How To Appease Lady Lilith

Hello Everyone! Ok!
Apperently Lady Lilith is upset with me for some reason, and I need to win her favor back!
Do any of you have any ideas of how I can appease her and win her favor back?

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If you’ve been doing all this from your other thread…

It seems like she’s not accepting apoligies.

Maybe stop pushing the issue, which can irritate and make it worse. and give it some space for the energy to settle and try again in a month or two.

If you didn’t do any of that, try following up and doing it.


I did

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@IncendiumMaledictus I think you’re in a rush and are too quick to interpret things and seem to think everything is negative. I would personally hold off working with deities and spirits until your divination skills are more accurate and balanced in nature.

I would practice your tarot reading alot more, as in previous posts you seem to not know the basic card meanings.


I’ve studies the interpretations
But yes I do have a lack of Knowledge on Tarot Card interpretations…for some reason

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@IncendiumMaledictus Yeah you’re throwing alot of negative interpretation where there is none. I think this more to do with your emotional and mental state.

I would start a shadow work journal when these thoughts of negativity and doom happen write them into your journal. This way you can see what triggered these feeling and thoughts rather than looking for spiritual reasons as to why they are happening.

That way you can trace the issues back to what the trauma was originally from. Also practicing your tarot will also help you decipher a more balanced and accurate reading without your emotional or mental imprint of said issues onto it.

I’ve been through similar things too so Hope this helps :pray:

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Wait! Who told you that I did Tarot readings on this subject?

I’m not trying offend you or anything
I’m just curious

You’ve been posting card draws in all of your topics lol It’s not hard to extrapolate from that.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: lmfao
You’re right I’m such a retard

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I must open my eyes

I usually just stick to the traditional interpretations of the cards
Do any advice? Is there something I’m not doing?
Am I doing doing wrong?


@IncendiumMaledictus Best Way is to Break Up The Tarot into Sections. Learn the Major arcana first.

Once you’re on point with them. Then Add One Of The Minor Arcana e.g. Wands to the Major Arcana And Learn The New Additional cards.

Then once you are good at that. Add another Minor Arcana Suit, Swords and then progress by adding another and then the final one.

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For what reason would she upset with you? If you dont mind share with us what happened.
In any case, she loves red wine, blood and red roses. You could call her and give her some offerings. She would appreciate that :blush:


I had denounced her in the name of the Christian god, I also may have insulted her

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I don’t know yes and no tarot by heart
I use google to find out of it’s a yes or no answer

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This isn’t really a black and white thing, you have to read them in context relative to your question and then listen to your intuition for more info personal to you.

Like, if you ask if something good will come, and you get cards with favourable text, then the answer is probably yes, but if you ask if something bad will happen to your enemy you cursed and you get bad text, the answer is probably… yes.

Tarot is subtle and you have to also read the cards in relation to each other in the layout, as they impact each others meanings. .

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So if I ask King Abbadon If he’ll help me curse someone and I get the Devil that means yes?

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Omg why did you do that…She, the mother of demons, the dark queen, the independent and rebellious one who never surrender to Gods will ,
How you even thought to call her with the christian god name?
You did it on purpose or by mistake?

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Probably. In this case the Devil likely represents you.

Yes he did, now wants to rebuild those bridges he burned.