I’ve read this post of yours where you said that
In this case you were not using the method described in the Goetia.Were you? It is said in The art of drawing spirits into crystals that the most pure and simple way of calling the spirits or spirit is by a short oration to the spirit himself. The goetia itself has some conjurations if the spirit doesn’t come, you didn’t use them, right?. In that evocation you said that Belial come as the guy in matrix lol, how did you saw it in the astral?
Regarding your last reply: Is the power of the pentacles the one you attribute to them, like, it can be made of paper, or lion skin you can put perfume or not it is going to have the same power? Because you have done the third pentacle of Jupiter on paper, and in the book is said that it should be made on silver, it would be good if you could explain me this.