How to get off this planet and never come back?

If you’re doing any othe following you are creating your own hell:

  • being on social media for more than an hour or so a day, especially Tumblr or Instagram, or anything that you don’t go into looking to either receive or impart specific knowledge, then log-out once that’s done

  • eating foods your grandparents would not recognise, or eating one specific type of food to excess, which is usually more than about 4 ounces at a time

  • thinking constantly about problems you have no practical ability to solve, whilst simultaneously refusing to help others in a practical manner. Too much reading about global warming for example, too little offering to help elderly neighbours dig their garden, and include a little wild patch for the local butterflies.

Doing things for other people who need you is the best remedy for most human woes, for multiple metaphysical reasons.

If that sounds like hard work because you’re too good for us lowly earthlings :stuck_out_tongue: and you want more info on how to feel even worse, and therefore better than us, I highly recommend this guide: