I need help, I'm stuck and exhausted and at the end of my rope so to speak

I am doing that I have spoken to him a lot in the last 12 hours or so. I also had some interesting dreams and I woke up very peaceful, positive minded and hopeful.

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For those that are interested in following the results…

I did a few things… I asked Archangel Michael to remove any negative Influances eneties from my mother and to help heal the relationship as mentioned by Morn_Hyland18h

Can you try cleansing her? I always thought our house was infested with demons, but when my mother died (and i can relate to your story closely) the infestation went. Im sure if id concentrated on freeing her rather than just concentrating on the symptoms both our lives would be very different”

I also contacted Lucifer as previously mentioned and asked for the same as well as other things focusing on myself and moving out of this situation.

Today I have been very peaceful and on a much higher vibration level. The situations regarding money, lack of sales, are the same but not bothering me also while my sex drive seems to have increased I don’t feel desperate or frustrated anymore or that my situation is preventing me from having sex like I used to.

So from my experience when you’re reactions to the same situation changes the physical reality change is on it’s way. So I feel hopeful.

My mother however is not feeling well and ate something that made her sick (happens often) or she is being detoxed from negative entities/patterns who knows, we’ll see the end results. My first choice is her being a normal decent mother and having a good relationship but more distant so I can focus on my own life and dreams. 2nd removal of her from my life if my first choice is not possible. But my hate and wishing she was dead is gone. (I have never done a ritual to harm her.)

Have a great weekend everyone!


I feel for you. My mum is a train wreck and its forever a battle trying to keep up boundaries. After reading your post the first thing that came to mind was this movie I watched yrs ago, its called Bad Boy Bubby. Its proper fucked but it does protray just how hard it is to break away from controlling parents/partners.
I cant suggest anything as I still struggle with that stuff myself but good luck.

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Actually probably best not to watch that movie, its real bad :drooling_face:

I am pleased that you are feeling better. I suggest avoiding ritual work to create external change at this point and just be at peace–to the extent possible–within regardless of conditions. Avoid attempting to change conditions via vibration, i.e. that is something that happens automatically but trying to make it happen usually fucks it up. Somehow I think you might be trying to create change via rituals and LOA practices to the point you’re actually creating resistance. Abide in the eternal awareness that is NOW and allow thoughts, feelings and, to the extent possible, even illusionary events appear and disappear. Turn your focus away from trying to fight demons and seeming others: you cannot destroy anything because everything exists within. You can only allow your consciousness to elevate to the point it realises its Unity with all things. This best achieved by maintaining a significant degree of engaged–don’t try to hide away beyond a point–detachment and abiding in your presence, i.e. staying in the position of the ever-present witness/observer.

As for your financial situation: I might have a few suggestions in this regard but I can’t PM you. What kind of work would you be willing to do? I notice your English is pretty goo, so I’ll assume you’re a native speaker: have you considered teaching English abroad? Of course, this is but one way and there are several but I’ve noticed that there are a lot of options for Native English speakers in most parts of the world with the best paying positions, often with many additional perks, in South East Asia. I mean USD 20 per hour might not be loads in America but it works wonders in many other parts of the world. Although the power is within, our attachment to the physical illusion can allow physical changes like relocation to make a difference. Just a thought.


You’ve been a member here for a while, I have adjusted the setting on your account so you can send PMs. :+1:

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I dont mean to be pick out stuff youre saying, but there might be something hidden behind a misconception that she is exploiting; yes, men do have trouble asking for help, and that is a factor in suicide. But societally, it has to do with the pressure on males to be financially successful, and believe the lie that economic growth is still a thing, when it ended in the 1970s. All the while that society tells you you’re the problem because you’re not accessing these apparent opportunities, you’re getting punched in that gut, and you’re getting punched in the gut at home, either by others or by yourself. Obviously, you really need your financial independence from this person, and they are obviously playing on it, but they also might be controlling your psychological values around money, and that could be stopping you from asking for help in a clear way to sources that can help you. If you’re feeling super stressed around not having independent means or a job, clear out the brainwashing first, and realise you are enough in yourself whether you have enough to provide for others or yourself, before you want that in a healthy way.

