I’d like to know if anybody has any spells that can manipulate a person’s thoughts or feelings?

I’d like to learn spells that can manipulate people’s feelings and thoughts. I don’t want to rely on spirits that can do that sort of work because spirits can just choose not to do that sort of work for me. I’d like a spell that I can use that relies on me. Does anybody know of any spells like that and could they share them with me? Thanks in advance.

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Write someone’s name on paper 9 times and fold it up, then put it in your shoe. Say what you want from them. Step on the paper. Walk around like you normally would.

I’m currently using this old folk magic to force someone to do something for me.


Will it work if I want my husband to come home and love me again?


did it work for you?

That is a hoodoo domination spell.

I’ve seen that you have numerous posts on this including both in the request’s thread, general posts and individual topics, this is called lusting for results and kills Magic incredibly fast. This is because consciously or subconsciously you don’t believe your magic will work hence why you continually perform magic asking for an extremely quick resolution.

Unfortunately magic does take time. The exact Time period depends on a variety of factors. I would recommend that you ask the entity that you summon to provide you an update after a certain period of time has elapsed

There are also numerous topics on lusting for results and I recommend you check these out.


Work with King Paimon. That’s his specialty.

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My thoughts exactly.
As soon as I saw the title king Paimon cam on my mind