I Am Done

[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:17, topic:4464”][quote=“Creed, post:16, topic:4464”]Is nobody going to point out that this guy, with effectively zero practical experience, made almost 700 posts and accumulated close to 1100 “likes?”

Nobody? -shrug- Alright.[/quote] What the hell does the number of posts I’ve made have to do with my lack of results? And where do you get the idea I have no “practical experience?” I have plenty of it.

I have performed evocations, invocations, banishing rituals and chaos sigil magick, probably hundreds of times over the last ten years. I have worked E.A.'s system since I first got my hands on Works of Darkness back in 04 or something. If that doesn’t qualify for “practical experience,” then what the hell does? I am not an armchair magician, if that is what you are implying.

If getting results fits as your definition of “practical experience,” then three quarters of the people on this forum wouldn’t qualify.

I have looked for coincidences that coincide with rituals I have performed and found three. That’s all. In ten years. That means my rituals have failed, so I have all the “practical experience” I could hope for.

What I don’t have are results.

I have shared on this forum my opinion and the knowledge I have gained over my ten years of “practical experience,” performing rituals and looking for results. And this fact has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread.[/quote]


Have you considered the place where you are doing you work might be getting in the way somehow, i.e. might there be some blocking non-physical “x-factor” getting in the way of your work? Have you tried operating somewhere else or is your apparent lack of success across the board?

The reason why I say this is over recent months the entities that I have worked have indicated it is where I am working has such a factor. Thinking about this, I did have better results before I lived in the house that I do now, and this has got me wondering. Think Zinberg’s “set and setting” hypotheses. Just a thought.


Wherever you live is basically alive - earth spirits, spirits of the structure itself, spirits of the underground water courses, electrical grid round that area, whatever.

Those, on top of whatever was done by former residents (imagine living in a house where the last occupier prayed to Jesus every day to be safeguarded from demons, for example!) all come into play.

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:42, topic:4464”]Wherever you live is basically alive - earth spirits, spirits of the structure itself, spirits of the underground water courses, electrical grid round that area, whatever.

Those, on top of whatever was done by former residents (imagine living in a house where the last occupier prayed to Jesus every day to be safeguarded from demons, for example!) all come into play.[/quote]

Yes, Eva, a very good point that should be considered, in my opinion, by all. Amazing really how some miss this one, and I’m no exception either!

From a scientific perspective, I have studied micro-variations of electromagnetic radiation in buildings, and it is pretty interesting to see how anomalies can cluster in specific areas in terms of amplitude and frequency. You would be amazed just what ELF/ULF frequencies abound that originate from within and outside a building from various sources. Of course some of these can be close to our brain wave frequencies and may in some circumstances interfere with our own “circuitry”.

On a slightly more natural front, James Spottiswode [url=http://www.jsasoc.com/library.htm]http://www.jsasoc.com/library.htm[/url] has written some interesting papers on how local sideral time, geomagnetic/solar activity can affect ESP functioning. Interesting scientific research. I hope considering what I said in an earlier post that I’m not adding yet another reason why magick might not work, but all said and done it is worth a look for consideration. I think perhaps we should at least be aware of such factors.

I realise this might seem a far cry from the original posters comments, but the sea of electromagnetic smog we exist in might possibly be some co-factor. When EA operates out in the dessert he is to some extent away from a fair density (although not all) of the man-made soup. Maybe a good reason to work outside if possible.

In the past if I had something special to do I would evoke at the dead of night, hopefully most of the junk in your neighbours brains has shut down while they sleep! I expect which makes a case for the old grimoires who suggest working at such times in remote places.

As for your comment about someone praying (previously) consistently in a place unknown to the magician, who knows what residual effect it might have on an operation, especially if one is unawares.

When we “plug-in”, we affect the local earth energy matrix as much as it affects us. Another case, as the shaman of old tell us, to gain the cooperation of such local spirits before muscling in on their territory.

I hope I have not digressed.


Well i would like to let you know my opinion, i dont a lot of experience nor am i a psychic but since ive started practicing magic a lot of things have started for me. Powerful entities have presented themselves to me and have invited me to follow them Example Ahriman and Lucifer. Ahriman through EVA gave me some info which to this very day is playing out exactly as he prophesized, ive done evreything magical and normal to avoid entering the dark gates, but whatever i do they come closer and closer no matter what. i think our problem is that magic works on a larger scale and sometimes imperceivable but it does work. Maybe we are mistaken by trying to measure results with the same ruler we use in our normal lives. And there is also the issue of past lives, my psychic goddaughter told me some time ago that i come from a blood line of withes which go back to middle age spain, even one of my ancestors was burnt at the stake and some of my ancestors werent able to use their powers and even some of them comitted suicide which probably could affect my life regarding that i would have to face the coming challenges in order to break the circle and to be able to move on, which if i compare it to what im going through now makes a lot of sense. But Darkest Knght dont give up, these obstacles are there for a purpose and at the end of the journey you will be much stronger and you may even surprise yourself when you look back at the challenges you have faced.

