I would think that if he could have a copacetic shared custody that could work but from my own personal scan of this I’m not getting that vibe from her. She’s up to no good and her intentions are less than honorable to say the least. She’s planning something and it isn’t good for him. The system is already in her favor based upon her gender. If he was a female I would of course be telling him to use the system to his advantage in this but he is about to be on the wrong end of that biased system. She’s not dumb she knows the benefits she can achieve if she gets full custody. Mainly state aid and child support from him. She’s just rotten enough to go for it too and she has the inclination to use the kids and visitation rights against him. From the moment I read his initial post I was getting this about her from my scan. But he might not even have children with her, he didn’t say. Feels like they have a daughter though but it could just be a dog or cat Lol
The problem is not at all related to our kids. Yes, she has full custody and I have nothing to worry about that. The issues is more that she wants to ruin me economically. Not that I have much money at all, but she’s after everything. And she was the one that left the house, I didn’t betrayed her or anything.
In fact she wants to nearly get rid of them. One of the things she asked, for example, is forcing me during kids holidays (nearly 3 months here in my country) to stay with them , atlernatively weekly, knowing that I am not at home for more than 12 hours, and have no money to pay a nanny. She cares the least if the kids are left ALONE at my home in case she won in the court !
She wants to simply get rid of them every 7 days to just place the “package” in my house. That’s her.
So I guess there’s nothing to worry about with the kids. How right was I? Daughter and son or just daughters?
Daughter and son, small kids
The problem here is she hates me. Simply as that. She fucking despise me, as much as I do.
So I was right all around in my scans yeah she’s definitely up to no good. You need to curse her best you can.
Did you see that? We were right to assume he had kids Lol we are a bunch of fucking psychics up in this bitch motha fuckahs he heeeeee!
heheh, no doubt. So what to do now? Should I make teh ritual again, with even more force and no doubts and apologize to Lucifer for doubting? Or should I just protect myself from a possible ongoing curse backfire? Is that possible?
I send this to people who I’m about to curse.
Send her this video and curse the bitch, straight up with no further thoughts on it.
This ^^^^^^^!!! Inspiring.
That does not mean she has no protection.
See what happened to you only two days after starting attacking her.
This could mean that she has a protection of some entity or egregore even if she is not involved in anything, or a protection from her ancestors, dead relatives etc.
I made a post-ritual a few days ago, the most brutally honest I could do, nearly in tears. With Lucifer. Explained I wasn’t ready for this, explained that I wanted specifically to remove the bad part of the curse, the part where I had doubts about/wasn’t ready for that. The ritual went incredibly well, I felt a sort of relief, and everything started to get back on track again.
To the point she came out a few days later in tears, asking for a favor in exchange of having her remove the harmfull conditions in the divorce.
So, at this point I don’t know what happened, but at least, my life got in track again.
An advise for those out there wanting to curse someone: be careful, and never feel the slighteless of remorse if you decide doing it. Learn from my experience.
I don’t know as much as others since I’m still just a “dabbler” but I do know that doubt and regret can cancel any magick you do. I tried cursing my ex and I used to regret it. Thankfully the only thing that happened was nothing or slight results or good things happening for him that made me even angrier so I’d try again just to get more of the same. It finally worked when I properly directed the negative energy into the result i wanted. I worked with furfur to cause some vehicle trouble after he used rent and bill money to buy a second truck. I focused on the trucks with more energy directed at the newer truck. Then I let go of the anger I had. Threw away furfur’ s sigil after a week and the next day, I shit you not, both trucks had issues. He couldn’t move and I was nice enough to let him borrow my car since I was working from home. Then soon after that he had a bad wreck in the newer truck just after getting it fixed. He hit an 18 wheeler and the whole drivers side was destroyed. I don’t even know how he was still living because it was just that bad. Try a clensing and let go of those negative energies before they leech into everything and destroy your life.
Yes, it’s exactly what I did, and cancelled the cursing. And I promised myself not curse anyone again. It’s always better focusing on protection.
I hear you but if you ever do want to curse someone, try the rituals in Angels of Wrath or Magickal attack. Try to stop thinking about karma or good and evil when you do curse magick. If you feel like they deserve it, focus on what you want to happen and choose the right entity for the job. If you want sweeping events, then angels are usually good for that. Remember guilt and doubt can cancel any magick you do.
I’m in a similar situation involving my child, and have had no luck in 4 years to break the evil homewrecker from my life and to be away from my Son who’s 4…nothing had worked. I have no idea what will work or who to go to. If I cant break them up would it be easier to just get her put in prison?? I’m in despair, 4 years of nothing…my sons abandoned by his dad because of her…and hes about to marry her in november and nothing j can do will stop it…if they have kids we will be doomed forever and my son will never have a father at that point…my ex is a cop and shes an EMT. How can I or who can get rid of her in the simplest way??? Can u help me please??? I’ve done all I can for 4 years and I’m at the end of my rope