How to have a bigger penis

It’s no good just saying that you’re a supreme choice. You’ve gotta know it, in your deepest heart. When you do, the women on the same vibrational level as you will be reflecting that back to you, in the form of compliments and genuine desire/interest.

Now, if you truly know that you’re the bee’s knees, then I can only guess that you’re attracting not-so-good comments from those who are not on the same vibrational page as you, and you’re not understanding how things truly work on a vibrational level. If this is the case, you’re attracting these comments by taking notice of them and complaining about it, even if the complaints are mostly only happening in your mind. (Btw, these women aren’t worth taking any notice of, let alone complaining about. Just tell yourself a good story about how the perfect woman is out there for you, describe who she is, and while you’re waiting, you’re gonna have fun. Keep telling yourself that story until it feels like the truth to you, and watch the magic happen.)

The other possibility is that you’re vibrating something other than what you’d like. In other words, you’re insecure deep inside and you don’t truly know that you’re a supreme choice.

So, which is it? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Women really don’t care about size. I am not sure if this is being done out of low self-esteem or insecurity. I’m a woman. If a girl were to give you shit because of your penis size, get them out of your life. Your body is your temple. Take care of it and love it the way it is. And if it happens to change, embrace that too.


That’s a load of bs. I hear so many women admit it. Maybe in their younger days until they get older and realize they got to take person more seriously other than their looks/equipment or they won’t find a husband. They won’t admit it though as they don’t want to sound like a slut. Those are the superficial ones. And most are until they grow up. later in their life.

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Okay well, I don’t care about size. I have female friends that say that they don’t care either. You can’t speak for all women.

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I can speak for the majority as that’s the majority. Mainly the younger age ones have that issue. As they are into the social life scene . The older age one start to get serious into career or family. Of course there are exceptions. And then there are differences in view depending on what generation they are with.

It really comes down to what phase of life they are in. sex phase or family phase or career phase. That is the filter for their thoughts.


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Build a look around it man, it’s the whole look and vibe of a person. Not some pass/fail hair test.

Basically you just want to look sexually dimorphic as all hell. Rock the bodyguard/hitman look with a suit and a tight groomed beard. Spice it up with some cool shades and some badass dance moves. Suit and tattoos look could rock too. If you see someone at the club who looks like a high level hitman who can really move? That dude is cool.

Get a tan. If you’re bald and pasty you’ll look like a ghost, goes double if you’re pudgy above 20% bodyfat. Shred down to 8% and your facial features will pop much better.

Micropigmentation is a gamechanger for a lot of guys too. Looks like a hairline, just way short. Google it

Just about any dude can become a “7” and you’re just passing their looks threshold.

What matters infinitely more is the way you act and your vibe. Women sense your essence and go off how it feels to be around you far more than the small details we as guys get hung up on. (They’ll scan you like crazy especially after a good romp but it’s the whole picture that matters.)

It only matters to her if it matters to you. Think about that. How many absolute losers have you seen out with some girl? I did the broke, shitty car with no muffler and a duct taped bumper thing for a while. As long as I had some gravity and pulled her into my world I made sure was flirty and damn fun it didn’t mean a damn thing. Vibe.

Remake yourself.

Reframe it from “old” to “badass” and don’t stop working on the look until you look in the mirror and go “That guy looks like a fucker!!

As for your measurements… Just stop hahahahaha, anyone with a 7"x 6" is killing it. Average in America is something like 5x5. You’re about as ideal as it gets.

You’ve let the standard kneejerk “lol smol peen!” breakup comments get to you. Your other story was from a tweaker. Look at the stats, you have nothing to complain about there.

Order some Dapoxetine from India if you’re quick on the trigger (you can rail full deluxe like you’re trying to kill her with it on this stuff for hours so dose low…)

How many times have you taken your time teasing and gotten a girl so turned on she lost it and came like crazy when you finally let her have that first thrust? You can do this… Quite easily if you know how to lead the dance there.

What I would say is find out how to emotionally mindfuck a girl in all the best ways. Psychological stimulation outshines physical every time. Start to look at it as an art. A gift that’s more about mixing souls than it is hitting nerve bundles. The best times I’ve had felt like we were astral projecting and swirling around into each other while watching our bodies do our thing on pure instinct.

Go read Sex God Method by Daniel Rose and try it on. It will absolutely change your life.

Remember though man, she’s the fish, you’re the water. Give her a nice pool to swim in with your energy and personality. Be pleasant yet unapologetically sexual masculine. Own who you are and have something bigger than her going for you.


very simple. get excited and you’ll have a bigger one. =o)

It’s really not a big deal. you are born with what you gots. if you focus so much on size then it might be more of insecure issues. work on that.

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GUYS. ~maybe you should rather aim at your viruses and bacteria.(mostly in the gut)
Here some food for thought:

You are your gut.
funfact: in chinkon they actually try to focus their spreadout soul, all into a sphere of like 10cm, somewhere below the belly button.

Interesting, i feel.


Increase in testosterone will help this? Dude that’s not correct to be said in a nice way…
Testosterone doesn’t make you dig bigger lol haha
There some stretch excersices for to make your dick a little bit bigger but that takes a while to achieve it and if don’t expect too much results…
Anyway…boost in testosterone with the help of anabolic at 125 mg a week will stop your own testosterone production… at 250 mg a week you see some benefits of it…
More muscles… more libido… faster recovery of intense workout…
Side effect are sure there but you will see that gradually
Some will have acne or will be bloated but that is usually when you use it for a long time and a much higher dose but every person reacts different on it
Another thing when you use long and big dosage…
No it will not make you dick little as it will not make it bigger…
It can or will make you balls smaller cause if you inject testosterone your balls are thinking
‘ hey I produced enough testosterone so I quit working’ so then you will have smaller balls


It is all about self’s confidence bro!
I see allot of times guys who are good looking and jerking off all day everyday cause they have for some reason no self confidence
And then the less good looking guys who are more confidence about them self and talking smooth they bang all day everyday

It is you who make the reality bro with fucking girls or in general

Don’t put a limit on yourself with your thoughts and therefore you self confidence…

Woman can smell your Confidence :joy:


Only jelqing and stretching worked for me in the past. All steroids, peptides, and other stuff will not give results for size.

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Lmao imagine tomorrow you wake up and it went front 6 to 15 lmao


That blue line is how long long ur penis will be if u say the following prayer:

Hippity hoppitus, the women cannot handle us, we are one…one my penis and I, WE ARE ONE…the serpent of sexual desires will GROW GROW GROW GROW GROW!!!

it will happen over night trust me



Any proof or results with that?

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Any thoughts on how can we use it?

I believe he was being facetious


I too, even though I might be a solitary forever, would also appreciate a doubling of the size of my Wang.

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