I think I'm onto something

Crowley was also big on logarithms and series. I don’t think we had electronics, at least not digital. There were radios in the 1900s.
Why was he such a math but working values through Gematria?


Great point. Also polarity and.mentalism for four out of the seven laws.

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That is exactly the idea. You build them up/program them on the astral plane and channel the appropriate energies into an etheric vessel, possibly anchored to a physical talisman.


Like the brass vessels holding the “imperfect” light. And astral light … Exactly to your point.

If you look at the history of technology alot of what was considered science fiction/magick decades/centuries/millennia ago has and still is slowly becoming reality.


Yep, for sure.

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Fucking ready to put my living brain and/or spirit into an animatronic ROBOT CHASSY OF DEATH.


28 dimensions, seven keys/tones, four worlds.

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Camel - commerce, travel, communication
Horse - same
Griffin, dragon - flight

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All forms of things are energy formed via a frequency and vibration accuating that tonal accord which is in and of itself, an expression of something as it is truly in its soul. Or so I sometimes think and giggle aloud for fun about.


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Oh, you know, I’m blanking… is it Agrippa? Most of the little symbols and flourishes on spirit seals have meanings, sometimes info about the spirit, other times astrological.

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Could be alchemical symbols that would be like symbols in sigils.
Crowley’s Mercurial/Qlippothic seals are also sometimes circuit like.
If you know solid state/digital symbols,
Could be that like sigils of One, Vual, Ellocen, Hagenti, Vine, Focalor, Balam, Gremory, Orobas.
Crowley’s prime table, log table, and Gematria with some descriptors as maths, can be found in 777.

Alchemical and aspects of astrology with signs, those are primarily Agrippa.

He was way before electronics, Solomon even more so.

Very interesting. You have caught my interest @Fuego1

What more can you tell me about this “storm”?


The little “crosses” on sigils indicate “end”, like a period. If that helps?

We are in the midst of solar storms right now.

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In electronics symbols @levilevi, crosses can mean a few things, especially the horn looking crosses. Solar storm … Okay, that can down servers and cause digital communication problems. Personal experience as a sysadmin back in 2004-2008.


I don’t exactly know why, but somethig is telling me to say this.

A wise Dragon once told me, “Sometimes words can be like riddles, don’t always take them at surface value.”