I need help - I nearly cursed my ex-wife, now everything started to fall apart in my life

Not sure I get it, are you trying to get him back?

Iā€™m open to it (getting back with him) but can worry about it later once the trauma and peace caused to me and my child is restored and rectified but my main goal is to simply get rid of her. She broke my home as I was giving birth and acted smug flaunting it, landed me in a psychward when I almost had CPS take my Son from me when I just gave birth because of her. Shes a level of evil and vindictive I never seen before. She over the years manipulated my ex slowly into abandoning our Son, and I always had to fight through courts to bring him back or lose his rights because hes so mentally gone over her, hes hypnotized by w.e pussy she gives him, shes very seductive and uses sex to manipulate and control. Basically female narcissist. She had a fit of rage telling him if he doesnt get rid of his son or give her her own so she feels equal to me that she would smother our Son who was only 2 then. My Son cant be around his Dad if he marries her, I will never let my Son grow up to even know her and will have to take a huge loss of my Son having no Dad just to let this evil disgusting vile bitch win and keep her victory. Might I add she broke my home just 2 months after she just had an enchanted fairytale wedding of her own and discarded her new husband like trash for my childs father and seduced him to move in as our son was being born bc he was freaking out about becoming a dad at the time and confided in her as they met but she used that to pull him in and away from us and now theyā€™re marrying on friday the 13th (her choice) and she already made him not only NOT co-parent with me now but completely not talk to me, blocked my number, only email once a week, never be around me or my parents like he used to be until she went crazy and gave ultimatums. So just to ensure my Son wont be brought around her he has to see him strictly 4 hours a week on sundays at his parents house through court order when he used to come to my house the whole first 2 years seeing our Son like 4 days a week. Hes gonna end up forgetting our Son completely once he marries her and she burdens him with her own kid, my Son wont have a Dad at all then and its vital that she is goneā€¦ my Son is already suffering missing his daddy and is deeply attached to him. She is a parasite in our lives and I still never healed from all she has caused my home, I still cry myself to sleep every night and am haunted by her presence still having control over our lives and my sons future with his father. Itā€™s an emergency at this point to get rid of her anyway I know how, w.e strategy the demons find of least resistance I do not care, it can be death. I just need her gone and away forever from him even if it means bringing a new lover into his life whoā€™s a good person and figure for my child, or if it means getting her arrested or killed. I just simply need him to leave her or her be forced out through spiritual means, so I have no strategy and dont know who to approach and what to ask for just to get the fastest simple outcome of her being gone, no matter which way it has to happen. This is for the greater good of me and my family and for the 2 families she destroyed.


Yikes at the whole situation


Anybody know a good death curse to give this woman :point_up_2::point_up: she needs something drastic it sounds like to me.


Yes, anything. Do u think a sigil opening and speaking my request would be enough in this or I need to construct my own spell and then call a demon into this? Also would u give a general request to glasya labolas to just demolish her anyway possible and fastest to get her out of my exs life? Or I need to be specific that I want her dumped or I want her gone or arrested?


Ma man we are so different but yet, i respect and like you. Good advice. My friendā€™s always call me (The Monk) but when you are fucking with kidsā€¦ Fuck that all in. ALL IN! Itā€™s your bloodline. No pity. No hesitation. Full damage. Or you can just let her win the butter and the butter money(dunno if that expression exist in english) but you got me.

If i can give you a small tip, donā€™t do a freezer or a (get out of my life spell) imo, since she seems to have good control over your ex, she might leave with him. I would straight up hurt her or make your ex realize the harm she is bringing.

Wasnt planning onā€¦so far my confusion lies in the question I asked thatā€™s still left unanswered by anybody and I have no clear direction with how to proceed :confused:

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Do what you have to do to this woman, magickally speaking, butā€¦did I just read you are open to taking this boy/man BACK?? Girl. GIRL. NO. Any man who would allow someone to hurt my child the way this guy has would not be welcome back. She tried to smother your little boy when he was 2? And this dipshit STAYED?? And you think heā€™d be a ā€œgood fatherā€? No. No, he fucking wouldnā€™t. If I could make a suggestion: if he wants her soooo badly, let him have her. A spell binding the two of them together, no matter what evil, fucked up shit she pulls, and no matter how bored and unhappy she gets with him (because she will), they are stuck together. Meanwhile, you take yourself and your little boy and WILL and MANIFEST a wonderful life together, without either of them. Your son, and you, deserve a real man to be a father to him. This guy ainā€™t it, babe.


She never got to be around my Son cus I forced him to see our Son here but basically she said in a fit of rage she would kill our Son if he continued seeing him because shes so jealous of him having another priority besides herā€¦he left her for that. But 5 months later went back to her bc he was lonely. The problem is hes so blinded by her itā€™s sad because he is a good dad to our son and does love him and shes too ahead of his time to fuck shit UO. He just told me now they are planning on moving across country now (of course her idea). She literally is a smooth fucking criminal. She will not stop until she makes sure our son is completely out of his life and gives him her own family and hes completely blind to itā€¦thsts why I need this parasite gone asap. Iā€™m not worried about getting him back now. I need her gone she literally completely destroyed our lives, our security, stability, health, future, trust in people, made me a prisoner of 4 years to subjected to her torment and boasting while I keep being provoked and triggered and my mental health is severely at risk now bc I cant keep living like this anymore with this unresolved gaping hole in my chest thatā€™s still being picked and feeling like Iā€™m chained and as the situation worsens and changes my sons life forever, I cant fucking do anything!!! Its making me angry!!! Wtf!!! Is there no one who can just fucking please stop this and get her out please!!!

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And while Iā€™m on my soapbox, Iā€™ll just stay here to say that, as problematic as she is, she is not your real problem. Your sonā€™s father is. And if you eliminate her, and he comes running back (for security, mind you), heā€™s just gonna keep being your problem. Thereā€™s a song that says, ā€œYou canā€™t raise a man,ā€ but thatā€™s what youā€™re going to have to do with him. Until the next time. And the next time. Meanwhile, your son is growing and noticing EVERYTHING. What will he learn from that? Is that the kind of man you want to bring up? Get rid of her, and get rid of him. Heā€™s weak, and you donā€™t need that while bringing up a boy who will be a man who will need to relate to another human being.


If you need to punish her, go ahead. Donā€™t blame you. But Iā€™m telling you, as much as he loves your son, he loves himself more. Heā€™s a good dad when itā€™s easy, when you do the work. Itā€™s obviously up to you what you do, but if it were meā€¦go, asshole. Go across country with her. Iā€™m concentrating on me and my son, and you are no part of that.


I know itā€™s easy, and makes sense to you, to say ā€œsheā€ destroyed your security, etc. But she really didnā€™t. He did. Hold him responsible.

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Try it and see what works or even do it all.


She is gonna steal not just my sons father or love of one for good, but his child support, college funds, life insurance, alimony, his pension, and his fucking house he buys for her, she is getting everything when she comes and destroys our most special new beginning of a new family and everything we couldve had. Him being foolish and selfish is one thing. But her power over him to get him to do w.e she wants and to control him and take every thing from my son whoā€™s deeply attached to his father, that bitdh has to die. She has made me suffer viciously for 4 years and still smirks and enjoys it. I want to see her fucking die fucking slowly. She is the reason I cry every fucking night contemplating just ending it all , feeling a prisoner who will never escape this fate or get my justice and the way he got so sucked into her control happened only in the last year, before that he always made jokes how she loves him way more than he loves herā€¦now hes literally the best most stable healthy husband and man ready to give her his life heart security house care vacations dream wedding and life insurance like WTFFFFFFF!!!

Agreed, she needs to pay. But so does he.


Please tell me where to go from and who to call. No breakup spell. I wanna obliterate her or get her sent to prison or killed bc he is too mentally attached and loyal to her, she needs to be forcefully removedā€¦I have demons of magic book and Iā€™m afraid just rituals from there alone wint be enough to change something this difficult so maybe I have to make a destruction jar too? And is there anyone who has a relationship with the most evil spirits who can help this task???

Dang reading all this makes me sick. I donā€™t know how skilled you are but youā€™re story is so touching i asked my mom about what you could do. Itā€™s out of my reachā€¦
Her tips tough: Contact the gatekeeper also known has Papa Legba, ask him to be able to speak or get help from Erzulie Dantor.
That Loa is a ruthless mother, that help womenā€™s especially to protect theyā€™re child.
Emphasize before asking your request to her on how bad it is for your kid.
If you donā€™t understand shit of what i am saying pm me and this weekend we will try to figure that out. Going back home friday morning.


As an abused child myself, it is in my nature to assist. When I petitioned the three Deities Iā€™m closest to, it was obvious that they were reluctant. I took this not as a message that they wouldnā€™t help, but that I, personally, shouldnā€™t petition. When I asked if they would assist if YOU petitioned, 2/3 displayed none of the previous reluctance.

I would at least contact Belial. Deities can ask for the most appropriate help from others. Add a clause to that effect in the petition. Search for a way to make a petition to a spirit/entity/Divine. Iā€™ve seen one floating in the forums recently, but donā€™t have time to find and link it. Ask Belial for help and ask him to find the most appropriate help and resolution for this issue.

If you donā€™t have the skills to communicate with them, search for other means of communication, such as the pendulum or the tarot.

Hope it helps.


For petition work: Tutorial: Petition Spells