How to solidify your consciousness inside your energy body

When I was in the ToV we had a practice called going “Behind the Eyes”, which I suspect was lifted from the headless way. It results in extreme lucidity in the here and now and also results in immediate experience of the true self.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate you sharing that info. I will def be getting this book! Ive read a few of your comments and quite honestly am blown away by your knowledge.

Very interesting. I am not familiar with ToV. Is that a magical order?

Can you tell me about the practice of going behind the eyes? That sounds interesting.

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Thank you so much! I try my best to offer what I can. That is very sweet of you to say.

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Very interesting. I’ll have to experiment with this technique and see what it can do. I’m a bit of a meditation addict. Always trying to learn and master new techniques and compare the states of mind (or lack thereof) that they allow.

The headless way website looks pretty interesting. I’ll be giving a good look through.

I appreciate you pointing me in this direction. Thanks!

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Ea never says that you lose consciousness. Other people on the forum do. Ea says your astral body dies


No, but some people on forum say that after death you lose consciousness and are unconsciously incarnated unless you train your astral body to retain consciousness.
Also @Xag_darklight gave me the idea to the rebirth as he has done it many times.

I was just asking your advice because I have seen your post where you talked about being able to transfer your consciousness to the astral easily. Where you left a part of yourself in the astral and you just go to it

@Faustus EA says that your astral body dies after you die. Then you go up to each realm until your bodies die and then you lose ego forever never to retain consciousness

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I know exactly what he says. You were doing fine til you got here. :point_up:

What he says perishes is the samsaric consciousness which is personality and ego. Not consciousness itself.

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Neither of which happen. Especially given in theory at the point of death your projection is in all its entirety you. So it would not die, whatever plane you go on your self would adjust to that plane. Are you sure he wasn’t talking about some kind of pathwork?

Nope. He was talking about those who don’t ascend or even do anything with their spirit

Sounds like hogwash, not all my past lives were practitioners lol or believed in the concept of the higher self/ascension. My reincarnations were me choosing to experience the era out of curiosity. I get you’re just trying to “make sure” like for reassurance but don’t be like those people that take his word as gospel.

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See, he says his experience. So in the end it’s only aligned to himself, not everyone. So like anything you read that isn’t your own experience you take with a grain of salt not a chunk of “God’s word”

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Certainly not.

Pure conciousness doesn’t hold any identity, sense of self,
nor does it fuse with physical matter.

We, in the current form,
are as much pure conciousness,
as the sea is air.

i really struggle finding a better expression,
or explenation for you.

conciousness is a plane,
one aspect of existance.

While the Human form,
is only possible,
due to it being merged,
with other forms.

Meditation actually is one of the techniques,
that allow you to connect better with that plane.

That’s one of the reasons,
people become more intellgent,
wise and kind,
due to meditation,
even if they were alone and not reading any books.


I see where you’re going with that.

But E.A., like most ascended masters expressed a deeper explenation there;

  • 3D - this current dimension we’re living in, is such important because here things can grown,
    can develope,
    which they can’t on other planes.

++ To assume,
returning as fast as possible back to source,
is escapism.
If source sendt us here,
we should at least seek to gain enough expieriences,
so we can actually present something back,
those commiting suicide without having even tried hard enough to expieriences something new,
something different from source,
end up having to show their empty hands,
when asked by source,
to re-integrate their energy into it. (and expieriences - they are stored, but not within the individual)

+++ Lastly,
ascend isn’t about getting back into source,
it’s not about going home again.

It’s about crafting your own home,
about becoming self sustaining,
even your own source.

why demonhood is beyond godhood.

A God, can create.

A Demon, can turn a lesser being into a God.

I like that explenation from rosecrowley aswell.

Think about it this way:

What’s the common reason for creation,
in creation myth:

At the beginning,
there was only one,
and that one felt lonely,
so it created a reflection of itself,
so it could realize itself.

At the beginning there was nothing (void, or darkness),
then God spoke “let there be light”,
and light emerged out of the void,
which God seperated from the Darkness,
and thus, created Day and Night.

I could go on with examples,
but the common factor is simple.

All the forces,
God uses in his creation,
even his motive - lonelyness -
are dark or demonic.

At least demonized in some forms of the culture.

Even from the other perspective, around,
the god is a servant to the demon:

The demon wants to consume something.
So it creates the god,
so the god may create something the demon can consume;
(Reality, the world or however you call it, is usually being ended and destroyed by:
The Beast, demons.)


Now try to answer this:

If there was no beast,
and no hunger,
would the world still end?

and if it wouldn’t,
would it be there in the first place?

would the god,
have created the world,
without a reason,
if he wasn’t serving?

and would the god exist?

See, answering those,
will show you a lot about your own godhood,
and ability to both self-sustain, aswell as create.




Oh and just in case you wonder why i considered Harry potter theories to be a reasonable source for retrieving the information you’ve asked about.

Here’s J.K.Rowlings Sigil she attached to the dark arts in her books.

So techniquely,
her spells are usable in our magick.

In not directly,
then at least their mechanisms.

To further verifiy that sigil,
and explain it’s meaning,
here’s J.K.'s own words on it:

J.K. Rowling ‏Verifizierter Account @jk_rowling 5. Sept. Sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places #HarryPotter #CursedChild

or the-dark-mark, are considered the naming of the sigil.

So technically,
it represents the Death Eaters,
at least it should be possible to access them through evocation.

I think for general understanding,
it’s safe to assume,
that sigil to be Voldemorts sigil.

Since the V, the shape of the Snake-Vampiric face,
and the Snake head being open and attached to the Crown Chakra,
pretty much all represent identification values to connect with Voldemort.

consider it “Voldemorts Sigil”,
unless proven otherwise through Gnosis from Evokation.

Oh, and here’s an unofficial movie,
regarding the topic.

If someone feels well connected to the content,
charging the Sigil with the Impressions gained from that movie,
for empowering it,
and making it more accessable to our Magick,
might be helpful.

Simply gaze the Sigil,
after you’ve watched the Video,
create an counter-clockwise insucking Thunnel-Vortex from your Agnja Chakra or Wajet Eye into it,
and push the Sensations,
and impressions,
and especially the emotions,
you’ve gained from watching the movie,
into the Sigil.

Let it absorb that Content completely,
charge it with Dark Energy,
and conceal it once done.

You can add a drop of blood,
to the sigil,
if you want to empower it further,
but not necessary.

That way,
the Sigil definately gains enough Energetic essence,
to conduct it’s supposed meaning for other practitioners.

The Movie:

Thank you,
for participation.



Oh my god. People have given you great advice and you still not satisfied (I am not saying that to be mean). You remind me of the “annoying customers” that have all the info about a product and still ask repeating themselves over and over again :joy::joy::joy:
Relax . Take it easy . Practise . You’ll make it . :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


Yep, def alot of resistance.

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You consider EA an ascended master?

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Ea said in his video

" Others are humans trying to become gods. I am a god trying to be human"

Not exact quote, but same