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Update: For about a week I felt so wonderful and positive and talked to Lucifer/Enki all of the time. Money started coming in. Then I crashed into to depression from being around my mother too much and dealing with her B.S. and lack of taking any responsibility for what she has done to me or my life. For the week I was feeling great and it seemed things where going to turn around.

This is what I have been dealing with most of my life. Things doing good and then they fall apart. My money magick seemed to be working. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if she is praying against me or having her all of the “Christian Prayer Warriors” work on me or what, but I feel drained, depressed and negative most of the time. I was like the positive person I used to be and then I lost it again.

I’m also very lonely, I have really only one friend I see, I’m in social and sexual isolation and forced to interact with the person everyday that that has sabotaged my life. I don’t know how much more I can take.

I hear of people getting comfort from Angels, Demons, Lucifer, Yeshua… I have yet to see or hear any of them… I’m starting to see how people can go insane with this stuff… How do I know any of it’s real when I have no proof, no contact that I feel, see etc… I did feel Lucifer’s energy I thought when I was feeling good and kept expressing gratitude. I felt like I finally had someone on my side and now I don’t feel it. I feel like maybe it was a Placebo and The Weed (I used it because it seems to make the veil thinner, and I get really good ideas, it does not make me as happy as it used to but it does help me keep working and then sleep.)

I feel all alone and social media makes it worse, so I try to avoid it and keep working. The only time I feel energy is when using Marijuana and my Magick seems to work better.

I just get triggered by living here, Every where I look there is religious crap. And my passive aggressive mother writes long notes and messages for men telling me what she want me to believe and I have told her my entire life to stop it. If we get in an argument she runs off and then sends long texts, or write letters and prints them out and leave them around for me to “discover” It’s maddening. I have asked her to stop 1000 times. She leaves she says because I yell. I have 30+ years of resentment (that I have worked on for years and continue to) and I have to be around a person that refused to stop interacting with me plays Christian Music and Minsters every fucking day(and I don’t hate Jesus, I just see him as the fictional version of Yeshua that has been used to control people, but still hearing their lies it’s tough) This is some form of Cruel and unusual punishment.

I tell her I can’t stand being here and she could help me with the money to move but she won’t. And tells me to just go get a job if I want to move. Mind you I’m working all of the time trying to build up passive stable income from my online and freelance businesses and trading crypto. So I’m not lazy, and I’m skilled and I work all of the time. I just don’t want to go get some crap low paying job or start a new career I don’t enjoy and be a wage slave.

So the person that sabotaged me when I was making over $100K a year now tells me to go get a $15 an hour job if I want to move (which would not allow me to move), and to make things worse, I did do exactly that before and she followed me and started again. So I have a constant fear that if I do move she will follow me and it will all start over and I can’t take it again.

I have 3 storages full of stuff also (at least she has helped me with some of my bills, but had she left me alone I’d have never needed her help and would have helped her as she should be retired. She just turned 80 and due to bad planning and her whole life focusing on me still has to work. I’m sure she will live to be 100 just make my life hell. If I move away and break the connection I think she will die. I think she’s an energy vampire living off my energy and I have felt this way for awhile.

I’m really trying to stay positive listening positive, music, inspirational things. I need to meditate more I maybe. I don’t know. I don’t understand why no help is available to me, why no one, GOD, Lucifer/Enki, Angel, Human will actually help me get out of this situation. I’m doing all I can do. Even if I decided to sell off all of my stuff in storage and move it would be a ton of work, and probably not make enough to be worth doing it. Which is why I’m focused on generating recurring income streams via online sales and getting more freelance work. I’m actually backed up with work at the moment that I have already been paid for.

I ran into a friend at the store and she kept telling me how smart, and talented I am and that I should try to get hired out of state for a company that would pay for me to move. But I now have bad credit, an eviction on my record and I also don’t have college degree.

I don’t see how I can get out of this with out a manifestation from another level of consciousness, or divine intervention.

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Hmmm…hard to offer advice from a different perspective. However, consider relocating for a job that will get you out of this illusory rut. One thing you need to do is detach from the situation and your thoughts/emotions about it, i.e. just let them be and watch them but don’t get entangled. Also, avoid trying to force a “high vibe” that usually causes more strain.

All of this, although it seems outside, is within. Of course, you’ll need to detach and remain present to see it. None of the negative things you are experiencing are the whole truth: they are only aspects of the whole that you see according to your state of mind.

