Its hard to put this in text but after spending my whole work day on this site I feel comfortable enough to do so. It all started with swiping on a man on Bumble on August 28th 2021, we started talking, I excepted him on fb as a friend and made plans. That is when everything started going sideways. Within a day or two I started hearing his voice and he started manipulating me. Roughly 5 days in at night I was visited by two people who “changed me” and since then my life has never been the same. By the 14 Day mark I was institutionalized, I think it goes without saying my life was ruined, I was ripped from my life, from college, from self sustainability. By the end of November I was able to hold another’s soul for ransom to get my head closed up and start fighting to get my life back in order with him still in my head 24/7 ever since. Sleep deprived and tortured I was able to hold a job and recently successfully obtain my “dream job” which he is not thrilled about. Its now almost April 2023 and the torture had increasingly gotten worse and I am fed up with being his victim.
The sleep deprivation, random physical acute pain in my body, (neck, head, chest, thighs, ankles,he is creative), pressure, vision issues etc. I didnt share my story for sympathy, I shared in the hopes for advice.
At this point I am Done, I am done with him ruining important days in my life, being stepped on, being harmed, being sleep deprived and I would love to hear where to find the incantations I need to even this playing field, I am a fighter and this is war. Thank you in advance
Visualization and active imagination are the most important skills that you’ll need to develop. Fighting someone in the astral is the same as fighting someone in a dream. Intent and Will matters more than literal causality.
Vampire’s Way to Psychic Self-Defense by John Kreiter also has some good instructions, but the book isn’t free (unless you use libgen).
I like a good death curse in this situation. For peaceful people it usually acts to simply remove the person from your life as if he was dead to you, but they’re fine in themselves.
I also like Robert Bruce’s book Practical Psychic Defense Handbook.
More here:
I would be interested in a book or rituals to perform to get my life on the right track. I know there is an individual who hates me and is actively attacking me with baneful tactics.
In addition to suggestions already made, I would like to add two:
-The book Magickal Protection by Damon Brand. If you get this one, I would suggest concurrently utilising the Remove Curse ritual and Master protection ritual (both are 33 days). I would also suggest adopting the twice daily Sword Banishing ritual (once you get used to it, you can do it in like 12-15 seconds).
Hey! I’m aware you’re a beginner with these things, or so it seems, but I am linking this ritual someone did for breaking a curse on their family, because even without utilizing deities, the bones of the ritual helped inform me a lot about how to break an energetic connection, using candles, intent, and ritual baths, to do so. To strengthen and protect yourself. Maybe it could also give you some ideas as well.
Of course, never summon deities you don’t research or have proper experience with before a ritual with them, which is why I’m just sharing for the basic idea they had. I wish you SO much luck and health in the future. Be well.
Thank you for your insight everyone, I’ll look into everything as time permits. He is being horrible this week and sleep hasn’t been great since I found this site! Lol omg
The good news, I figured out Daemon tongue is the bases of the incantations which is exciting. Baby steps
I am also possessed. For the past 7 months I have been chanting mantras to God’s and Goddesses and reading hymns from the Rig Veda. This has helped me A LOT I am at the point where I can function again.
The mantras I chant everyday are these.
Om, Ushase Namah, chanted at dawn
Om, Suryaya Namah, chanted in the morning, afternoon and again before sunset.
Om, Ratryai Namah, chanted at night.
If you need I can give you other mantras/incantations.
Welcome @Sun_Light It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:
My favorite way is to reverse times infinity, and the way to do this is, think of the possession and hold that in your mind then think “Reverse Times Infinity NOw” if that doesn’t seem to work simply think “Destroy Everything NOw, System Reset NOw, System Upgrade NOw.” This will wipe your system clean, resets it, as well as upgrade it, like getting the new latest and greatest smart phone.
May people are running their original system without upgrading it. It’s like driving the original Ford Model TT, compared to driving the Super Duty® F-350® Limited
We are all nuclear biological robots, computers were designed modeling the mind, we can control our existence the same way we control a computer. Learning the design process of apps gives us a better understanding of how to modify our reality to get what we want from life. Like learning the basics of python gives us more understanding of what we are all capable of doing.
I have never dealt with this kind of thing before… How would you feel about contacting Lilith? If you go to her I am willing to bet she’ll sort you out. The stronger relationship you can create with her the better. Give it a try.
Thank you all for your time and insight on this unreal situation I find myself in. I appreciate all of your knowledge being shared with me and I will update my post when I am able to make head way. You are all great, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hi, I have been making it through. As far as any of the matras go I haven’t been utilizing them. I had a call with E.A. Koetting and did what he recommended I do but other than that I sort of got lost in learning more of the language the incantations are spoken in. I learned more of the language he has been using to attack me, it is from an Arabic type dialect. A common beginning phrase is “Va Alla” and the next word is a noun/body part and the next would be the verb/what is done to it and some times a “Va (intensely), unsa, Ra (twist)”.
I really recommend reciting a mantra.
it doesn’t have to be any of the ones i posted but i strongly believe you need to recite a mantra to a God/Goddess. reciting a mantra to a deity will grant you their protection and will also act as an exorcism.
An update on how ive been is since March/April i have been doing a lot better, im not having Psychosis or any anxiety, im able to comprehend things, the demon does still try and does at times hurt me but i definitely feel that the demon is leaving me.