You doubt? I’ve have my spinal discs crushed tearing into my spinal cord and my medical insurance wouldn’t cover surgery for years. There was NO pain medication that worked. I lost so much weight because I couldn’t eat nor drink but sips. Almost no sleep and every minute was like an hour or more. I was dying. It took several Er ambulance calls before finally the government insurances d the doctors decided to operate.
I know what extended horrendous nervous system pain is. I’m permanently crippled with nerve damage on my left side. And god nor no one helped me. So if all the fuckers laughed and I get confirmation… FUCK THEM ALL!
But don’t think I don’t know what pain is. But, being the net people will think I’m fucking lying or making shit up. I KNOW PAIN AND I KNOW IT WELL. And I didn’t see anything in the other side.
So yeah, I’ll question the veracity of ANYTHING & EVERYTHING. I hate mind games, stupid tests and puzzles by arrogant narcissistic megalomaniacal entities and people. So yeah, I challenge them all at times because I can.
I exist and from my selfish vehicle perspective everything is hardly important and quite possible nothing. I cease to be and EVERYTHING CEASES from my awareness and POV. Why should I put a nigh worship or belief in any entities hollow threats when I can say NO YOU’RE NOTHING!
Would they challenge to be utterly and irrevocably annihilated where nothing remembers and existence of them was never, is nor, and NEVER WILL BE?
Would they? Any of the country cuck bitch beings with their legions and protective armies, fortresses, worshippers and powers.
I’ll take that challenge against the lot.
Win or lose… the choice and end never will matter. But the journey, the strife, and goal for the utter annihilation of everything will always be there.
And that’s why they threaten, wild goose chase, puzzle, bribe, torture, imprison, force reincarnation, trick, lie etc.
Because they’re AFRAID!
Or thy are part of the parasite known as the growing creation. OMNI.
Take away earth and the countless alien worlds and dimensions of some form of existence will still be there spreading like an all consumable.
I never asked to be.
I never gave permission to be.
So that free will choice is a LIE!
They can come in peace and they’ll leave in pieces!