[quote=“Chris, post:41, topic:4464”][quote=“DarkestKnight, post:17, topic:4464”][quote=“Creed, post:16, topic:4464”]Is nobody going to point out that this guy, with effectively zero practical experience, made almost 700 posts and accumulated close to 1100 “likes?”

Nobody? -shrug- Alright.[/quote] What the hell does the number of posts I’ve made have to do with my lack of results? And where do you get the idea I have no “practical experience?” I have plenty of it.

I have performed evocations, invocations, banishing rituals and chaos sigil magick, probably hundreds of times over the last ten years. I have worked E.A.'s system since I first got my hands on Works of Darkness back in 04 or something. If that doesn’t qualify for “practical experience,” then what the hell does? I am not an armchair magician, if that is what you are implying.

If getting results fits as your definition of “practical experience,” then three quarters of the people on this forum wouldn’t qualify.

I have looked for coincidences that coincide with rituals I have performed and found three. That’s all. In ten years. That means my rituals have failed, so I have all the “practical experience” I could hope for.

What I don’t have are results.

I have shared on this forum my opinion and the knowledge I have gained over my ten years of “practical experience,” performing rituals and looking for results. And this fact has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread.[/quote]


Have you considered the place where you are doing you work might be getting in the way somehow, i.e. might there be some blocking non-physical “x-factor” getting in the way of your work? Have you tried operating somewhere else or is your apparent lack of success across the board?

The reason why I say this is over recent months the entities that I have worked have indicated it is where I am working has such a factor. Thinking about this, I did have better results before I lived in the house that I do now, and this has got me wondering. Think Zinberg’s “set and setting” hypotheses. Just a thought.

Chris[/quote]it’s not the places I’ve been living. I know that because I’ve moved around considerably these last ten years. But I have given some thought to the idea the city itself is working against me. At least it seems that way some times. I never started seriously practicing until I came here. Wonder if I somehow pissed off a genius loci or something.

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I cant speak about the GeniLoci, as I know nothing about that stuff. And I havent read the whole thread so take what I am about to say in light of that.

My intuition tells me that along the way you have missed out on something fundamental, the foundation of your magical self is missing something important. If you are wanting to try again, or continue with the magical path I suggest you go back and start from scratch, with the basics like a newbie. Do all the boring preliminary shit, without any desire for results, just do it in worship and for the love of the art. I know that sucks, and I would hate the idea but it may be the only way.

Also know that once you set foot on the magical path you can never truly leave. You might think you have left, but in years to come you will begin to get that niggling voice in the back of your mind, or a feeling deep inside that will draw you back wether you like it or not.

Those who can leave the path and never look back were never on the path to begin with.

I wish you good luck and all the best in whatever you decide to do.

It’s maybe not much in the scheme of things but I just posted a tutorial for a method of divination that requires no specific psychic powers - I’m going to repeat that, requires no specific psychic powers - that I use myself all the time with good results, you can find it here.[/quote]

Just a side note to this: Have any of you seen “The Royal Book of Dreams”?

Similar to The Book of Fate, i.e. a Geomancy style operation. Great for dream interpretation and asking those difficult questions when you have lost your stamina for doing “it” the usual way. I really should take my own advice.

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^ P. 46 looks good, where it gives myhtological names to each of the patterns of dots. I’m going to go through some old readings where the result is known, and see if those attributions had anything to do with the question/result combo, thanks!!

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that is because i’m looking for results, not ‘feelings’.

It’s all about approach, disbelief could hinder you. The most basic ritual in this day and age would be a birthday party or something of the sort. View it as a celebration of a transition. Magic should make you emotional. Emotions are the key to magic, and you can’t fake them cause you can’t fool yourself. Try performing a ritual after sleep deprivation for a couple of days. Most magic takes place in that can’t tell the difference between waking and sleeping sweet spot. Psychedelic drugs may be used as a substitute or in conjunction. Try starting small, perhaps do a chaos magic ritual to awaken your magic. Use the frustration of wasting ten years to fuel your ritual.

dk, i’m reasonably new here & don’t wish to sound too contaversial, but at the risk of sounding too rhp, i honestly believe that the universe has its own timeline for us all. i am a big fan of lhp’s take control & go get 'em attitude, however if its not time for something in your life its just not going to happen, no matter how many rituals you throw at it, like forcing a square peg into a round hole. the universe notoriously doesn’t like you to skip to the end of the book before you read the body - by this i mean, maybe there are lessons to be found in the trying or perhaps even not time for magic at all right now. don’t doubt yourself, if your drawn to the esoteric, it is obviously within you, but perhaps your energies are better spent elsewhere for a time. you are the only one who can deceide when to hold & when to fold 'em. best of luck to you, i hope you have many adventures on the outside & we will be here when you are ready to return.