I would work with the archangels in this case. If you’re in a tearing hurry and can’t detach effectively, work with Marduk, Barashakushu and Luggaldimmerankia from the Necronomicon spellbook. At this point, do not engage in baneful magic.

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Unfortunately, you are not alone at having a messed up mom stalking you. My husband has the same problem. She has called police on him to check up on him. She has sent out a private detective to check up on him too. She has called his place of work. (fortunately his last workplace did not give him a phone number.) She has told my parents that he is crazy and shouldn’t be with his son. He gets crazy cards from her sometimes where she tries to treat him like a little boy that needs to come back to her. Fortunately, the stalking isn’t constant, in fact we havn’t seen much from his parents in a while. How she raised him however took a terrible toll on his self-esteem, and unfortunately it shows and makes it difficult for him to get work or deal with women of a certain age. He does have a bachelors degree, but his parents keep hounding him about getting a masters, but naturally that is impossible to get without the self-esteem.

First I want to say that I’m sorry for your situation. I have a mother very similar to yours. She does everything in her power to keep me under her thumb and if I express independence, she becomes upset and then start doing things without my consent (ex. Disclosing my disabilities, even in situations where they don’t need to be disclosed). She also loves talking trash about people to me, and often complained about my dad to me growing up. However, I was fortunate enough to have a dad who was sane enough to keep my mom from getting to your mom’s level. Though I’m afraid that if something happens to him, she might end up becoming that mom.

As for your magic suddenly getting worse, there are going to be times where it may lapse and that’s normal. But the more you keep going at it, the better it’s going to get.

And speaking as someone who has struggled with similar situations, I can tell you that you need to do your part to make this work too. Depression sucks and can be crippling, yes, but writing 10 paragraphs about how your life sucks every time you have an episode isn’t going to make the problem go away. Self-pity is okay in small doses, but not if it’s your only way coping with your predicament (trust me, I know).

Working with spirits is about doing your part to manifest your desires. Spirits aren’t always going to do the work by themselves. If you truly, sincerely, want to get out of your horrible situation, you gotta work up the confidence to tell your mom to fuck off.

Start small; it can be things like “My shirt looks nice.” And then slowly improve those statements until you say something like “I deserve better than this.”

Also: remember that these things take time. Magic is a process and your problems won’t evaporate instantly. Don’t throw in the towel when you try it once and you’re not getting the results as quickly as you’d like


I very sorry to that… I think this is much bugger problem in society than people know. I’m probably going to end up writing a book once I get out of this to help others and have done it myself.

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I guess I use this to vent as I have no one else to talk to about it. But I am very proactive… Metaphysically, Physically (working building online businesses and freelancing), Magickally and Energetically. But after so many years of abuse (as that what it really is when someone intentionally violates your boundaries knowing it sends you in to depression) it has become automatic response at times. So I’m doing my part. The only thing I have not done is to sell off all of my possessions and just leave. I just really don’t want to do that as it’s a lot of work and is not creating income but selling off things I want and need at a fraction of the value.

Most of my life I did everything on my own never looked out side of my self except to source. I could manifest with just intent. Until all of this happened. I don’t know what I’m supposed to learn from this it’s done nothing for me positive. It’s very hard for me to label this as positive.

I’m truly sorry to hear about your situation. Bind her before it happens and get a restraining order if it does. I’m going to start doing some Bindings myself and after I get out on my own I’m going to get one if she even comes near me.

I tell my mom to fuck off all of the time. I tell her to get out of my life I have been doing that for years it goes in one ear and out the next. She just then does some passive aggressive attack.

I moved and she tracked me down and started again. Once I move now it will be out of the state or I will got to a family lawyer and get a restraining order and have her put away if she violates it. This situation is not from me not standing up to my mother. My mother is either a Sociopath or Possessed for cursed. This is not my failing from not letting her know how I feel or setting boundaries. This is a person that will intentionally do everything I say not to do, to violate any boundary I set. I have seen her do it to men when I was growing up and how it would infuriate them. She’s Mentally Ill or something and takes no account ability for her actions.

My failing was not being able to control my emotional states and reactions but when you grow up with it and brainwashed to think it’s normal behavior and it’s your only parent that you loved more then anything or anyone as a child. It’s not quite as simple as suck it up, be man and tell her stop (as many would think, probably even me had I not experienced it)… Been there done it had Zero Effect.

