I want a succubus bad.! đŸ˜»

It’s cool man. Mine too if I was rude :slight_smile:

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Why not create a tulpa? Succubi will drain youe Energy, bad idea. Or get a girl irl. Idk about finding angels for that, sounds hard to find

Creating a tulpa is an amazing feat, man. You may be confusing a tulpa with something else.

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Ik what a tulpa is. It’s still better than having a parasite sucking on your energy, lol

There are barely any stories about people managing to pull off the creation of a tulpa. I think you’re mistaking it with something else.

Moreover why is it that people are constantly egging on the get a girlfriend in real life thing? There’s nothing wrong with a succ and it’s his choice grow a pair and get over it.


It may not be what you think. Sometimes it feels like having sex when your not prepared or ready. Can be forceful. You should ask for a good hearted one in the letter of intent. I would be wary if one finds you (or any spirit for that matter.)

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How is having sex worth getting your life energy sucked out? There is really no benefit here

In my experience it’s been nothing but good times with astral travel opening up the chakra work but nothing but helpful and there’s been zero drain so I’m not really quite sure how you might possibly die but where were you hooked up with and however you want about it was probably extremely the wrong way. After working on clairaudience for a few days communications even better, there seems to be no limit what she can do or answer your questions she can’t answer. But then I go about it with love and respect and I requested a good-natured spirit that would also be okay with my girlfriend. It’s been a very rewarding experience honestly there’s no drain at all.


Clearly you need to do research too.


Lol anything that needs to feed on another is by definition a parasite, whether you want to attach negative connotations to it or not is your choice but from a neutral definition standpoint succubus that need to feed on energy are parasites by definition, same as humans, vampires, and any other entities that require it.

Now not all succubus need to feed on sexual energy to live comfortably such as direct daughters of Lilith who are often considered “high” energy succubus meaning their energy systems don’t need it, but they can feed for pleasure, not all succubus are direct daughters of Lilith but still her daughters, there’s a difference from direct children of Lilith and children she created through a 'deity’s ability to create.

Comparing humans and succubus don’t change what is and what isn’t, that’s pretty much like saying “well he killed someone why can’t I?” it’s still murder no matter how you look at it, in this case it doesn’t matter if humans are just as parasitic as a succubus theyre both considered by definition parasites. There’s humans whose energy systems requires external energy to live comfortably. I’m pretty sure the succubus that know they require feeding to live know it’s parasitic in nature, pretty sure they consider it just life.

Trying to use the fact they can teach you shit doesn’t change anything either, vampires can teach you stuff but oh guess what? they need to feed on energy, personal emotions aside, you can’t ignore common sense, or you can but gods forbid common sense finds a way above emotional attachment.

People may not like the truth of what a parasite is but can’t sugarcoat.


Well I just can’t believe theres such a passionate divergence of opinion on this.

This entire plane of existence is set up as an energy cycle.

We all suffer, we all destroy to live, we are sometimes rebirn, we do it again. Why worry? .

It’s silly to split hairs over a small amount of energy.

The recorded instances of death by succubus/incubus must be truly shocking.

Take a back seat covid 19, succudeath 20 is the new threat.

Splitting hairs over how we spend our energy is a waste of.time.


I don’t get the point you were trying to make, energy is also cycled in the astral, and the etheric, and so forth
what was your point?

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I dont think he has one.Except probably he tells us to stop arguing.

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His point is that we regain the energy.

What I can’t believe is grown men don’t have the balls to leave someone else alone for their personal choices.

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The point is a parasite is a parasite, no need to get emotional about what something is by definition. You may get the energy back after a while but doesn’t change anything. However, as for the jab, you tried but maybe keep your personal feelings to yourself. People are allowed to discuss as far as I’m aware and no one is making a moral stand on it. If you do not like you it’s quite possible for you to leave :man_shrugging:

saying “grown men” doesn’t stop people’s freedom of commenting on a public forum and they’re not breaking rules and it doesn’t make you any more mature than them to say so lol.


I’ll just say this and be done , anything that cannot sustain life on its own and needs to leech off another living beings Prana to survive is a parasite , and just In my opinion that is not a type of spirit I would want to be involved with, because if it isn’t advanced enough to generate and sustain life within itself , that is the definition of being used


@John_Wick Yes, but some people will come and say they are not parasites, and in their next sentence they will say humans can do as much parasitic stuff as succubus do. Lol.

Sure one can have good experiences with them, but straight up denying what they are doing? This is sugarcoating.


Sadly it’s not exactly based on advanced or not, succubus that need to feed on energy to sustain themselves is just how their energy body works, same with some humans, it’s not a bad thing, it’s just part of their creation. However, sure their creator can change it or energy body alterations if they know how. Lilith could easily change their energy system if they wanted/she wanted to. It seems majority of them simply have no issue with it, not that I believe they should.


Actually this does count as a working thread.

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