(Original art by sedone, found it on deviantart. This art belongs to its original owner)
We sometimes meet in my dreams and his usual attire is this (add a smug smirk)
The first time I saw him in my dreams he came to me as a beautiful blonde lady with deep brown eyes and dressed like a greek goddess. For some reason she resembled Cordelia Goode from AHS:Coven
(Edit: the VERY first time I saw him he was a hooden figure. Since we all know how someone with a full on hood looks like, I’ll exclude this out of my narrative)
That is how I recall Lilith the first time. Face and hair anyway, the rest of her was in a hot spring of some sorts filled with either blood or really murky water. I suspect blood but I got knocked out of the vision before I was able to get really close.
i don’t always get images, but here are some that stuck clearly with me
Lucifer is a blonde man in a white suit, very “glowy” , had to settle for this rather mundane image but its pretty close… he is always emitting light tho so hard to make out features, but always comes across immaculately dapper and rather on beat with his patter
Abbadon… huge jaws, salivating… i think it was ment to intimidate, perhaps he was busy, or wanted to make a point
Now that you posted that it jogged my memory of Lucifer as well. I had asked him to come to me one night and as I was sleeping I got halfway awoken by a massive ringing in my ear then a background that looked almost exactly like that popped up, just blindingly bright. Then a man walks up dressed in a black suit, waves at me then leaves. Kind of exactly like the stereotypical hollywood devil coming to make a deal lol.