I have had to deal with 2 people in my family with similar behavior. Just recently was freed from the second one.

All I can say is that the problems you are facing are mostly internal. Even now, you say things like:

But you already know this doesn’t work with these people. Focus on bindings, freeze spells, etc. And yes, meditation is your biggest ally. This kind of abuse only works because your emotions are not under your control. Mine aren’t either, completely. But meditation allowed me to get to a point where I was not reactive anymore. I didn’t engage with that person at all aside from surface banter. In the meantime, I focused on meditation. I started with just meditating every day. I couldn’t get into a routine like I could before or the abuse would tear everything down eventually. Start small as @Prophet said. Be consistent. This is your battle.

The silence of the gods/entities isn’t because they don’t exist or because they don’t care. It’s because this trial is yours to face. You must through your own strength overcome this trial. It will probably be the hardest trial in your life, or damn near close. But once you come out the other side of it, not much can bring you back down again. Trust me.


I agree with all of what you said. It keeps coming to me that I have to do all of this on my own. So if I can do this I don’'t need Gods, Demons or Angels. Which right back where I started acting as source.

I’m new to Magick but not to Metaphysics or spirituality. So I never knew how to do bindings or freezes until just a few months ago.

I only reached out outside of myself because nothing I could do worked. And I can barely maintain my emotional state at times and my life kept getting worse and worse. Years of a situation like is is very depleting.

Thanks for your input.


Well my friend; you are in a very difficult situation. Just like me… there are very eerie an sinister similarities to my situation. In few words; same shit, different story.
And just like you, I know I brought this upon myself.

Well for now, I am trying to calm and quiet my mind. I know, your mind should be like a powerful hurricane of negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Right now I am working with Kali, from the Hindu pantheon. Many will warn you that this is a very strong and powerful and that you should watch out. Yes, she is very strict and does not like fooling around and will not tolerate any disrespect. But all this if for YOUR own good. Besides, your case I think we can all agree, is very serious stuff.

So I would recommend some mantra mediation. Look into Baal Kadmon’s “Kali Mantra Magick”. Very simple and you don’t need a lot (just a candle, incense, mala beads and a figure/sigil of Kali) At least I get a few hours of peace after doing the mantra mediation. I am sure you would experience the same. You have the advantage that you know how to do manifestation work. You can do this after achieving some peace after the meditation.

Note: Please also research about Kali on your own, through books or online. Kadmon’s info on Kali is very watered down and oversimplified (just like all his other books).

When you figure out how to get out of this big mess, please let me know how you did it. If I figure it out first, I will certainly let you know how I did it.

Best regards,


Just an update…

Things are getting better. I started working with some Demons (Ancient Gods), First the name Vassago came to me when I had some questions about the past. I had read about all of the 72 Demons but didn’t consciously remember what he did. When I read it. I saw. I spoke to him but did nothing formal but it I still got some questions answered. I couple have not been yet.

Then Bune kept coming to me. So I started working with (to me Bune feels Feminine and maybe is also Wadjet/Buto of Egypt, as least that’s what resonated with me). Then also had a strong desire to study about he Ankh (also get one) and start studying about Egyptian Magic. I have been seeing very fast results with Bune, small things mostly but also since I have started working with her I get tingles on my left side a lot but only when talking about or focusing on certain subjects. I came to her first by Asking Lucifer if I could work with her as I have built up trust with Enki/Shiva/Lucifer and feel very safe with Him/Those aspects,

Here is the most impressive thing that has happened to me. I have no fear anymore about any of this stuff or demons/Gods. My Anger and PTSD explosions against my mothers have reduced 90% and she’s now helping me to get my own place again (close to her but it’s step in the right direction. My sales of my product are increasing and I have been lead to other information I needed.

I now feel like the 8 years of hell was almost necessary to push me on to this path. Because as soon as I started working with the Daemons everything shifted. I see how with out the pain I would have never gone this route. Also these is timing in the past all LHP material was only about Dark/Gore/Negative. I don’t see it that way now and I see a lot of people seeing it like I do and without all of the Theatrics. I’m not sure where my path will lead yet. But I think it has something to do with the putting it all together Yin/Yang, Light/Dark and then writing about it so others can benefit without the fear. I still work with Angels and Source and using my own power is still paramount to me. But I now see how these beings can be of great assistance.