that is because i’m looking for results, not ‘feelings’.[/quote]

I see both sides of that. There is nothing wrong with being scientifically minded about results but I quit trying to break down the me hanics of why some things work. Certain things when broken down to much on a scientific level make it too easy for the conscious mind to discredit and take the “magic” out of the magic. It then becomes a psuedoscience and an exercise in trying to validate something that is so succeptible to variation that even the “wrong” person being in the same room can cause problems for the operation. It’s really hard to have a control group for magic imo and measure things, imo you just got to learn what works for you and go for it.

that is because i’m looking for results, not ‘feelings’.[/quote] And hows that workin out for ya

Giving up is not the act of a Living God!

The lovely and gracious Lady Eva gave me an exercise provided by Belial to help overcome limitations. I have started practicing it and just completed the first round. Haven’t noticed anything different in my awareness but I have been focused on some crappy physical world events so that might overshadow any subtle changes.

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[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:1, topic:4464”]I’m of the same mindset of the fool. If it brings no results, why do it?

Looking back I can maybe point to 3 instances of coincidence that “could have” been the result of my rituals. 3 results in ten years. Statistically, that is even less than chance.

If I cannot depend on magick to help in my life when I need it, then it is no longer worth my time.[/quote]

i don’t blame you. i had to get away from here to figure out if this thing is really for me or not. i’ve been working with my radionic machine the last two weeks bc it always works for me. radionics are fail-safe and they get the job done, and that is what i am looking for.

one of the things i hate about religion and the new age movement is the idea that if you feel good you’ve accomplished something. NO. i want actual RESULTS from my magick. this isn’t a pep talk board. it is and should be a nexus for real-life change.

i hope i am not offending anyone here. it seems to me that my mindset goes counter to that of some people here. i am not ‘into’ spirituality and have no inherent respect for magick if it doesn’t actually DO anything. i want to operate magick in the same way that a machinist operates their machines. and yes, machines can and do have a soul of their own, so it doesn’t have to be impersonal. if you’ve ever seen a picasso painting, or heard hendrix play his electric guitar, you’ll know what i mean. machines can be brought to life. but i do want some form of precision in what i do and not to be blinded by emotional self-delusion.

it doesn’t actually matter to me if i can prove my magick to others, event though i’d like to be able to do exactly that. however, it does mean a lot to me that i want to be able to prove magick works to MYSELF.

if you need faith for magick then it’s not science anymore, or even an art. it’s religion. science has axioms and processes. art has principles. they both have recurring patterns. neither of them need faith, they are self-evident. and magick is made of the same stuff as both.

when i started doing magick i made up my mind this shit is NOT a religion, and if it is, i want nothing to do with it. i don’t want my magick limited by faith or emotion. i don’t want anything to do with charisma. i want clear-cutting machinery that changes reality whether reality wants to be changed or not. and if i can’t get that here, i am in the wrong place.

magick that needs anything is limited to what it needs. if you need a wand, what happens when you don’t have a wand? if you need a robe, what happens when you don’t have a robe? if you need emotion, what happens when you’re not emotional? magick with limits isn’t magick to me. no offense, but that’s how i see it. i am not interested in the spiritual condoms and training wheels and all those forms of religious hand-holding. i want PRECISE, EFFECTIVE POWER.

i’ve done that too. that’s how i started. it takes a lot out of you. i’m interested in doing something like hypnotism where you can get the same result without going through all of that extra hullabaloo.

that is true

frustration is still an emotion, and frankly, not a useful one.

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I agree about results. That said the very definition of Magick (with a “ck”) is “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”.

This can range from seemingly mundane operations such as writing a letter to someone and causing a certain effect within the recipient, all the way to evoking an entity and making it bring you the lover of your dreams.

What you are referring to is the purely metaphysical aspect of Magick, the sorcery element. And I agree, the end should justify the means (your effort, time etc) and the end should be success.

That said, too many people get caught up in the purely sorceros part of the work, and forget that Magick tends to produce “natural” results. Sometimes it makes sense to work “mundane” tasks that will further your end right after performing sorcery, in order to aid that process. For example, you wont get a new job, no matter which entity you command, if you are unwilling to go and look for a job or leave your house.

