I want to change how i look

You need to start mewing, listen to sublimnals, and neditate on the appearance you want, simple

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He would have had a chance for a different face if he tried my method. :wink:

That wouldnā€™t grant him a new face. Our appearance is mostly determined by genes and DNA. Which is magickal enough by itself.
While there can be some changes f.e eye/hair colour , thereā€™s a limit. Thereā€™s a point where we have to accept our appearance and move on.

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That appeared to be harder for some of us. lol

Oh well lmao

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There are absolutely ways to change how you look through biokenesis. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, Quadible Integrity is one of the best subliminal YouTube channels Iā€™ve used. I used his ā€œMale enhancementā€ subliminal for a few weeks because my penis was really small, but after listening to the subliminal, my penis got to average size. Iā€™m very pleased with this result.

He has two golden ratio face videos for each gender. Listen to it for an hour each day while in a meditative, or at least in a quiet state, for four weeks and youā€™ll see the difference. Youā€™ll feel your face correcting itself, into this ideal shape.