How to approach Lilith

Lucifer is very touchy feely with me especially if he’s trying to get my attention . The sexual aspect ranges from pleasure to healing. His methods of healing have always been sexual with me but not in a perverse sort of way . More along the lines of bringing out my vulnerability and protecting me. I adore him so much.


They may be very sexual by nature, but the deeper the relationship goes, the sexual aspect becomes secondary and just a physical expression of love and intimacy.

Spirits and entities like succubus and incubus are physically dependent when interacting with us, maybe more so than other spirits. Of course it might take a different turn, when having problems with physical interaction of any kind, but I see it as an essential way to interact with these kind of spirits.

And touches are important to experience as a human. Being without it comes with depression and feelings of being alone. Babies fades away and slowly dies without physical nurturing.

okay. Here is one experience I had with the hooded man. You see, hes always lurking always been in the shadows and when the need arises he brings it.
I went to a conference at work one time, just say, I was drawing on a new sexual experience - more so, I was in control, or so I thought. But when we got to this motel room the energy was thick, dank and just really not appealing I shrugged it off like I usually do, when you constantly have paranormal stuff going on you tend to overlook a lot.
So, I ended up asleep. And I opened my eyes to see one of the biggest entities I have ever seen at the foot of my bed. I could see thru it and see the TV behind it still on. about that time, that thing grabbed my ankles and commenced pulling me out of bed. I struggled and struggled. After thrashing about, I heard a man’s booming voice say. That’s enough, leave her alone. And it vanished. I looked into the area I felt the voice cam from and there was a hooded man in the corner. I shook my head and laid back down. Before long, it came back and was pushing me thru the mattress. agan, the hooded mans voice get away from her, leave her be. You know when I got up the next morning. My ankles were red as can be and I had marks on my legs where it was pushing me down.
So, when he lays his hands on me normally its to steer me from something. Same with Lilith. Much like if you would put your hand on someones back and guide them forward.

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So it was a non-consensual confrontation, and the hooded man interfered? How would he react if it was within consent?

Who is this hooded man? An ancestral spirit? Something else? It’s interesting.

okay… Ill try to explain without a book.

I call him the hooded man because for years his identity was withdrawn or I was just to scared to accept that is actually who was here. I have always had interest in things dark, different so on. I have never fit in with any one set of religious principles. Actually religion makes me gag. I had noticed that he would at times come closer - Hearing all your life that the devil is going to get you- kind of set my perceived notions of what he could be.

When that thing got a hold of me he stepped closer and spoke. not one voice but many. But to my ears what I heard was my boyfriends tone (not his voice but a similarity) But different.

So, when something lays its hands on me and if I find it not appropriate hell step in. I dont know. just what has always happened. He did not reveal him self to me fully or I didn’t accept it till he brought me dogs.

I did a small ritual in my backyard. I get energy issues sometimes and when they flux alot Im either under a psychic type of attack or a spirit based one. I have been terrorized since I was a small child with things that do bump in the night. And laugh all you wish. It was never a demon, vampire type, or anything that we are suppose to fear. Those types of things were never my nightmares. So, I said. Lillith I need your strength here I need help. with a whoosh of air they both showed up and he literally pushed her aside. Removed his hood and wrapped his wings around me and said, I got this. I was under attack, but from where I dont know. After that he began to speak to me in cryptic talk. I can tell you what he smells like, I can tell you what he appears to me as.

After he gave me dogs, he did reveal himself in various ways. First was the undeniable peacock stuff,. I am not talking there is a pretty peacock. EVERYthing was peacock. EVERYthing I would see would be peacocks. I had a spirit painting one day and that lady drew a flipping peacock.

and really, this is but a toenail on all the shit I deal with in the spiritual world. Its why I ended up here.

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I know this is way random, but do you have any affinity for Yezidi cosmologies? The Yezidi people in The Middle East are highly persecuted, but they believe in and worship a Being that is sometimes referred to as The Peacock Angel, or so I read somewhere once.


Peacock? I’ve heard of one appearing as a peacock: Adramelech.

It doesn’t mean it’s him, but that’s what first came into my mind. I have no experience of him, just to be clear.

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Was just about to say this lol
Its refers to this being


No, i have not studied Adramelech but I have researched Melek Taus who is the Peacock Angel of the Yezidi culture. Ya, that was the first name that came to me. After, I followed that lead, it took me right into a page full of Lucifer stuff. Ya I would have to admit the thought of this happening did freak me out. But I have a contact who deals with this kind of stuff and he has basically give me ideas to search for.

I dont feel that they are like in any way harmful to me but from what I have witnessed, when I feel danger one of three things happens. 1 lilith watches, 2. Dogs show up 3. Lucifer shows up and they all scatter

And its really obvious to others that there is a man and a woman present around me. Many people talk about it.


Seriously?! That powerful person behind me; it can’t be her. Strange coincidence though right?

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I recited each incantation of Lilith and Gamaliel, including mantras for Lilith and Naamah. I shut out light, performing the darkness meditation. I saw movement, felt buzzing and feeling around my groin. I told them I wanted to unite with them spiritually and sexually. I think I attracted their attention.
So how do I astral project or othereise enter into Qlippoth?


Deep trance state, and here’s the key… WITHOUT falling asleep. Still struggling with this myself.


I found this looked helpful. Somebody else sent me this.


yeah this great way to meet lilith and start your shadow work :slight_smile:


I agree, but it doesn’t have to be a “deep trance” to get there. In my experience, you need three things to get into astral projection:

  • Your head chakra, specifically the Ajna Chakra, the Crown Chakra and the Talu Chakra is essential to astral project in an awake state.

  • Your ability to sense energies and spirits physically and emotionally is essential when it comes to astral projection. But if your other perceptions is stronger, you should use them instead. Result is result, as long as it comes to some kind of understanding through your perceptions.

  • Your connection to spirits makes it easier to astral project much faster than doing it on your own through trance and meditation. The same goes with trying to open the chakras on your own, because there’s no reference point. And without reference of external interaction, how would you know if you succeed?


I agree with @succupedia on this. I can astral project quicker if I focus on the physical sensations and if I’m trying to reach Lucifer. His initial contact was pulling me into the astral and so I focus on the similar feelings I had THEN I boom, I’m there.


That’s because Lucifer is your reference point to the astral plane. Sure, some of us can astral project without the spiritual reference point, but it’s much, much harder to get there as easily without a spirit guiding you. The same goes when opening your chakras on your own, and letting a spirit opening them for you.


Ive only done it maybe 3 times in my teens on accident. Practice in adulthood would get me close but since I’ve been close to him and have him for a guide it’s much easier. It still takes work though, he even told me " now you have to work to get to me," but if I push toward him I do it with no problem .


I often astral project spontaneously. I can take a smoke under the kitchen fan, and be on the astral plane while my ladies are putting jewelries and clothes on my body. Sometimes the air thickens and I’m surrounded by a crowd of spirits clapping their hands close to my ears, and several hands are all over my body.

This also happens whenever I’ve had a conversation about Lilith’s Sisters. They dress me up to make me presentable, preparing me for a meeting.


There’s something strange I can do now, but again it’s only with Lucifer. I can be at work, and im primarily by myself all day, but I can be with him astrally yet fully functional on the physical. Almost like I’m remote viewing but present in both places. I wish I could do THAT all the time.