I cursed someone and they died

So a few minutes ago (around 2am), I evoked Asmodeus to go cause some strife…This is the first time I evoked him. I didn’t have Frankincense, so used Dragon’s Blood…I didn’t have his sigil, so I drew one (looks bad). I also pricked my finger and dripped some of my blood on the sigil…This is my first time using blood. I told Asmodeus I would leave the blood there for 24 hours. I also told him that next time I will have some Frankincense and some poker chips or playing cards for him since I know he likes those…

I’m very new to the LHP, so I’m anxious for results…


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That sounded a tad differently twelve days ago looks into her mails


You don’t even have to work with Spirits to being successful in magick, or be able to do similar skill-required things like kill someone.


@pop_wezzy making offerings may not be necessary, however in my mind the entities i work with are like friends and family, and ill occasionally make offerings out of respect like i would someone im close to. Also in my experience a meaningful offering boosts results big time. Showing gratitude is often underlooked but it really makes the work more potent. Necessary, maybe not. Helpful, absolutely.


If memory serves, people have actually been banned for claiming levels of expertise that they don’t actually have. @pop_wezzy, don’t make claims of doing a lot of magick with success if that isn’t actually the case.

@pop_wezzy, this is from your own intro. Don’t start giving advice when you have no track record of success. It causes too much confusion and puts people in the wrong track.

Not gonna derail this further, but I’m not gonna let stuff like this go.


Most of mages do offerings not because they are worshipping the entity but its honouring and graditute, learn something before you comment on it.



So when I do an offering, is it supposed to only be one entity at a time?

And would the ritual be like a routine evocation, and when I feel their presence can I request the entity to do another task?

Also, when the offering is blood, does this increase the chances of the entity being present?


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Re: Last night’s first invocation of Asmoday

Does it matter that the sigil I drew is sloppy? I can’t draw great?

Does it matter that I evoked him with Dragon’s Blood incense rather than what he likes (Frankincense)?

It depends. Some spirits don’t play well together and shouldn’t share an altar much less offerings. That said, you can give offerings to a group if the offering is acceptable.

You don’t need a full evocation for offerings.

Not necessarily. Does the spirit even want blood as an offering? Not all of them do.I


Ok, thanks!!

Speaking of co-dependence & congratulations btw… i have someone in my life (fk know why), whose family fucking suck except a youngest sister.
His mother is in her 80s total screwed up and manipulative and definitely holds this man down… wonder if killing her would be wise.
Edit -make her change things in her will so he inherits some land without condition


I cursed someone and they died.

Yeah, it’s great isn’t it? And liberating! Two turds for the price of one.



Magick works through coincidence. Remember that. Even if you’re not only a mage, but the mage [who initiated the magick on a target] the manifestation could seem like a coincidence if you are closed-minded.


Personally I wouldn’t consider that I cursed someone and they died, unless I specified the way they’re going to die and the time range of their death. Otherwise… “waiting” would be the most effective death curse in existence.


So, when you ask the spirits to assist you in bringing a well-deserved harm to your adversary, you demand a specific type of harm??

I usually just keep it vague, and I ask for heart attacks, car accidents, murder, drug OD, cancer, or any other means…

It’s the same thing if I ask for money. I never ask for a specific amount. I simply asked for help, but I’m not going to demand $1050, etc.


It depends on each person and their convictions and needs. For me, I try to be extremely specific unless it’s an emergency.

If i’m cursing, I specify the type of harm and how it’s done etc. For money, I specify the amount and how I should get it. And so on. Not only to get exactly what I want but my mind is very skeptical and I need to prove to myself that I caused that effect, it wasn’t going to happen anyway.

There are pros and cons for each way, so it’s up to the magician to decide which is best.


Are you saying that the curse you try to inflict upon your enemy killed your mom instead? How would that happen?


@daniel101 she was the true bueden i carried at the time. She kept me stuck, unable to gro. And now i dont even consider the other guy a threat. Might sound fucked up but it was necessary, and in the back of my stubborn mind i knew it was too.


Were you sad that you lost your mom? How did she die?

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