How to banish Asmodeus?

I watched Enoch Petrucelly’s cleansing ritual video about ten days ago. During the ritual I saw some hellish visions, nothing major just a dark red temple and throne. Since then I’ve been getting astrally raped a lot more ( I’m already dealing with entities in my field) I also saw a demon like being in my inner vision around Monday, then I felt a presence behind me which eventually came closer to my body. I’ve been thinking in an Australian accent (I’m American) as well as in some foreign tongue that sounds like Latin. I think something came through that portal and I don’t know how to get it out. I’m not experienced in black magic and admit it is NOT for me. I watched Enoch because I wanted to clear my field and he seemed relatively trustworthy. It’s possible that it is another spirit or imposter. How do I banish him without invoking anything else into my field? I just want my own body and spirit to myself again.


What are you doing to banish and ward your place and especially your sleeping area? Have you attacked any of these entities to get rid of them and teach them a lesson?

if you haven’t seen these, they’re a staring point: You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and get aggressive about getting rid of the parasites (that’s what we call what you’re dealing with around these parts - they’re upsetting you to feed on the energy you produce when they do that.

Thanks for the reply. I state out loud that I do not consent to any interference with my field but its not enough. For banishing sometimes I visualize flames around my aura burning up anything that does not belong. Or I’ll use the Thurizaz rune. I’m pretty energetically weak and not that experienced.

Call upon archangel Raphael. In the Book of Tobit, he is the one who helped Tobit banish and bind the demon.


I don’t trust angels and I don’t want to call anyone in because its been consistently going wrong for me

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My last post in there is what I do when directly attacked, as you are being. It requires no entities, only you and your focus.

Contact goes both ways, to reach you, they put themselves in your power, and on your territory, you have the upper hand.


Im confused…you watched a video of someone doing a cleansing ritual and that opened a portal/brought Asmodeus into your home? Is that even possible?:hushed:

What makes you believe that Asmodeus is the culprit?

Because of the sexual things and I think that’s the only demon he invoked in that video. It could’ve been an imposter/parasite

There’s doubt about what it is,as the OP said: :smiley:

I read these as “archons” myself … but I think it doesn’t matter which is why I didn’t mention it.
Attacks became worse because an attempt was made to get rid of them by watching Enoch Petruchelly’s cleansing videos - that happens, the strong ones fight rather than hiding.
I’ve used his video to clear Archons and it works, which would be highly irritating to strong parasites.

Unfortunately, for me also it only worked temporarily, effects lasting 1 hr to 1 day and then they came back. I went to full war with mine and that’s where I developed the technique of burning them that I linked. I’ve used it ever since.

Yeah I’m thinking that’s what happened since they do get mad every time I try to remove them. And the demonic language thing could be another little game they like to play. The cursing rite didn’t seem to make anything worse only the banishing video. Glad it worked for you.

Well temporary relief wasn’t enough, hence “war” - I mean war.

It’s no good killing the one attacking me now if it’s just replaced by two more, right?

So I went into deep trance and hunted them on every continent on the planet and burned them all to ash wherever I found them, ALL of them.

So there would be no more to recoup and come back, ever. They are now completely gone from my reality.

THAT is what I’m suggesting you do. It’s work, it took me hours and I slept for two days afterwards, but it stopped the attacks, so it was worth it. And good experience, and I rarely have issues with parasites now as they all saw what I do to things that attack me.

Hence my tag line - “Si vis pacem para bellum” means “If you want peace be prepared for war”.


Michael and Raphael. Left Hand Path people have talked shit to me for saying this, but it is true that they can banish him and other qliphothic spirits with extreme authority.

Invoke them, and set them upon him. :slightly_smiling_face:

I always get imposter spirits when I invoke something in. They use it as a chance to take advantage of me since I don’t actually have a relationship with those energies

I did some googling on Enoch…I didn’t know he was arrested for murdering his brother! I thought these spirits were supposed to help, not drive you to do the unthinkable!!!
You should probably call on some angel spirits for protection.

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I don’t really trust calling any entities into my field at the moment. And yes he actually talked about it in one of his recent videos. I feel like he does have a lot of remorse for it though.

If they’re responsible for making him do what he did, I wouldn’t trust any entity either. There’s always a risk, no matter what you’re working with.

Yeah in my case it’s not the entity that Enoch summoned but rather the entities that are already bothering me that used that video as some sort of gateway.

If it’s a cleansing ritual then where did they come from?

It’s a very long story. They are not normal parasitic entities. More akin to archonic spirits. Normal methods to cleanse don’t work. They get pissed off whenever I do anything to help myself and calm down when I get more submissive.