Seek after people who aren’t just interested in the simple things. Get some people close to you that are interested in you. I don’t give a shit on friends that are not replying or caring!
thats a good idea, personally, I second it.
Ok any ideas?
Looks like you need some good old fashion money!! And you need to get rid of the people around you and find yourself a new crowd. You have hobbies look for people with similar interests as you. You can pm if you want I have a feeling I can help you. Never said that to anyone before… hm
my advice? look within, meditate.
I don’t know what’s available in your area, in the UK there are charity shops (people donate, stuff sold to raise funds) they’re always looking for good vols, litter-picking, that’s really fun and outdoors so you’ll get frtesh air, daylight, and exercise, or see if there are other voluntary orgs in your location.
I started out doing that, doing things people wanted me to do. Like become an electrical engineer because my parents wanted me to do that even though I hated doing the math, and would have rather played video games. As a result, in my twenties, I became very self absorbed, I mostly though about myself and my issues, and I pretty much refused to do anything for anyone else. After my Saturn return, I changed that, I decided to help care for others, but now I’m realizing its not enough to care about others and try to help them, you have to do it in your own unique way, you can’t just ignore your special talents, pretend they don’t exist and try to help, because you won’t be that effective and get burned out easy.
I am talking about taking actions that help, like doing specific time-limited things, not adopting other people’s worldviews and expectations of you across your whole life.
And not to be a dick but a life spent playing video games is unlikely to bring you lasting fulfilment. It’s just you doing what the game devs want, what they work hard to make the games addictive for, instead of getting skills and making a real life.
And if you feel reluctant to jump right at caregiving for other people - there are animal shelters in need for your support in every area right now, I guess. You do something for animals AND people alike this way with the option to retreat to animal care if you feel a bit overwhelmed from all of this new input (yes, you WILL come into contact with other people over the animals in need, been there and done that. No, I am not the most sociable flower in this garden)
Three of Cups
I laughed at this when I was thinking about your plight, but it may represent what your life could be.
Knave of Wands
Hmm, what if you just started seizing power?
When a door shuts, a window opens. Find these windows.
Seven of Cups
This could have something to do with your self-sabotaging thoughts and words. Better turn that around.
Ace of Cups
Take a purifying shower, and embrace the darkness of your tortured soul,
child of the night.
Howl at the full moon, and claim your dark throne.
It has hurt enough,
but now it can hurt so good.
Syphon the power out of tragedy.
Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type (I prefer the latter because it’s faster).
Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?”
Write an answer (any answer) that pops into your head. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence. A short phrase is fine.
Repeat step 3 until you write the answer that makes you cry. This is your purpose.
Okay. Are you a regular drinker of alcohol and have you ever suspected or have been officially diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum?
Sounds silly I know, but those two things are flagging up for me.
I’d be drinking every night if I was in this guy’s mindset.
I just thought of distilling my own whiskey, and calling it “Woe Bringer” or something.
I’m drug free so I don’t smoke or drink. I’ve been told by a doctor that my feelings are on the autism spectrum and someone else said that the feelings I describe also sounds like autism so yes I’ve heard this before. I’ve been given coping skills to deal with it and I’ve been trying to find the happier side in things but again, I’ve had these sentiments for many years so it’s going to be a while for things to turn around in a big way.
Excuse me if things were difficult for me and had no where to turn to. I didn’t have anyone to tell me these things so I had to learn to reach out for help very slowly over time. That’s kind of how it is when you learn to keep your feelings to yourself since the people around me didn’t get along with me or each other.
You’re excused lol
Yeah, autism seems rough.
Just get all obsessed with magic, and you can psych yourself out of this rough patch.
Okay. My advice then is to go back to the doctor and ask to be officially tested for autism.
I suspected that I was autistic since secondary school/high school and I felt so confused as to why I had trouble forming relationships with people in general.
Last year I finally got my diagnosis and having confirmed what I suspected all those years ago has brought me a lot of peace in my self.
It’s said that earth is hell. A prison for the soul until you can break out your true soul. Then you will be free. So go work on evolving your soul. =o) Then you will be free from this planet. Only if that theory is correct.
Seems you need a pet.
What makes this a prison is OTHER HUMANS…get rid of the human problem…There will be no human species left to reincarnate into…js…(still convinced reincarnation is a crock-pot convenient paradigm All magick seems to have its root in ensuring the continuity of the soul,and control over nature for a successful hunt and growth period of the land…So how bloody convenient now in the 21st century everyone reincarnates…hysterical. )
Gain power, we can’t escape…gain as much as u can and use it as often as u can…If u seek a path to become a part of something, everything will disappoint…some of us do not belong with others humans (save for 1 or 2 personal confidants… the rest are wallpaper) . All I’m saying if nothing works, annihilation is always an option…not saying its the only answer…I hazard against self annihilation
The spirits of the Tunnels of Set, Qlippothic entities can seem to help in removal from the reincarnation cycle …Worth preserving one’s information from all the suffering one has endured along with awareness…or all ur suffering will have been in vein, a freaking waste…
@anon64752597 Stop teaching him or giving him ideas to be the ‘brain’ from pinky and the brain animaniacs show. lol. We don’t need another person who want to take over the world. =o)