I have done a lot of study but I only use what feels right to me not Dogma, because I see how people only beliefs and filter and alter the messages we get. Such as Bune being male.

The only trepidation I have had was when I red about Bune Moving Spirits into where you live. But as long as they are not harmful and beneficial I don’t see it as an issue as we have other worlds around us all of the time filled with spirits. But that would freaked me out years ago, no I have not allowed myself to fear. I have no reason to. I have been working on my own terms and getting results.

Years ago about 20 I wrote a poem (i can’t find it right now) That included the line “Angels & Demons stand guard at my side” I didn’t know it was a prophesy for myself I was writing. I was something I wrote for someone I cared about who was under attack. But I guess it was for me also.


I think this part is crutial!
You shouldn’t have to fight this on your own at all anymore.
There’s law to interrupt.
Either seperating her from you,
or sending her to jail.

For what you describe,
you’re subconcious is lashing out to kill her,
but you can’t allow it and supress the feeling.
Funny shortly before i had a family situation being pushed to my face before.

Look, at your stage in life, you’re merely her food.
She doesn’t respect you, nor will she ever do that.

@Micah - Food for you.
I consider this killworthy!
What do you think?

  • send the left over Energy to Azazels Soul forge when you’re done. :blush:




The truth is she is mentally ill and won’t get help. She’s Narcissistic, Passive Aggressive, and co-dependent and and energy vampire. I have to give credit where credit is due. She was a very good mother until I was about 15 or 16. This is why I don’t want to harm her. She has also always been there for me when I need her. In fact I now have no one else to turn to.

The problem is that she does to me what she had men do to her when she was young. She destroyed my life (I do not know if it was consciously or unconsciously done.) so she could then save me.

She’s born again but I have seen her burn black candles. One time she did that to remove a woman from the life of a man she was dating. She won and got him, and he stole her house. One reason I don’t do spells like that unless I divine it’s for my and their good. She’s an unthinking person and must be autistic or have Asperger’s on some level as she has no ability to have empathy to calibrate and see if she is making someone uncomfortable.

She does nice things for me as long as she can control me and keep me around. The problem is I’m broke and nothing I do works. I know it’s because my energy is suppressed.

I don’t know if I had to go thought this, if I got roped into a some soul contract (I have been looking for answers) which I’m trying to break. I know on some level I have created this, by my lack of emotional control and having compassion that was not tempered by wisdom… but when you’re born into and do everything you can to get the person to stop it fucking hard. I have learned some very, very, very painful lessons though this.

While I am a true victim if I had better emotional control and had learned the lesson of balancing Compassion with wisdom (a very hard lesson it’s been) I would have just gotten a restraining order and had her locked up.

I live with her now and need her help to move out, she says she will help me financially to get out. I guess she is finally seeing that this also backfired on her as well. When ever you seek to control others for long duration these kinds of results tend to be in store.

Once I move out this time I will contact a lawyer and get a restraining order if she comes near me at all. I had hope to heal this relationship but I don’t think it’s possible.

Please do not Kill her. That would presently make me homeless and my life worse so that would be against my will and not helpful.

The only answer is to manifest a way out into a better situation and then I will bind her and get a restraining order and have her locked up if she can not respect me. I have been working with some Demons recently to BUNE have been of great help and comfort. I have also worked with another not well known to make her feel remorse. And I’m going to do a binding just to keep her away while I live here.

Sadly this is something that a lot of single mothers do to their sons. They turn into Vampires and suck the life out of them.

I will emerge from this stronger. Because that is my Will!

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We have a complete section on vampirism.
My brothers and sisters of the night there might be helpful for you.
If nothing else, at least have a read there and ask for shielding techniques.

I’ll share one of my own personal Shielding techniques with you:

Listen to it while performing,
i found the Energy is very reliable.

Imagine an inner orb of light, stretch around your body.
Imagine an outer layer of Shadow build around it.
The Shadow sphere growth spikes and thorns outwards,
like an octupus or thornbush.
Those attach what’s comming your way to harm you,
absorb it’s energy and transmute it into positive energy by feeding the inner shield.
The more you get attacked while this shield is active, the stronger it gets.

It’s a shield i use in battle.

