How to increase your demonic power? How to become POSSESSED?

How to increase your demonic power? Anyone got a few ideas?

Define what you mean by “demonic power.” That term is so general and vague that it is impossible to quantify.

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inner power, inner strength, but also the inner feeling of being evil, a monster, demonic. Your inner darkness.

How to become POSSESSED?

Just pulling from what has been written previously:

Here the OP gives the incantation channeled from Etli’osh: “Sanash Itz Waleep’aye Kantantu”. When I talked with Etli’osh directly I received an alternate form of the incant: “Sanash Alku Itz Waleep’aye Kantantu” Which I have since seen other members of this forum also post.

I wrote in the following post about an effective method I have personally used to invoke dark power:

Remember that power without purpose tends toward self destruction. Anytime you invoke or raise power, especially dark or demonic power, ground it in magick- take that power and make changes in the physical world.

The second post is quite interesting, he mentions kundalini at the end. But yea I will start using that chant in the daily invocations, apparently it is very powerful according to many people here:

“Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu”

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Be sure what you won’t it’s a one-way street but I guess you have an interest it has an interest in you just be open your know what I mean as you progress just follow your path don’t second guess and don’t think about think to long just do it

everyone has there path just read a lot too help I didn’t start reading to I read Alister Crowley black book in 1992 where I learnt to read kids books just didn’t interest me
read up on Mark Alan Mish book and Goitia maybe the Aleister Crowley manual and The golden dawn 7th edition
but Mark Alan Smith books are good but be careful some the instructions are by thought not real
but if you can lucid dream it’ so easy