Thats where a lot of people fail believe it or not.

i once did a ritual to get a job. the next day i got up left the house and went to do my laundry. i saw a job posting on the wall there and applied for it right away. the air was really wierd and all around me everybody was angry like they wanted to fight. in fact, three fights broke out in front of me and one of them security guards had to call the cops to get the issue sorted out.

went across town to an agency where the job was supposed to last 10 months and was supposed to pay i think it was $10/hr. i asked, when do we begin? i was told saturday. i asked, why saturday and not monday? i was told, because the job was 3 provinces away. we were supposed to drive for 2 days to get there.

so i told my landlord i was going to leave town to work and packed up and went. all of this happened within 48 hours of me doing the ritual. and it didn’t faze me one bit.

drove for 2 days straight. got to the town where we were supposed to work. divvied up hotels where we were supposed to stay. i got what was supposed to be the short end of the stick, an abandoned house on the far side of town, meaning i had to walk it all the way across town every day to get to work. when i went inside, i had a huge room all to myself where everybody else had to share. and it was next door to the only library in town. so i won.

we were put to work the night shift. as soon as we walked in the factory, the foreman took me away and put me right on the line. everybody else got 2 days of training. they didn’t even give me 5 minutes of training, they threw me in the fucking thick of the work. AND I DID IT.

over the next three weeks, all types of shit happened. the factory broke down. people started getting fired left right and centre. one morning on the way home i saw a car sitting out on the trans-canada highway taking pictures of where i was at 5:45am. i was like what in the flying fuck is somebody taking pictures of an abandoned building in a small town on the far side of prince edward island at 5:45am? i know for a fact that even if they are from the island, they had to drive for 30 minutes to get there. that does not make ANY sense. but after that day, all types of fucked up shit went down.

by the end of the week, 35 people had to be flown into the hospital at charlottetown when the factory broke down and released methane, the guy who hired us to work there left and stranded us all out there, and some girl ended up almost dying because she lost 1/4 of her blood in some freak accident during sex in MY room while i was at work. on top of that, i didn’t earn $10/hr like i was promised. the company started taking all types of fees and retainers from my agency and i was left earning only $2.90/hr. luckily for me, i am not a big spender and i saved my money because i ended up having to give a few hundred dollars to one of my coworkers to skip town because the local rednecks wanted to bang him out. also, and to top it off, the real estate guy who owned half the town’s property died mysteriously. it is very fair to say that when i left that place the whole fucking town was in chaos.

i ended up having to pay my way to get home. the funny thing is, the trip back didn’t take two days at all. i got back in 17 hours and i had two hour-long stopovers, one in st.john and one in montreal, so i got to do a little bit of sightseeing, which i didn’t beforehand.

all said and done i got one month’s work instead of ten and i only earned two weeks’ pay of what i signed up for. and i went through a whole hell of a lot of bullshit to get negligible results.

so yes, i do get results with my magick and i have been getting results from day one. but i don’t get the results i want.

get up and go has never been a problem for me. it’s having something worth getting up and going for that i have a problem with. i find that many things in the world promise by the mile and deliver by the inch and i’m not interested in that at all. if that is the type of thing i can expect from magick, well i don’t even have to finish typing thi


In all seriousness, that was the best story I have read this year. Thanks for that. hahahaha that shit was amazing!

Yea, crazy stuff tends to happen. Did you work with a demon to get the job?

I actually used to work with Mercury to get jobs. So what happened to me once was that I did a Mercury ritual, and about 2 weeks later while sitting at home I receive a phone call from a relative who tells me they just met a billionaire owner of a famous brand. I was like “ok…and what about it?”

“This guy can give you a job, I talked to him, you fit his profile exactly”.

I ended up meeting the billionaire about 2 weeks later after being invited to his home. We talked for about an hour and then I got the job.
(Bizarre fucking situation. Btw, the way my relative met the guy was in an art gallery because both are friends with the owner of the gallery)

I had to move town and leave everything behind. It was a turbulent, truly mercurial time and it took me to a city full of trade and a large stock market (his element).

At the end of it all I can say it was a hell of a ride, I enjoyed it. It was totally unexpected. I did not make that much money, but I made EXACTLY what I asked for. I asked for double what I had when I did the ritual, and double was precisely what I got. Except that by the end of it I had spent most.

That said, if I want wealth I am only going to work with solar deities from here on. No more Mercury, I will use him for communication related things instead.

that happens when you look for confirmation bias. i’m not looking for confirmation bias. my attitude is not one of faith. it’s curiosity. i want to know, if i do A and then B, will it get me to C or not? if it won’t, then sorry. but i’m not interested anymore.

i remember in my very first goetic conjuration telling corson that i didn’t want magick that needed permission. i’m not going to be the type to ask invisible mommy and invisible daddy if it’s ok for me to change my circumstances. when i want something changed, i want it changed for a reason. i hope i’m not being too blasphemous even for the lhp. please don’t be the type of sorceror that falls back stammering homespun wisdom and catholic bible homilies when i ask for some type of standard of excellence. because i have run into that attitude far too often and frankly, i’m tired of it.

all i’m saying is, it helps a lot to actually get what you’re going for. the whole attitude of nothing happened but i feel grrrrrreat! thing isn’t going to do it for me. i’m not tony the tiger, i need more than enthusiasm.

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