as I know, it is an industrialized-militarized gothic cyberpunk looking empire.”

Militarized doesn’t sound very appealing, does it? Makes it seem like the IE is more or less like here, requiring the same virtues, principles and conditions - including bodily death, for why else would it have any use of military force - only providing an even harder and tougher life for its inhabitants.

I would have preferred an afterlife realm that was like a big salacious, luxurious and sinful fetish orgy. I wonder where you could find those?

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“The good is by and large an illusion. Little fairy tales people tell themselves to get through their day without screaming too much” - Stephen King’s Storm of the Century, Andre Linoge

@SlickMonique Without challenges, confrontations and things to oppose there is no room for change growth advancement or even achievements. There would only be a forever state of stasis unchanged and either perpetual forever boredom or lapse into perpetual unthinking consciousness.

The armour is symbolic of perpetual challenge change growth evolution competition and advancement (think about knights in armour jousting for the lady’s favour. No competition would mean no lady’s favour no renown no reputation no achievement).

And yes there is possibly the competition would involves sorts of wars as well just like here on earth where if 1 countries got resource x but the other doesn’t have resource x then if it can equip itself sufficiently it attempts to conquer and take resource x for itself. In struggle one can get stronger and achieve ones goals (and the ‘loser’ learns to better fight for what’s theirs so not to lose what’s theirs again the next time if they don’t give up)

Struggle is a natural state of being and a method of growth and evolution. (Like if a baby never struggled to drink it’s mother’s milk it’d never get strong enough to drink said milk and survive and grow to adulthood).

Why wouldn’t there be struggle in the infernal empire and why wouldn’t it be represented to us in symbolic terms we could understand thus showing us the infernal is in a state of perpetual growth and change as opposed to being in a utopic state of unchanging stasis and non-thinking?

At least that’s my UPG about it (the symbolism your referencing).


They exist, in mental corners of the astral created by humans, and you can make your own. Very similar to how people who expect to go to hell go ahead and just create hells to be in, and just like them, eventually you get bored of it and finally move on with your spiritual journey.

I don’t really know what I think the “infernal empire” is and I don’t really believe in it myself. It’s probably yet another location in the astral. I’ve never seen entities wearing armour either myself. I just don’t work with that kind of symbology, so I’d suggest maybe not taking it too literally.

Yeah, it’s needed, or you go to pot, get sick and die early… there’s a name for it, “hormetic stress”.

Hormesis is the term for generally favorable biological responses to low exposures to toxins and other stressors. A pollutant or toxin showing hormesis thus has the opposite effect in small doses as in large doses. A related concept is Mithridatism, which refers to the willful exposure to toxins in an attempt to develop immunity against them.

Don’t know if that counts for an astral body though :thinking:

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Great reply, but suppose I don’t care about “growth”, “advancement” or “even achievement” in itself. To me those are only instrumental values needed on a darwinian material plane like ours, where it’s all about constant struggle, competition, eat or being eaten. And man, from this life alone, am I fed up with all that!

To juxtapose, perhaps I’m a hedonist. I only care about pleasure. No actual change and a “forever state of stasis” in a state of perpetual bliss sounds like paradise to me. And in that context both “boredom” as well as lapsing into phases of “perpetual unthinking consciousness” sounds just lovely.

Struggle might well be a natural state of being, but if I was after what’s “natural”, I’d rather just stay on this Earth.

“They exist, in mental corners of the astral created by humans, and you can make your own. Very similar to how people who expect to go to hell go ahead and just create hells to be in, and just like them, eventually you get bored of it and finally move on with your spiritual journey.”

Yeah, that’s more like it! But only as long as I can stay there as long as I wish and never be thrown out against my will!

Don’t know why you would. You could also go back there anytime, update it, depends on your design and if you have all thoughtforms in there with you, or if it’s a shared space and you have to negotiate with the others a bit.

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Nice! I’d like to imagine it being a shared space yet with strong limitations, open only to souls with a similar psychological and spiritual disposition as well as similar sensual desires of evil loving, not to mention ideas of beauty. I intend it to be a highly [mod edit: removed] environment in the most pleasing and rewarding way. :wink: :kiss: