I think I'm onto something

Yep, here you go: Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: his Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy


Because existence is a simulation program and theyā€™re part of the command line functions. Iā€™m starting to believe this



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Itā€™s a popular hypothesis. Elon Musk is positive thatā€™s the case.

I, however, disagree. Itā€™s not a simulation or a hologram in the literal sense. Itā€™s holographic in the sense that we humans do not perceive reality as it truly is. Weā€™re limited to a three dimensional abstract. I think this is largely the brainā€™s coping mechanism. Goes back to when we were primal animals. What weā€™re seeing these days is a slow evolution where more and more people are able to rewrite that mental programming and adjust their perception.

Order in chaos. Nature (that is, all of physical reality) is extremely programmatic. There absolutely is a formula to the construction of reality. The idea of sigils being conceptually similar to circuit boards is very interesting for that reason.


As for the storm - We are nearing a conscious/polar shift which will be causing earth changing storms . though, Iā€™m not sure it will happen in this mortal life time hmā€¦

A birdie came to me in meditation a few months back whom brought up a possible EMP threat from another country but, I have yet to see any hard evidence of it coming to light.

Interesting thread you have going here.