I can’t get an answer

@Savannah_lew What you have done here is fine as far as sharing your opinion based in your worldview, which you already did in May… however you have stated it and now you can let it go.

To continue attempting to convince members that your way is the only truth is what we call “preaching”, and is firmly against the rules here.

Doubling down on telling people they need to follow your specific way can also be viewed as a form of trolling and can result in you losing posting privileges. Derailing a thread to argue a side topic is also against the rules. You are welcome to open a new topic to share your opinion on how to summon best in your opinion.

Post removed.

Please read the rules and respect that other members have different worldviews and are allowed to approach things differently, and do not escalate disagreements on other people’s threads.

The conversation seems to have otherwise run it’s course, post closed.

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