How to solidify your consciousness inside your energy body

Anyone have any experience with this. Will this make astral projection easier?

Is there a spell to do this? A ritual?


I’m curious do you actually put the same amount of work in your practice that you put in asking random questions? Lol


I put more into practice

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Do these questions align with your practice in any way or just random?

Yes. Trying to astral project. And be assured that when I die, I will still be fully conscious. Just as a safety precaution



As one of the best alchemists on the forum, do you have any experience with it?

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DO you just astral project and solidify it there.

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It is very simple but hard in practice.

Realise that the energy that you currently feeling mostly inside your third eye is your conciousnesss,conciousness is energy and both of them are chaos i will explain probably another time about this but continueing your question.

the hard thing is the actualy transfering but what i do there is putting myself in the back in the nothingness and simply observe the conciousness entering in the energy body while breathing the energy there.

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ok thank you

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@Yberion I have read that you had done something similar to this where you could be in your astral body through intent.

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Your consciousness is both in your physical body and your astral body, its called a mind split.


Yes but we are talking about solidifying it to have a higher connection to astral body than human body. Read the post I linked

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Sounds like you’d be better off doing it through trance, not as hard as people make it sound since in trance you can shut off your physical senses which will further enhance your projection one.


I just realized that was you @anon48079295 . Didn’t recognize the picture

I read the post thanks. If you are astral travelling thats where your energy will be more solidified purely by the act of astral travelling.


permanently solidified?

It is like I said you no longer exist in one you exist in both, im agreeing with what it says in the link. However in by the act of astral projecting your energy is stronger there…just in case you needed further clarification.

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But I mean that your consciousness will be permanently solidified in your astral body? for example when you go to sleep you awake in your astral body? When you die you awaken in your astral body with completely full consciousness

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Not be in a groggy state after death. @Yberion had a post where he said he left a part of himself in the astral and just through intent he could awaken in the astral body.


The more you do it the more you will learn how to control your energy and solidify it…its definitely a learn by doing, you need the experience of moving in and out of different planes of existence rather than a how to. I know thats frustrating but honestly its more complex than writing down instructions unfortunately.