How to get someone get out of my life completely

Hi everyone. I created this topic to get help. Basically I let a girl enter my life now it’s starting to be very difficult and complicated and I need her to get out of my life to be in love with somebody else. Is there anything you know that working I can use ? I thank you all in advance for your help and messages🙏🏼


To get out of your life? I would call upon Belial 100%

To love someone else? Eh a love spell would do it but probably their will be some complications so I would focus on the necessity: kick her out and let her do what ever she desires.

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Just tell her it’s not working out and you’ve fell in love with someone else?
Never a fun conversation, but just being honest and forth right is usually the best thing to start with.

A cord cutting spell, could do the trick. There’s probably plenty to be found here on the forum or through your favorite search engine

Or maybe this might work for you


Indeed not a fun conversation you’re right. The main problem is she’s from North Africa and I know her mom consulting magicians a lot so that’s what scaring me. If she takes the decision to stop herself it will be better and safe

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Belial would be perfect but in my current state calling Belial will be hard but I keep that in mind. Thank you so much for your help

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You might want to make some hot foot powder and do a break up spell. Placing both your names in a jar.

Call upon Abaddon to destroy your romantic relationship.


Don’t let it scare you - you will reinforce anything and allow it to happen, and all you need to do is deny permission for her to affect you.

I would do a death curse, with the intention set that you are killing both the relationship and setting it that “it is as if she is dead to me”… but she can be fine and finding her best life as our intention is not for her being to die, just the parts that connect to you. You just want to remove her from your personal corner of the universe.

I would treat finding her another love as a different spell, and do that first as afterwards she will not exist for you as a target to work on.


An exile spell. Both Jareth Tempest’s book Angels of Omnipotence and Gordon Winterfield’s Angels of Wrath have rituals to exile someone from your life.


Thank you very very much

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who help me and gives me thoughts and help :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

It’s great I love what you said. Really a huge thank you

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There are many ways.

Cut and clears, Hot Foot banishings, Freezer spells (including Vovin’s famous one, which Lady Eva referenced here awhile back), Break Up spells (it’s 100% valid to use a break up spell on yourself and someone you don’t want), etc. Use Search bar, there’s a lot of good stuff on here.

Adding a Protection ritual to keep them away can help stop them from weaselling their way back in.

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Thank you very much for your answer I will check that

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