I think one of the members posted on here some time ago about how they felt depressed after doing the LBRP, and asked about any de-Abraham-ified banishing rituals. I’m wondering the same since I’ve had similar experiences with the LBRP, and have since switched to a night/darkness/moon-energy banishing based on Konstantinos’s suggestions, which feels far better to me.
I mostly just smudge myself, so I’m using my own energy.
I posted it here:
Yeah, smudging has felt right to me since I was first introduced to it, and I love incense, so bonus!
The Solar Banishing is one of the most popular non-angelic, non-demonic, banishing rituals:
I also like EA Koetting’s white light banishing, where you invoke omnipotence and then release it in a blast through your hands. It’s great for recalcitrant spirits who won’t leave.