How to improve dreaming frequency and retention

  • Hello everyone I haven’t had dreams for a long time, or I just don’t remember them. Is there a spell or ritual for dreaming? To make them regular.

Try this post:

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I think it has something to do with the brain. When I use healing mantras. I have clearer dreams. People always have dreams, they just don’t remember them. In the worst case, when I am very tired, my astral shell floats above my body because I do not have the strength to even visit the astral planes. When the body sleeps, the spirit visit the astral planes and enjoy their diversity.
Therefore, this is one of the reasons why a person feels cleansed and less depressed after sleep.
I don’t mean the physical component where the brain actually cleanses itself of toxins. Life is too rigid.
There is also the matter of working with spirits that visit you and you may wake up in a dream when you see good friends.
Actually, the rule is simple: the more sleep, the more dreams. The better rested and regenerated you are, the more consciousness can be transferred to the physical brain.
Generally, people who remember dreams do not have them when they are really tired. Then they sleep like babies.
Supplements that improve sleep quality may also be helpful.
that’s how I see it.


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From ‘Active dreaming’ by Robert Moss

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  • I thank everyone and everyone who answered! I will definitely try the methods you suggested, as well as I will be glad to read the opinion of other forum participants about my question!

I apologize for the mundane answer, but I have to say Chantix. It’s a pill that helps people quit smoking (or any type of nicotine dependency). I did a clinical trial with it about 10 years ago.

Warning: People have experienced negative side effects. The ones that relate to sleep include: Trouble sleeping, abnormal dreams, nightmares.

Despite being deployed to Afghanistan, I never experienced any negative side effects.

Granted, I was working out 6 days/week and have always been proactive with my mental health. I’m not talking about just getting seen or talking to someone, but experimenting and coming up with various ways to successfully face and overcome trauma.

Noting that because it’s important. A lot of people don’t deal with their mental health issues. They run away from trauma, let insecurities eat at them, and take it out on themselves and others, which only makes those initial feelings worse. Meanwhile their subconscious minds are diligently working while they sleep, trying to come up with solutions, which they might ignore, miss the message, or lack an essential character trait needed to implement it. Stuck in a feedback loop and now with the solutions they refuse to look at being amplified by the part of the brain that communicates in visuals and dreams, you can see how people might not have restful nights.

I wanted to note the negatives since I’m talking about a (prescription) drug. And as with everything, your mental state will affect the results.

My experience: I dreamt every night, without fail, never once having a nightmare. Like, as soon as I fell asleep. There wasn’t any delay, no cycles of hitting REM at a specific time. Falling asleep itself became an instant portal to dreamland. They weren’t actual lucid dreams, but they were way more vivid (in color and feel), and I could remember most of them after I woke up.

I continued to dream like that for a few months after I stopped taking it, though I do not remember for how long. I was also using an app to track my sleep, one tracked your movements while you slept and started recording audio anytime there was noise. That last was meant to allow people to track their snoring, but, as I found out, it’ll also record unexplained sounds or voices. Anyway, point is, at no point did I personally experience any negative effects, awake or asleep.

(That particular app was called SleepBot, but it is no longer available in the App Store)

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