I am possessed

What is happening to me is due to people of follow the teachings of The Temple of Set…. I feel like an idiot for not coming to this conclusion sooner. I got all the hints, then I read this. “In Aquino’s view, the Temple of Set offers its followers an opportunity to raise their consciousness and to apprehend what exists in each individual to make him or her unique. Such awareness, according to the precepts of the Temple of Set, will permit its members to use this gift of expanded consciousness to make themselves stronger in all facets of their being.”

I guess I’m just waiting for it to be over so I can start my own journey :slight_smile:

Are you waiting for him to get bored and find a target with more feedback?

Did you get to try any of the astral combat ideas much?

I’ve been waiting since August 29th 2021 for him to get bored… I began the Book of Soul Retrieval by Enoch Petrucelly and faced severe punishment, I missed almost a month of work which took all my vacation time. I’be had a lot of time to think about this situation and at this point the only path forward for me is going to be going down their path…. The best I can do is be able to watch their own undoing while nurturing myself.

How are they getting undone, can you stealthily push that along a bit? Furfur can help you work undetected.

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The guy that caused this was arrested in July again, I found the prison he is in, I have his picture, I know his birthday and address. I want to get a better picture of ALL the moving parts involved.

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I feel as though stealthish is not an option, someone is always connected to my consciousness. I need to find my path to my own enlightenment and redemption.

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This probably sounds crazy to most people given the scare associated with her but personally I can’t name a single spirit that backfired on me for just initiating contact willingly myself. At worst they ignore you but mostly come up later in life and leave some positive mark. It’s funny actually when you think about it. I think the real issue is the traditional approaches like threatening spirits or haggling or using protective trinkets knowing how powerful they are and that being the only reason for your contact with them.

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