I'm giving out tarot readings for practice

Can i get a general reading, please?

Can i have reading too pls

Can I have a general one, please?

I would like a tarot reading please!

Hi ,thanks for doing this.
I would appreciate it if you do one for me.
I would like to know which path or current is best suited for me? which current of energy is better for me?

Thank you that you doing this for everyone,can I also get a tarot reading,please :grinning:

Would like one aslo.

If you’re still doing them, I would LOVE to get a reading done. Ideally a love one if you could but any kind of reading you’d like to do would be greatly appreciated!

also I wanted to know is there some spirit or demon or angel currently has a message for me or wants to contact me?

![15747224269131956217361458149797|375x500](upload://iNS0WPyvklvQFVbqIVpFuvTWcxV. The moon tells me you’re in a situation where your transverse the fear and sadness from within.

what’s driving this physically is the five of chalice was talks about letting go of things and starting fresh what’s driving you spiritually three of Pentacles which means that you made meaningful progress towards your goal but you still have a long way to go keep working at it your vision.
the action that needs to be taken as though world which means to use your knowledge of the world in the skills to serve others the four of Wands telling me that you may reach a milestone in your life pretty soon and lastly the King of Swords tells me that you should stand before a mighty foe don’t I let emotions to Cloud your good sense do the right thing okay I think that’s good but kind of hard to interpret this one.

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go ahead. practice away. let’s see what comes up. =o)

Hi, if you still doing I’d like to. I’d like to pm you the question, if that’s okay.

I would love a reading ! Thank you for the post!

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Can i get a reading too please.


I would love a reading regarding my spirituality, I’m having trouble with manifesting and magick for the time being. Thank you.

Could you do one for me?

Me please😘

the cards tell me that you’re in a situation where you’re giving two others what’s driving you physically is the devil which means that something’s out of balance and you lack the acuity address it
The Hierophant is what drive you spiritually it talks about tradition and how it helps guide us but also it may be missguiding us
Then next two cards are more interesting are 6 of chalice and the card death. 6 of chalices the action talks about breaking the cycle of suffering rejuvenating yourself and death talks about a loss which mean you may have experienced already or going to. Star which is the outcome talks about about having hope and guidance

eight of Wands the situation tells me that the you’re close to making your vision reality and you’re working tirelessly to make sure that it’s realized
what’s driving you physically is the Sun that talk of being afraid of your future even in your darkest hours Sun will light the way.
what drives you spiritually is the Ace of chalices which talks about strong emotions look deeper into yourself bring them to the surface they’ll help drive you forward the next two cards nine of chalice and eight of Pentacles first eight of Pentacles says that you’ve made meaningful progress to your goal and it’s coming to fruition and then the Chalice reiterates this as it’s the action it says that some cycle is nearing its completion. Lastly the
Queen of Pentacles is the outcome talks of natural goodness so I think it’s telling me that you’ll be more grounded in your reality and master a subtle strength that you can put into using anything that you try to do be prepared for things to Blossom under your hand.

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