I’m struggling to make magick work and I’m very unhappy

You’re not the only one, pushing through it will get you there. I would suggest switching tactics and refocusing on magickal self development before turning back to magick to affect your environment.

You might also want to recalibrate how long it takes to make it work when you have not developed your psychic senses and meditation abilities to a good level first. For some it takes years. I started with qigong 30 years ago.

This might be interesting for you:

And this brilliant quote from an old member:

If you haven’t spend much time browsing the 10 years of threads here, I do recommend it, there’s gold in them thar hills. Throw the question out to the universe, how to I make this work, and start researching, here and elsewhere, find anew book and pathwork it cover ro cover, you will be led to your answers. This is a fundamental for the magick student.