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Apparently I didn’t know until after I said that by continuing going must have been the agreement I said that above, I wasn’t clear I guess

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Yes, if you found out and Leo going it was the consent if you stopped they wouldn’t be able to do anything.

I been stopped in feburary but clearly it was a circle or a pact

I thought it was a job and apparently it was a witch school I said that above when I replied, I guess that was my “agreement” I was there from September-Febuary but didn’t notice til of October things were getting weird, I invested time so I kept trying to work at it I had no evil intentions at all. I guess the longer I stayed the more the spirits entered

What if I don’t want the powers how can I give it back

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I only know of parasites or rogues that would do things without permission.

I have had abilities as long as I can remember and only until recently when I gave permission for certain entities to “use me” so to speak they never did this type of thing.

So I do agree with @Angelb1083 as I said.

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Yes, you were already in an agreement once you left. I am the queen of jumping into agreements with spirits and magicians but they always asked for my consent. Did they ask you anything that could have been like that or did you sign anything? Maybe in the astral realm even?

You can try road closures, but these powers are probably to a point what you had before. I do agree with the others saying a lot of this is thought forms and you are blaming yourself for stuff that is well beyond your control.

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I was tricked and turned unknowingly I swear I never wanted to be a witch, I thought the guy wanted to date me not turn me into a witch. That’s why I said I assume when I’ll took off me seat belt out of fear and unknowingly, I guess the packet and them teaching me how to sell spectrum was my agreeing. I never wanted the power I swear on everything I love said I sacrificed my child I was think he was talking about time cause it required a lot hours

We say the name of olay and role play talking to people I guess me being there so long turned me, I just don’t want none these powers or abilities I never wanted to be a witch or have control

I just know I wasn’t going crazy at all, I just don’t want it I need it reversed not just for myself but city and family

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What does selling spectrum (you mean the tv/internet one right) have to do with magick? That just sounds like their normal training to me.

I now firmly feel like you really really really need to get medical help. These are majorly disconnected things you’re trying to connect. And it seems you are not paying attention to what many of us are trying to advise. You seem to have yourself so convinced of this I don’t know if there’s any way we can help. I mean you had one the top notch here give guidance but you are so stuck on what you are trying to connect it feels like your not hearing what we are saying, or you just don’t care because it’s not what you want to hear.

I’m sorry if you see this as rude.


They kept saying its forever or till death, I know I can’t play victim but I damn sure didn’t want to be a witch at all. Never played with spirits read a horoscope or two yes, wanted power and control hell no. I didn’t pick up a spell book or anything I literally was just going cause had opportunity, all I know is I don’t want none of it I swear I want my life back. I was trapped and wasn’t aware I was committing idolatry I’m not better or holier than anyone but I don’t want it

Okay so if was a blind witch how do reverse it then ??? I’m not crazy it was witch school, do I have to undergo a cleansing

There’s many ways but @Lady_Eva gave you a very great way to help.

Even cleansing is a form of magick, there is banashing as well but once again it is a form of magick. Hun even if you were tricked they got consent somehow from what you have said by above posts.

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It’s reversable?? Nothing is forever right

You can’t be ‘turned’ - It takes a LOT more than this to be a witch. You have to work at it.

It was probably a normal job and you NEED to talk to someone in your life, not online.

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With the right mindset and the help we have tried to offer. But you have to listen and be open to things not being 100% what you have convinced yourself.

Your in a magick driven forum magick is what we offer. There is a search bar to look up things that can help such as banishing or cleansing.

You might have to talk to him and ask for freedom? I am not sure. I knew full way what I was getting into when I started on this path. For me I also knew that be saying yes was something that can never be undone, unless he desires it. It’s really BDSM sound in my case, but honestly I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t desire what he did.

I would definitely try asking for freedom and the. Work on closing and blocking yourself. Lady Eva has been doing this Magick thing for a while she can totally help you. Just know how to not blindly walk into stuff if you think someone is a witch or magician. (The guys usually don”t like the term warlock FYI).

This is not how consent works. Coercion and trickery are legally non-consentual, at least in the US and UK.

She didn’t consent to anything, because nothing was happening. She couldn’t sign anything in the astral realm because she has no skills to see it.

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